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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2531 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor N/A 2023-05-28 23:10 2025-02-10 15:35
Reporter: xyzzy Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: low OS Version: 22H2  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: New version
Description: Does anyone have any news of Friedemann?
Does anyone know the date of a new release?
@Heiko: Do you have any news for us? A big thank you...
Steps To Reproduce:
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System Description
Attached Files:
2023-05-29 23:21   
I haven't heard from Friedemann for a while, but I'll write to him :)
2023-05-30 23:53   
@Heiko: Thank you so much. We will all appreciate hearing from Friedemann
2023-06-02 23:09   
Friedemann is doing well and still working on GeoSetter. It seems that GeoSetter crashes again and again and until Friedemann has found this problem, there will be no new release.

I myself have no problems with the current beta version and like to work with it :)

Unfortunately I have no more news.
2024-02-23 14:14   
@Heido: Still no news from Fridemann?
2024-02-23 14:14   
@Heiko: Still no news from Fridemann?
2025-02-10 15:35   
@Heiko: Still no news for when the next version?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2557 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2025-02-03 07:22 2025-02-03 09:14
Reporter: hugog Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Updated tzdata is unhandled by GeoSetter
Description: When updating the new tzdata, new rules are unhandled by GeoSetter.
Steps To Reproduce: Update TzData from:
Files copied to C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter Beta\tzdata

Error: exception message : ''1928/6/30 24:0:0.0'' ist kein gültiges Datum und Zeit.

'1928/6/30 24:0:0.0' represent a rule within the TZ Data
Additional Information: For Example:

# Marshall Is
# See Pacific/Tarawa for most locations.
Zone Pacific/Kwajalein 11:09:20 - LMT 1901
             11:00 - %z 1937
             10:00 - %z 1941 Apr 1
              9:00 - %z 1944 Feb 6
             11:00 - %z 1969 Oct
            -12:00 - %z 1993 Aug 20 24:00
             12:00 - %z

This entry triggers the exception
Attached Files: australasia (98,438 bytes) 2025-02-03 07:22
2025-02-03 07:34   
Info on changes.

The two prominent data format features introduced in 2018 were the use of negative DST values and the introduction of 25:00 time intervals, previously 24:00. Both of these changes were known to break some applications that provided their own parsers to parse the time zone data files.

tzdb-2018h.tar.lz was the first release to include the new changes.
2025-02-03 08:18   
Looks like a difference between rearguard and vanguard tzdata formats. rearguard being the one GeoSetter supports, vanguard being the main since 2018.
2025-02-03 09:14   
Looks like converting the current release to a rearguard with a make rearguard tarballs isn't enough. I think the parser in geosetting needs some changes to support the new tzdata.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2555 [GeoSetter] User Interface major have not tried 2024-12-26 18:27 2025-01-04 10:20
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Adding a button to insert coordinates to display this location on the map
Description: Adding a dialog box with coordinates for displaying the desired location on the map (in at least three basic GPS systems). I would welcome this option directly on the map as well. E.g. when right-clicking (Enter coordinates to display the specified location.) It would be best to also put it directly in the toolbar along with the icons for working with maps.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Insert-GPS.jpg (87,058 bytes) 2025-01-04 10:20
2025-01-04 10:20   
I have not yet found a substitute in place of the desired button. When you open the "Favorites" menu, there is a Coordinates checkbox. (I didn't find this option in the main menu of the program, though.) There you can insert coordinates to display the location directly on the map without having to insert them into the photo first. It would still be nice to add an entry in this format that I use as well. See attached image. When I remove the degree (°) signs, it already picks it up.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2452 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-01-20 17:00 2025-01-03 14:25
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Remove geo data from selected images + Remove GPS coordinates
Description: While translating the program I found this sentence: Remove geo data from selected images. I searched, but nowhere in the program, in the menu or in the context menu for photos with GPS is this option available. I think I searched well. I was intrigued because I use an external program just to remove the GPS coordinates themselves.

When I open the photo and put edit data, there is a similar option. I haven't tried exactly how it works. Apparently it completely removes all location data. However, I'm only interested in removing the coordinates, nothing more.

It would be ideal to have this option available in the photo thumbnails when I right-click on them. A new item in Menu > Edit > Remove geo data from selected images would be useful, or also for: Remove GPS coordinates only.

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Geodata.png (30,139 bytes) 2023-01-20 17:48
2023-01-20 17:48   
@ThunderBoy: is available. Right click on thumbnail, then edit data. See screenshot.
2023-01-20 18:22   
@roscoe Yes, that's what I wrote about. I don't want to unnecessarily open a photo when one could delete the coordinates in the file previews when right-clicking. I also don't need to delete all the saved location data, just the coordinates.
2023-01-21 17:09   
Perhaps set up one or more personal shortcuts associated with an effective command on a selected image?
That way, everyone can program what they want to do quickly!
2023-02-02 20:15   
@xyzzy I couldn't find anything in the shortcuts for this.

This could also be done with two help buttons "Remove all location data" and "Remove only the GPS coordinates", which could be added to a bar, e.g. above the map. I'm thinking of the bar where the maps are toggled. But it would be quite enough for me to add them to the right-click menu. There would then be no need to even open the photo. It would save me time. That second button would of course remove the altitude along with the GPS coordinates. Otherwise it wouldn't even make sense.
2024-12-16 21:40   
I urge you to add this option to the GS. The button itself just to remove GPS coordinates and altitude from the photo (at least for .jpg photos) with one button. Nothing else would be removed from the photo information. It would also not change the compression of the photo. It would be saved unchanged, it would just remove the location data. To me, this is very important. I used to use a different program for this, but under Windows 10 everything is already sending me up the ass. Thank you
2025-01-03 14:25   
This program should be exceptional in the future because it works with photographs as well as maps. Therefore, it should include as many features as possible for working with photography. This will also attract a larger number of new users. Some functions may be completely useless for someone, but for another they will make life easier. :)

My point is that now and then I need to process a large number of photos at once, from which I need to remove only the location and altitude with one click. Nothing else would change, not even the format or compression of the photo. The photo would remain absolutely unchanged, i.e. it would remain in its original state, it would just be without the location information. This has only been done by one program so far (Nikon ViewNX).

