+ Online help (still under construction, many thanks to Heiko Leupolz)
+ Support for Sony Raw files (ARW, SR2 and SRF)
+ Shell context menu for Windows Eplorer
+ Command line parameters
+ Improved handling of map position favorites
+ Display of track points
+ Changed handling regarding time zones. Time zones are now mandatory in date values
+ Optional export of track points to waypoints in Google Earth export
+ Optional export of image date time values to Google Earth
+ Mini images in map when exporting to Google Earth
+ New option to copy EXIF original date time to other EXIF date time fields
+ Photo markers are now draggable in the map
+ Import for Google Earth KML and KMZ track files
+ Import of Garmin TCX and GiSTEQ Phototrackr track files
+ Editable hint data for image markers in map
+ Filter for images with or without coordinates
* Improved dialog for GPS synchronization. Daylight saving time is not used anymore because it’s included in the time zone
* Improved acceptance for manual input of coordinates
* Improved performance for reading large track files
* Improved online requests for location data
! Wrong display of camera correction in GPS synchronization dialog
! Sometime wrong layout of dialogs with large system fonts
Many additional minor changes and bug fixes.