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2554 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2024-12-26 18:22 2024-12-26 19:00
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Previously displayed points are not removed even if you change the directory
Description: GS does not remove the dots (blue icons) when changing file directories. Also, the button to delete all previously displayed point positions on the map (Remove image positions from maps) does not work. I continue to see the icons, even when viewing other photo directories with different GPS. It's quite confusing and I have absolutely no insight into what's current. Only when I turn off the program, until then all these previously displayed position points are there.
Steps To Reproduce:
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Attached Files:
2024-12-26 19:00   
Now that I look at it, it doesn't remove any icons from the map at all when you change the directory. Not just the blue icons but everything still shows up there.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2556 [GeoSetter] Tracks major always 2024-12-26 18:46 2024-12-26 18:46
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Set the overlay automatically from the source file
Description: In external objects the possibility to set the order of layers display (overlay - drawOrder) according to the input directly in the source file. Now it ignores any setting in the source file added to GS! With multiple layers, only one base layer is set in GS to overlay the more important one (I have no idea what it selects those layers by in the first place). So, it hides the most important layer and puts the unimportant layer on top of it (puts it in front). That first layer set in the source file is supposed to be shown as the main layer as well when you click on that object on the map! For example: <gx:drawOrder>3</gx:drawOrder>
Steps To Reproduce:
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Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2553 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2024-12-23 11:55 2024-12-26 10:31
Reporter: Platform: Windows  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11  
Priority: high OS Version: Windows 11  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Keywords/Tag not saving only on DJI DNG files from drones.
Description: When saving keywords after adding location to DNG files from DJI drone photos the information will not save to the DNG files but will to jpeg files. Receive the following
Error: [minor] Maker notes could not be parsed - H:/Photography/My Digital Photos/DJI Air 3S/2024 12 23/Southern Shorthaul Railroad - 2024 12 23 - 0109_D.DNG
Error: [minor] Maker notes could not be parsed - H:/Photography/My Digital Photos/DJI Air 3S/2024 12 23/Southern Shorthaul Railroad - 2024 12 23 - 0109_D.DNG

C:\Users\Phil Smith\AppData\Roaming\GeoSetter_beta\tools\exiftool.exe -@ "J:\Temp\et05AC5CFE.arg" -common_args "H:\Photography\My Digital Photos\DJI Air 3S\2024 12 23\Southern Shorthaul Railroad - 2024 12 23 - 0109_D.DNG"

-XMP:GPSAltitudeRef=Above Sea Level
-XMP:Creator=Phil Smith
-IPTC:By-Line=Phil Smith
-XMP:State=New South Wales
-IPTC:Province-State=New South Wales
-XMP:Artist=Phil Smith
-XMP:Rights=Phil Smith
-IPTC:CopyrightNotice=Phil Smith
-XMP:Subject=New South Wales
-IPTC:Keywords=New South Wales
-EXIF:Artist=Phil Smith
-EXIF:Copyright=Phil Smith
Steps To Reproduce: Just trying to save the location information on DNG files brings this error up every time. It does not happen on any other DNG files only from DJI drone DNG.
Additional Information: exiftool is ver
Attached Files: Screenshot 2024-12-23 213431.png (50,291 bytes) 2024-12-23 11:55
2024-12-23 20:52   
As the error message says, there are problems with the Maker Notes. I would post this error in the ExifTool forum ( GeoSetter uses ExifTool to save the changes.
2024-12-26 10:31   
The current ExifTool is 13.10. Try to make an update.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2551 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2024-08-24 15:25 2024-11-29 19:08
Reporter: jotess Platform: Windows  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10.0.22621.3880  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Speichern schlägt fehl: Can't open perl script "C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\GeoSetter_beta\tools\exiftool_files\"
Description: Ich kann Metainformationen ändern, aber wennich die Änderungen speichern will, bekomme ich:

Can't open perl script "C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\GeoSetter_beta\tools\exiftool_files\": No such file or directory
Tags: funktioniert nicht, perl
Steps To Reproduce: 1. Beliebige Metainformation ändern
2. "Änderungen speichern" (Strg+S)
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2024-08-24 15:37   
Testhalber die Version 3.5.3 als Zip heruntergeladen. Funktioniert.
2024-08-24 17:36   
Same problem as:
2024-11-29 19:08   
ExifTool has changed its tool. Previously, all program files were in one file (exiftool.exe). Now the other required files are separately in the "exiftool_files" directory. Here GeoSetter makes an error when updating exiftool. It throws all the files into one directory in the GS program.

If that doesn't work, do the following. From the website download the version for your Windows type: exiftool-??.?? or 64-bit exiftool-??.?? Instead of question marks, the page displays the currently released version. 32bit or 64bit is the type of your operating system. If you don't know it, then press the keyboard shortcut "Windows Logo + Pause". From there, look for "System Type". The 64bit version of exiftool will not run under 32bit.

For further work, some file manager is ideal, e.g. Total Commander, because the following procedure to do via Windows windows is also beyond my nerves. :()
If you have GeoSetter running, close it first. Then go to your installed version of GeoSetter. Everyone has it somewhere else, so we won't address that. If you don't know, then use the search or start menu. In the tools directory, delete everything completely. Then open and extract the entire contents of the downloaded exiftool archive to the tools directory. Rename the main file exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe ... and you're done. Run GeoSetter and everything should run without problems. Ignore any further updates to exiftool or repeat the previous instructions. Unless the main boss has released a new version of GS with fixes, the correct Exiftool update will not work.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2550 [GeoSetter] Tracks crash always 2024-08-24 11:51 2024-11-25 15:35
Reporter: othmarmarti Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Export to gpx file crashes program
Description: Export to GPX-File crashes Program
Tags: "GPX" "Track" "Export"
Steps To Reproduce: Take images i.e. from phone with position data , select them and call "file->Export to GPX File"
This crashes the program reproducibly
Additional Information: Woprks with the same images in Geosetter 3.53
Attached Files: bugreport-export-gpx-track.txt (35,844 bytes) 2024-08-24 11:51
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2552 [GeoSetter] Image Data minor always 2024-11-03 10:35 2024-11-17 23:11
Reporter: othmarmarti Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Geonames service starts to deliver strange names for city
Description: When reverse geotagging produces things like "City (Stadt) = Schwenk Zement GmbH & Co.KG" and "Location (Ort) = Ulm" instead of the old version "City=Ulm" and "Location=Ulm".
I am pretty sure that the problem is somewhere deep inside. If I login to and start the search there "Schwenk Zement GmbH & Co.KG" is not in the database. So where does this annoying bug come from?
Steps To Reproduce: Put the location marker to the central region of Ulm
Reverse geocode
Additional Information:
Attached Files: image.png (244,572 bytes) 2024-11-17 23:11
2024-11-17 23:11   
I think I'm seeing the same thing. The correct result is down the list after several businesses. Maybe there's a filter option that needs to be implemented in Geosetter when it invokes the Geoname API?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2547 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2024-07-13 16:30 2024-11-12 00:24
Reporter: WilfriedB Platform: ThinkPad  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 10  
Priority: urgent OS Version: 23H2 Build 19045  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Exiftool 12.88 and 12.89 brings error "could not find .... exiGeoSetter_beta\tools\ftool_files\perl5*.dll"
Description: After installing Exiftool 12.88, I cannot save any changed files, but get this message
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: grafik.png (30,262 bytes) 2024-07-13 16:30
2024-07-13 17:03   
Had the same error. The folder "\exiftool_files\" does not exist. I created this folder and copied the files from the downloaded file "\exiftool-12.89_32\exiftool_files" to it. I suspect EXIFTOOLS has changed its folder structure.
2024-07-13 20:12   
Thanks a lot @EdiSagi. Seems to work. I didn't find but moved all new files from \tools\ to the new \exiftool_files folder. Hopefully, it didn't create some other problems.
2024-07-16 18:23   
For my part, I use ExifTool outside of GeoSetter.
So I created a directory (d:\ExifTool\Current) and I placed any new version of ExifTool there.
For GeoSetter, in the file "config.ini" section "[ExifTool]",
 I configured this line
2024-07-16 22:58   
Had same problem after update.
This seems to add one more shaky patch to keep GS going... which is one next step towards reducing usability, since GS appears to face no new developments, corrections, versions or even maintenance in any foreseeable future...
2024-07-16 23:28   
I tried the same solution suggested by EdiSagi; in my case, although I had clicked "install" latest exiftool version, no exiftool files or folders or zips were created anywhere relating to the most recent versions.
So I made the requested folder and copied there all exiftool files from the latest version I could find which was in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\GeoSetter_beta\tools
(plus probably several spurious files that were in the same folder).
This probably duplicated a lot of files but apparently worked.
But I guess there will be problems with all future exiftool versions...
One more crack in our beloved GS building...
2024-07-17 19:00   
@zava and @xyzzy the problem was reported a second time and @othmarmarti suggested a better workaround here:
2024-07-19 00:20   
It all depends on each person’s goals.
Personally, I prefer to separate ExifTool installations and its updates independently from other software that uses it.
I agree with you that GeoSetter should follow the evolution of ExifTool.
But as we no longer have any news from @Friedemann on these next developments, we have to "deal with it".
2024-07-24 23:36   
The solution by ( works perfectly for me. This way one can keep a centralized ExifTooll installation that is easy to update. Also, I have some scripts that use ExifTool to do various things (rename files according to CreateDate, inject metadata into video files, etc).
2024-09-01 02:29   
thanks @EdiSagi and @xyzzy on the idea to work around the problem

Just for anyone that pull the ExifTool package through WinGet (winget install -e --id OliverBetz.ExifTool)

ExifTools install path will be inside the localappdata

just testing with the config.ini file and confirm that it doesn't take the environment variables path so will need to use the full path
for successful example: CustomPath=C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Programs\ExifTool
for failure example: CustomPath=%localappdata%\Programs\ExifTool
2024-11-10 23:38   
Same problem with exiftool_files....suggested solutions don't work for me. Think I've corrupted the proggie with all the tinkering, uninstall/reinstall: "Can't locate in @INC "
2024-11-12 00:24   
The work-around that works for me: rollback to GS-Beta v4.0.47 which installs exiftool 12.56 in the correct folder...ignore update nag screen on opening. I'll live with missing the fixes to 4.0.49.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2282 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor have not tried 2022-03-21 18:57 2024-09-02 04:42
Reporter: jllanos Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Save Geosetter
Description: All of us have been lucky to find and use Geosetter. This program is a masterwork for managing non graphical information of pictures; there is no other similar program with the funtionalities of GS (many thanks to Friedemann) and if it dies, it would be impossible to replace.
But every program requires a periodical maintenance and sometimes a rewrite of part of the program in order to keep it working properly in a changing world of OS, browsers, content providers, etc.

In my opinion the program needs to be retouched in the followings aspects:
- Change the use of Internet Explorer for the embedded map, and use another browser. This does not mean to change to leaflet or openlayers (imho); the presentation of the maps (Google & OSM) works fine; the threat is in the browser and its next end this summer.
- Include all the stuff of the program (js, icons, etc) in local folders (similar to 'locale', 'tools', etc.). It is nonsense to have half of the stuff in a webserver (
- It's necessary to repair the update of Exiftool.
- The use of map_google.html has proven to be very useful, but installed in a local folder and without the "api key". Including a field in the settings for the user "api key", the program can merge the html and the key before opening the map. It's not so difficult to get an "api key"; many of us already have one, in order to use it in other programs.

If these changes are excessive for one person, may be you can ask for help or even make the program "open source". Please, don't let GS die.
As I read in this blog "It would be a shame".
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2022-04-04 13:51
2022-04-04 13:52
2022-04-04 13:52
2022-06-27 14:49   
From the thread:

What do I need to know?

In August 2022, we are fully decommissioning the Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) browser.
IE11 is the final version of Internet Explorer. As support for IE11 from Microsoft and the Web community is ending, the use of the Embed API and JavaScript API from IE11 will be degraded per the following schedule:

For Maps JavaScript API:
   Beginning with Maps JavaScript API version 3.46 (release date August 2021)
   A dismissible warning message will be displayed to IE11 users at the top of maps, similar to this one: "You are using a browser that is not supported by the Google Maps JavaScript API. Please consider changing your

   Beginning with Maps JavaScript API version 3.48 (release date February 2022)
   Maps will no longer load in Internet Explorer browsers.

   After August 2022 (when Maps JavaScript API version 3.47 is retired)
   IE11 support is effectively discontinued across all available Maps JavaScript API versions and channels.

For Maps Embed API:
   Beginning August 2021, a dismissible warning message (same as above) will be displayed at the top of maps for IE11 users.

   After August 2022 (at the same time as the JavaScript API version 3.47 is retired)
   Maps Embed API will no longer be available in Internet Explorer browsers.

Please note the retirement date of version 3.47 of the Maps JavaScript API has been pushed back to November 2022.
In the previous message of this thread, please therefore read "After November 2022" instead of "After August 2022" in three instances.
2022-11-16 23:45   
Jllanos - has anyone heard from Friedmann lately? I would be happy to help with changes to the code, but as you pointed out earlier -- we need the code in the public domain.

The Maps JavaScript API looks like it died today and we are back with a geosetter error: Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101 showMap3(
2022-11-17 09:44   
dg234 - nobody has heard from Friedemann in months except one or two notes in the blog.
It seems to me that heiko has closer contact with him.
As Google announced during the las two years, the API version used by Geosetter has been retired and the program is now near to death.
2022-11-17 11:27   
I just reported error 80020101 too, since I didn't see dg234's comment. Hoping for a solution.
I did realize, "Synchronize with GPS-Datafiles" does work correctly, you just cannot see the position immediately. But after saving the images, you can see the map with other applications. I use Daminion to verify or correct the position and/or place. There should be others, such Geotog, GPXSee (on Windows), or ShowGPX (browser based), which offer some help, but neither can really replay GeoSetter.
2022-11-17 19:26   
It is not too late yet to sell or auction or give for free the Geosetter source code to a person or institution, or make it public.
If so, thank you; if not, goodbye Friedemann.
Be happy with your program that stopped working because you did nothing.
2022-11-17 19:58   
@jilanos, since we don't have any background information, I wouldn't be that harsh und prefer to thank Friedemann for all the work he did in the past and cross my fingers, hoping he doesn't have any serious problems whatever kind, they might be.
Having said that, I agree completely with you first statement.
2022-11-17 20:21   
WifriedB - You are right.
I remove the last sentence and apologize. And of course I thank Friedemann, as i said in the opening note of this issue.
But I'm losing hope of continuing to use the program.
2022-11-18 09:10   
Are there any alternative programs for GeoSetter that I can use in the meantime?
2022-11-18 10:26 you can still use GeoSetter to geo-tag your images, but need a different program to show the locations on a map. I use Daminion, but there are other tools for example GPXsee ( ). The latter does not provide a way to change or add a position manually, whereas Daminion does, but it is a much bigger solution.
2022-11-18 10:52   
See here

Fiedemann promised a new version, let's hope he can keep his word. Alternatively, he will give up the development and someone else will continue this irreplaceable program. It could also live on as shareware for a fee.
2022-11-18 11:33   
@roscoe & @jilanos reg. "someone else will continue this irreplaceable program. It could also live on as shareware for a fee.":
I hope so too, but I am not so optimistic. I am still using another program (ImageIngester) for a different purpose, which started as freeware, added a professional version for a cheap fee and ... suddenly disappeared. The author commented they did consider to make it available to the public, but it was "impossible" (without any further explications).
Having some little experiences with software development, licensing and copyrights, I can imagine several scenarios which could prevent someone from sharing own developments.
Anyway, I cross my fingers, but at the same time appreciating any suggestions for possible replacements.
As I said, I earlier, for now, I continue to use GeoSetter to "blindly" tag my images with the numeric coordinates and the suggested IPTC place tags. Immediately after that, I use a different program (in my case Daminion, but there should be cheaper solutions) to visualize and if necessary to correct the locations.
Again: Good Luck to Friedemann!
2022-11-19 11:28
there are several other programs that allow geotagging for photos. But beforehand, I have already tested many of them. There is no real replacement for Geosetter. All other programs are capable of geotagging, but compared to Geosetter, they are cumbersome or lack functions or possibilities.
Here is a selection of these programs:
Adobe Lightroom (expensive) but is a good choice if you then do all the photo editing and management with it.
Darktable and Digikam, both free alternatives to Lightroom and also handle geotagging.
Garmin Basecamp can also tag photos. PicaGeoTag, Geotag Ninja and Geotag are also free programs for geotagging.
For those who don't care about photo editing and management and are looking for free software, I would advise Geotag Ninja or perhaps PicaGeotag here.
The knowledge is still valid - Geosetter is not replaceable by anything.
2022-11-19 13:04   
Because I'm geotagging my pictures completely manually , I've actually depended quite a bit on Geosetter's field-of-view display (based on the focal length in the EXIF data plus the camera model crop factor database) in conjunction with aerial imagery in order to pinpoint the location of a particular image – but it seems that few other programs have a comparable feature.

I actually already use Digikam for viewing and searching among my collection of images, but it's lacking a field-of-view display. PicaGeotag seems to be mainly about the case where you have a parallel GPS track (which I haven't) and just need to match timestamps, and Geotag Ninja – I don't want to disparage the author's efforts in writing that program too much, but boy is it slow in loading a folder (yes, I get the "unsupported characters in your filenames, enabling slow compatibility mode" warning, but after all Geosetter had no problems in quickly loading my images with the same file system configuration), plus it only has an OSM map view and again no field-of-view display (though as it's open source, with sufficient motivation I might be able to make enough changes for my personal workflow).

One thing I wonder about – the HTML file used for the map display thankfully is easily configurable and therefore hackable. OpenLayers apparently hasn't support IE11 for quite a while now (but supposedly it could still be made to work via transpilation), whereas however Leaflet 1.x still seems to have officially supported IE11 until right now and only dropped support with the upcoming 2.x-branch.

So that makes me wonder whether a replacement map HTML that keeps API compatibility between the Geosetter main program and the browser control could be written based on e.g. Leaflet. Accessing OSM tiles doesn't need a complicated JS API, and as for Google Maps for the aerial imagery – I suppose you couldn't necessarily officially ship a version that just directly accesses the raw tiles, but unofficially it might be made to work and therefore wouldn't require any new-fangled JS features not supported by IE11, either.
2022-11-19 14:40   
Friedemann Schmidt, the author of Geosetter regularly posts photos on

The latest post is on 2022-11-07. Maybe this could be another way to contact him. He is on Facebook too:

Hope that I could help.
2022-11-19 17:05   
@othmarmarti - In my opinion, the problem is not in contacting with Friedemann, but if he is willing in contacting with us.
Having this web ( and this blog with all the notes were are posting I cannot beleive he is not aware of the situation of Geosetter.
I think that he is tired of the program (and of all of us) and has chosen to dissapear...
2022-11-19 17:44   
@buttercookie42 - I´m not using field-of-view, but I'm geotagging my pictures completely manually too. So, i have no tool now to geotag easily.
In my opinion, we have to forget IE11; it has dissapeared. It´s like the horse carriages in the cities...
In order to solve the problem, I don't consider the use of Leaflet or Openlayers, because of the steep learning curve and the fact that you have to completely rewrite the code of the map, and correct all the bug that will surely appear.
If I have to solve this problem, I would keep Google maps API, but I would call MS Edge instead of IE11 as a browser (using Webview2). It works and it seems fast and easy to make this change in Geosetter.
But you need the source code of the program or the will of Friedemann to make the change.
2022-11-20 00:07   
If you had access to the source code, then sure, updating to the new WebView2 would likely be a sensible decision, but since I *don't* have that access, trying to rewrite the map HTML based on Leaflet still seems the next most workable solution to me if there's no sign of life from Friedemann.
2022-11-21 15:33   
For those looking for a hopefully temporary Geosetter replacement, as roscoe mentioned in an earlier Note, the free and open source digiKam application (, Linux, Mac, Windows) can be used to do much of what Geosetter does, but it is missing some functionality that I am used to so I would really like to see Geosetter fully working again.

digiKam can adjust photo timestamps, sync photos with GPX tracks, display them on a map which can be OSM or Google (Road, Satellite, Hybrid, Terrain), can display GPX tracks on the map (but won't use waypoints at all), and allows you to manually set or update photo location by dragging photo markers or thumbnails on the map. Like Geosetter, you need to update a local digiKam file with your own Google API key to get rid of the watermark and dimming when using Google Maps. However, for those who aren't interested in digiKam's photo management capabilities, it's quite heavyweight and complicated for just Geotagging photos.
2022-11-21 18:35   
@membree does DigiKam also add the IPTC place tags (Country, State, City. Location), as GeoSetter does?
2022-11-21 19:14   
Digicam (and darktable) work well with most of the non-geo tags. Both write the geo-location as geo.... tags in the xmp and/or iptc section in the keywords section, the way flickr expects them. Geoseter writes them to the exif-section and the derived items to the keywords-section.
I only know of one other tool to work similarly as geosetter, mappero It writes geotags the same way as geosetter. But thats all the program does. There is no way to enter the line of view or the target. You can use a browser based map to estimaste the angle and enter it directly in geosetter. (and, mappero is not free)
The place tags of digikam are different from those in geosetter
2022-11-21 19:23   
digiKam can do Reverse Geocoding but I haven't used this function.

digiKam geolocation documentation:
2022-11-21 22:33   
Showfoto would be more suitable geotagging solution for those who aren't interested in the digiKam photo management functions. Showfoto is a standalone photo editor containing the digiKam photo editing functions, including geotagging, without photo management and a database. It is a separate program but is installed along with digiKam (, there doesn't appear to be a separate installer for it for Windows or Mac but I think there is a separate package for Linux.

digiKam and Showfoto write geo tags to EXIF and XMP, I haven't been using XMP but there doesn't appear to be any way to prevent them from also writing the XMP geo tags. A difference from Geosetter is that digiKam/Showfoto doesn't write GPS time and date tags, but that likely isn't particularly significant in most cases.

Partly because Geosetter hasn't been updated to support the relatively new EXIF time zone offset tags (OffsetTime, OffsetTimeOriginal, OffsetTimeDigitized) and still deals with time zones in a non-standard way, my photo workflow uses ExifTool to apply any required photo time corrections (typically due to camera clock drift or setting error) to the EXIF times before I Geotag, and as part of this, I write the EXIF time zone tags, so for me, GPS time can be determined from the photo timestamp and TZ offset tags, if I need it for something. I don't think that digiKam and Showfoto currently deal with the EXIF OffsetTime* tags either, but they are under active development and support, so likely will at some point and until then, I'll keep using ExifTool.
2022-11-22 15:45   
Good news. I received this message this morning


please look here, my comment from this morning:

Best regards
2022-11-22 19:19   
That is fantastic news, and I hope that anyone who can donate to him will.

I take a lot of photos of vacant land for work (on the ground and w/ a drone). GeoSetter is the only program I know of that will map 500 pictures and show their direction so I can QUICKLY sort out what picture shows what property. It's a huge timesaver, and I think so many more people in my field would use it if they just knew about it (even if there was just a dumbed down version that did that....the biggest hurdle I've faced when showing co-workers is that the full interface can be a little intimidating).

Either way, can't wait for the update

P.S. - almost got depressed again when I noticed the URL was "2018/05/10"...then I checked the comment again and sure enough, posted today! Awesome.
2022-11-22 19:49   
The Paypal Link says thet the site is broken. It is not possible to donate via paypal. But there is

Empfänger: Friedemann Schmidt
Bank: ING-DiBa
IBAN: DE23 5001 0517 5405 9153 17

It would be reassuring if Friedemann could confirm that the account is active.

Thanks for the good news!
2022-11-23 19:49   
I just wrote to Friedemann and he said that PayPal is working again.
2022-11-25 18:03   
Heiko - Thanks for letting us know about the Paypal link. I just sent a donation.
2022-11-27 20:24   
As described in the map works again! For now, only the OpenStreetMap and if you changed the settings in the past to point to a local "Map File", you need to change that to again (as it originally was) in Settings->Map Address and Layers->Map File
Thanks a lot to Friedemann!
2022-11-28 10:14   
Thanks a lot to Friedemann for the work and WilfriedB for the news!
2022-11-28 13:58   
New leaflet with openstreetmap works great. Friedemann, Thank you so much for all the hardwork.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2372 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2022-11-17 20:56 2024-09-02 04:41
Reporter: mhoistad Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: urgent OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 3.5.1  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Error 80020101
Description: I am not able to map anything.
Tags: geosetter
Steps To Reproduce: Trying to map photos and geocoordinates and the error continues
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2022-11-17 21:17   
Was reported several times today. Please see as the most extensive discussion.
2022-11-17 23:04   
That note doesn't instruct me on how to fix the error. Please give further instructions.
2022-11-18 01:22   
There is no way for you to fix the error. It's up to Friedemann whether he wants to fix it or hand over control to someone else.

Hopefully he's been secretly working on a big update to be released soon.... but currently no sign of that.

GeoSetter is an incredibly useful tool and I'd hate to see it die.
2022-11-27 20:32   
As described in the map works again! For now, only the OpenStreetMap and if you changed the settings in the past to point to a local "Map File", you need to change that to again (as it originally was) in Settings->Map Address and Layers->Map File
Thanks a lot to Friedemann!

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2549 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2024-07-20 10:22 2024-07-25 21:43
Reporter: roscoe Platform: Desktop  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: high OS Version: 11-64  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Folder with many photos cannot be loaded
Description: If you try to load a folder with many photos (more than approx. 300-400 photos, here jpg), crashes the program. See bug report. In rare cases, there is no error. However, if the same folder is reloaded, there is an error.
It also does not seem to be the amount of data, but the number of photos is the problem. It doesn't matter if the photos are in full size or only in small resolution, e.g. 2 MPs.
If the PC is restarted after the error, it usually works once, then the error occurs again.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: bugreport.txt (3,756 bytes) 2024-07-20 10:22
2024-07-25 21:43   
I had and reported the same problem some months ago.
Absent any solution, I could only resort to splitting the image into separate subfolders containing fewer images.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2545 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2024-03-08 09:54 2024-07-17 14:40
Reporter: georoom Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Diverse Fehler beim Editeren von Metadaten bzw. Verschieben von Aufnahme/Zielpositionen
Description: 1. Protokoll Kartenzugriffe: [In Zwischenablage kopieren] kopiert nur eine 0

2. Nach dem Verschieben des Aufnahme oder Zielpunktes auf der Karte kommt recht oft

08.03.2024 07:26:56 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_zoom" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_zoom" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at _addLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:13684)
   at addLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:1805)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/map.js:336:17)
   at GSM._addOrUpatePhotoMarker (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/map.js:817:9)
   at GSM.addPhotoMarkers (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/map.js:707:13)
   at Global code (Unknown script code:1:1)
  GSM.addPhotoMarkers([{"id": 76,"coord": {"lat":1.2836193015,"lng":103.8439697027},"destCoord": {"lat":1.2838016453,"lng":103.8436692953},"direction": 301.26,"focalLength": 26.00,"isPortrait": true,"sortValue": ""}], false);
08.03.2024 07:26:56 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_childClusters" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_childClusters" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at _removeLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:9808)
   at removeLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:2207)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/map.js:323:17)
   at GSM.selectPhotoMarker (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/map.js:1272:9)
   at Global code (Unknown script code:1:1)
  GSM.selectPhotoMarker(76, true, false);
08.03.2024 07:26:56 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_childClusters" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_childClusters" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at _removeLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:9808)
   at removeLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:2207)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/map.js:323:17)
   at GSM.selectPhotoMarker (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/map.js:1272:9)
   at Global code (Unknown script code:1:1)
  GSM.selectPhotoMarker(76, true, false);
08.03.2024 07:26:56 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_childClusters" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_childClusters" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at _removeLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:9808)
   at removeLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:2207)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/map.js:323:17)
   at GSM.selectPhotoMarker (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/map.js:1272:9)
   at Global code (Unknown script code:1:1)
  GSM.selectPhotoMarker(76, true, false);
08.03.2024 07:27:21 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_childClusters" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_childClusters" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at _removeLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:9808)
   at removeLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:2207)
   at _moveChild (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:9122)
   at _childMarkerMoved (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:9010)
   at (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-071119/inc/ ...
  GSM.addPhotoMarkers([{"id": 76,"coord": {"lat":1.2836193000,"lng":103.8439697000},"destCoord": {"lat":1.2838016500,"lng":103.8436693000},"direction": 301.26,"focalLength": 26.00,"isPortrait": true,"sortValue": ""}], false);

3. Nach Edit von Metadaten eines Bildes kommt häufig:
08.03.2024 08:35:30 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_zoom" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "_zoom" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at _addLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-073131/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:13684)
   at addLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-073131/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:1805)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-073131/map.js:336:17)
   at GSM._showPhotoMarkerDirection (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-073131/map.js:1584:13)
   at GSM.selectPhotoMarker (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-08-073131/map.js:1276:13)
   at Global code (Unknown script code:1:1)
  GSM.selectPhotoMarker(89, true, false);
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2548 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2024-07-14 15:19 2024-07-15 12:42
Reporter: othmarmarti Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: changed packaging for Exiftool, update not working anymore
Description: According to the install procedure for exiftool was changed.
Since 12.88 update does not work anymore
Exiftool.exe complains tah the perl libraries were not found.
The details section of geosetter says

NOTE: The has changed!
Windows EXE version now uses Oliver Betz's bundle with Strawberry Perl and comes in 32- and 64-bit versions

Geosetter gets a wrong version and populates the tools folder with lots of perl files. exiftool.exe is there, but does not work.
However if you download the windows zip file 32 bit or 64 bit, clear the tools folder and export the contents of the zip to the tools folder and rename exiftool-(k).exe to exiftool.exe, everything works again
Tags: exif, exiftool, update
Steps To Reproduce: Initiate the update mechanism for exiftool and exiftool is not working anymore
Additional Information: Would be nice if it could be corrected
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2546 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2024-03-16 12:53 2024-03-23 13:27
Reporter: xyzzy Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: normal OS Version: 22H2  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: White on White
Description: Recently, it seems that the names of directories are written in "white" on a "white" background (Fig-1). If I temporarily modify the "View" by adding the "Folders" (Fig-2) and removing it, the situation returns to normal (Fig-3). (We can see this clearly in “Dark” mode (Fig-4)
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: Fig-1.jpg (23,833 bytes) 2024-03-16 12:53

Fig-2.jpg (45,236 bytes) 2024-03-16 12:53

Fig-3.jpg (23,542 bytes) 2024-03-16 12:53

Fig-4.jpg (20,780 bytes) 2024-03-16 12:53

Fig-5.jpg (20,894 bytes) 2024-03-16 13:03

Fig-6.jpg (81,198 bytes) 2024-03-23 13:27
2024-03-16 13:03   
if I click on a point outside the folders, all the folders "disappear" (are written white on white) (Fig-5)
2024-03-23 13:27   
I found out why:
In the "Thumbnail view" section of "Adjust Columns and Captions", I had set "Visible Lines" to "0" by mistake.
I reset the value to "6"

@Heiko: : You can close this request

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2544 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor random 2024-03-07 12:36 2024-03-07 14:27
Reporter: georoom Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Karten-Fehler beim Klicken auf das nächste Vorschaubild
Description: 07.03.2024 12:26:51 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype._sqDist (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-07-115559/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25684)
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype.getNearObject (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-07-115559/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25501)
   at _addLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-07-115559/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:13476)
   at addLayer (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2024-03-07-115559/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:1805)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Temp/geosett ...
  GSM.addPhotoMarkers([{"id": 71,"coord": {"lat":1.2900027800,"lng":103.8462527800},"destCoord": null,"direction": 308.72,"focalLength": 26.00,"isPortrait": true,"sortValue": ""}], false);
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: kommt durchaus öfters...
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2543 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2024-03-01 08:35 2024-03-05 12:25
Reporter: redwine Platform: Desktop  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 10  
Priority: normal OS Version: 22H2  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Mausrad Scrollrichtung
Description: Die Scrollrichtung des Mausrades wird in der List- oder Bildansicht umgedreht, wenn in der Windows-Mauseinstellung (Rad – vertikaler Bildlauf) auf eine Bildschirmseite eingestellt ist.
(Logitech Maus + Windows Maustreiber)

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2542 [GeoSetter] User Interface crash always 2024-02-19 01:11 2024-02-19 01:11
Reporter: Ron Helms Platform: Dell Optiplex 7070  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: high OS Version: 22H  
Status: new Product Version: 3.5.1  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: GeoSetter, "standard" and beta, crashes upon attempting to run.
Description: GeoSetter, "standard" and beta, crashes upon attempting to run.
Steps To Reproduce: Download and Install GeoSetter (current download) or GeoSetter beta (current download).
Attempt to run the program.
Additional Information: After many minutes Windows pops up an error message screen shown in the first of the attached screenshots.
Windows also pops up the second attached screenshot window.
I clicked "Continue Application" near the upper right corner.
After a few minutes Windows popped up the error message screen shown in the 3rd attached screenshot.
Attached Files: Screenshot - 2024-02-18 , 6_52_25 PM.pdf (1,221,919 bytes) 2024-02-19 01:11
Screenshot - 2024-02-18 , 6_53_49 PM.pdf (1,988,810 bytes) 2024-02-19 01:11
Screenshot - 2024-02-18 , 6_54_22 PM.pdf (1,228,300 bytes) 2024-02-19 01:11
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2519 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2023-04-15 01:55 2024-02-13 13:21
Reporter: Tak Platform: Windows PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11  
Priority: normal OS Version: 11 latest patch  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: GS 4.0.49 forgets to fetch date/time from EXIFTool for CR3 image
Description: CR3 files out of Canon R6 do not have date/time in GeoSetter 4.0.49. So, GS fails to match with GPX data set.
Tags: 4.0.49, CR3, exif
Steps To Reproduce: Get CR3 image data from Canon R6.
Place in any folder.
Open the folder by GeoStter 4.0.49.
Additional Information: Associate to the date/time fetch error, GS fails to get Aperture and Shatter speed data. ISO and Focal Length are OK.
Attached Files: 2023-04-16_130859.jpg (286,826 bytes) 2023-04-16 06:20
2023-04-17_073000.jpg (163,122 bytes) 2023-04-17 00:47
2023-04-16 06:20   
Adding image file.
2023-04-17 00:02   
The problem "Filename encoding not specified" is due to the fact that an instruction like "-charset filename=latin" is missing.
I have already asked to be able to add instructions when reading exiftool tags (see 2509)
2023-04-17 00:17   
but, I think "-charset filename=latin" will not resolve the situation, because the target filename is already in Latin, and, CR2 files (in Latin) does not have the problem.
2023-04-17 00:20   
@TaK: Either the file name or the path contains accented characters: the problem does not come from GeoSetter but from Exiftool which is used be GeoSetter to retrieve the metadata
2023-04-17 00:24   
Test the following line with and without "-charset filename=latin"

exiftool -a -G1 -s -charset filename=latin "FullPathFile"
2023-04-17 00:47   
>Either the file name or the path contains accented characters:

Aha! I used Kanji (one of UTF-8 character set) for the path.
So, I tested moving the file in a folder in English, BUT, it did not work!
See the attached picture. The EXIFTool error is gone! However, the captioned problem persists.
So, my problem differs from your problem.

(Also, CR2 files and JPG files are OK even if in a Kanji name folder. And Aperture or Focal Length data is retrieved
even if CR3 files. Those facts demonstrate that file/folder name is not the cause in my case.)
2023-04-17 00:50   
My intervention is only for the Warning message of the Exiftool tool not for the other errors. Sorry
2023-08-26 16:43   
I have the exact same problem:
In all CR3 Pictures (from R6, new firmware) there is no date displayed (so I can not match with GPS logfile).
Other programs (like XnView) display the date of CR3 correct.
In the corresponding JPG-files are all data correct.
It makes my process VERY complicated if I want to have GPS-Data also in my CR3-files (resp. XML sidecar-files)!
Is there a solution?!
2023-08-29 16:39   
@Erik: Could the software "" be useful to you?
2024-02-13 13:21   
> "" be useful to you?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2541 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor unable to reproduce 2024-02-06 12:56 2024-02-06 14:12
Reporter: xyzzy Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: low OS Version: 22H2  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Window at startup
Description: During startup this message "Fenster nicht gefunden" appeared. But only appeared once. No longer appeared on subsequent starts
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: Msg at startup.jpg (6,864 bytes) 2024-02-06 12:56
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2540 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2023-11-22 13:51 2024-01-22 06:56
Reporter: roscoe Platform: Desktop  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: high OS Version: 11-64  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Fotos im HEIC Format können nicht verarbeitet werden.
Description: Bei Fotos im HEIC Format werden keine oder falsche Metadaten ausgelesen. Das im Foto gespeicherte Erstellungsdatum sowie teilweise vorhandene GPS Koordinaten werden nicht erkannt. Diese Daten sind aber im Foto vorhanden und können mit dem ExifTool manuell ausgelesen/angezeigt werden.
Ebenfalls wird bei einigen dieser Bilder kein Thumbnail, sondern nur ein schwarzes Bild angezeigt.
Es ist daher nicht möglich, solche Bilder mit Geosetter zu verarbeiten und mit GPS Tracks zu synchronisieren.
Tags: "Apple" "HEIC"
Steps To Reproduce: Programm normal öffnen und die Fotos laden.
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: Heic_fotos.jpg (260,670 bytes) 2023-11-22 13:51
2023-11-23 16:53   
mit Exiftool auf einem PC
Machen Sie ein Foto mit angezeigter Miniaturansicht und geben Sie eine HTML-Datei aus den Exifs aus
Machen Sie ein Foto mit einem schwarzen Miniaturbild und geben Sie eine HTML-Datei aus den Exifs aus

Schauen Sie sich die Exifs an, wenn sie trotz des schwarzen Aufklebers herauskommen

Schauen Sie mit Tags und/oder Exifs:

andernfalls können HEIC-Dateien in JPG konvertiert werden

Mehr kann ich zu diesem Apple-Format nicht machen, ich habe kein iPhone oder iPad.
2023-11-25 13:57   
Speichern Sie die Fotos nach Möglichkeit im DNG-Format auf dem Gerät
oder am PC von HEIC in DNG konvertieren
2023-11-28 16:49   
gute Idee, werde ich mal testen. HEIC nach JPG konvertieren ist zwar einfach, aber dabei geht einiges verloren. JPG hat nur 8 Bit, HEIC aber 16 Bit. Bein konvertieren solle ja nichts verloren gehen. Aber der Weg über DNG ist sicherlich eine Alternative.
2024-01-16 12:00   
ich habe jetzt lange herumexperimentiert. Die Möglichkeit, die Fotos direkt auf dem Gerät in einem anderen Format zu speichern, ist nicht möglich, da ich dieses Format von extern bekomme. Konvertieren in DNG geht nur mit Lightroom. Konvertieren in ein anderes Format hat immer den Nachteil, dass entweder Geosetter das andere Format nicht unterstützt oder aus 16 Bit werden 8 Bit gemacht.
Fazit, der Umweg über Lightroom, HEIC nach DNG und wieder nach Geosetter und dann wieder nach Photoshop oder LR ist doch sehr umständlich und zeitraubend. Hier sollte GS doch das HEIC Format auch voll unterstützen. Zumal dieses Format ja immer mehr Verbreitung findet.

Frage am Rande an die Community: weiß jemand wie es mit GS weitergeht? Man hat schon lange nichts mehr von Friedemann gehört.
Question to the community: does anyone know how to proceed with GS? There has been nothing heard of Friedemann for a long time.
2024-01-22 06:56   
Vielleicht damit "CopyTransHEICforWindows v1.006" !? (Aber nicht sicher!)
CopyTrans HEIC ist ein Dienstprogramm zur nativen Unterstützung von Bildern im HEIC/HEIF-Format unter Windows.

Mit CopyTrans HEIC können Sie HEIC-Fotos auf Ihrem Windows-PC öffnen und verwenden, sie aber auch in das JPG-Format konvertieren

Mit CopyTrans HEIC können Sie auch HEIC-Fotos drucken und HEIC-Dateien mit Microsoft Office verwenden. Das Programm zeigt HEIC-Miniaturansichten an, integriert sich nahtlos in den Windows Explorer und speichert Ihre EXIF-Daten.

Suchen Sie einen "HEIC to DNG"-Konverter, den Sie auf dem PC installieren können

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2266 [GeoSetter] Image Data minor always 2022-02-28 11:59 2024-01-08 09:21
Reporter: uomosaturno Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 3.5.1  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Aufnahme Datum bzw Datum wird bei Bearbeitung mehrer Bilder nicht auf die anderen Bilder übernommen
Description: Wenn man das Datum eines Bildes setzt und auf "aktuelle Werte übernehmen" klickt werden die Datumsangaben nicht übernommen.
Bei den anderen Daten scheint das soweit zu funktionieren.

Habe es auf 2 Windows Rechnern getestet.

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2022-02-28 16:24   
@uomosaturno funktioniert bei mir schon seit langem. Allerdings habe ich wohl noch nie ein festes Datum/Uhrzeit gesetzt, sondern immer nur mit "TimeShift" und GeoSetter korrigiert dann alle anderen Bilder um das gleiche Intervall.
2022-02-28 18:11   
@wilfriedB ich habe manchmal Bilder die gar kein Aufnahmedatum haben, z.B. die von meinem Scanner.. da kann ich dann nicht mit Timeshift arbeiten
2022-02-28 18:24   
@uomosaturno das liegt dann wohl an dem Datenformat, das der Scanner erstellt. Ich hatte letztes Jahr einen Dia-Scanner gemietet, der beim Scan schon ein vorgegebenes Datum rein setzte, das ich dann später über GeoSetter auch korrigieren konnte.
Aber das erinnert mich jetzt an etwas anderes: Ich hatte dann auch kostenloses Hilfsprogramm für komplexere Änderungen genutzt. Das heißt EXIF Date Changer von
2022-03-01 21:31   
@WilfriedB das mag ja alles sein, aber, dass man das Datum nicht auf andere Bilder kopieren kann ist doch wohl ein Problem im Exif Tool oder GeoSetter.
Es kann ja auch noch andere Szenarien geben in denen ich Datumswerte kopieren möchte. Bzw allen das gleiche Datum geben.
Vielleicht ist es ja auch ein Feature, aber es wird ja in dem Dialog angeboten, alos sieht es doch nach einem Fehler aus.

2022-03-01 21:34   
das ist schon klar @uomosaturno. Das war nur ein gut gemeinter Rat, das Problem zu umgehen. Da es seit drei Jahren kein Lebenszeichen von Friedemann Schmidt gab, hab ich kaum Hoffnung, dass an dem Programm in absehbarer Zeit irgend etwas geändert wird.
2022-03-02 16:31   
@WilfriedB danke auch dafür, dass wusste ich nicht, dann müssen wir das Programm wohl so nehmen, wie es ist..
Ist es OpenSource? Dann könnten wir es forken.. :)
2022-03-02 18:56   
@uomosaturno soweit ich weiß, ist das leider kein OpenSource, Jedenfalls hab ich keinerlei Hinweis dazu gesehen. Lediglich der HTML/Javascript Code, der für die Kartendarstellung verantwortlich ist, kann auf dem eigenen PC abgelegt und modifiziert werden (u.a. um die Probleme mit den Kosten der Google APis zu umgehen), aber der Code für die eigentliche Benutzeroberfläche ist meines Wissens nirgends verfügbar.
Hier ist übrigens der Blog, wo er sich vor fast vier Jahren zuletzt meldete und versprochen hatte, sich wieder intensiv um eine neue Version zu kümmern, aber danach hab ich weder hier noch auf seiner Web-Seite etwas neueres gefunden: .
Leider hab ich bislang auch keine gute Alternative zu all den Möglichkeiten von GeoSetter gefunden - einmal abgesehen von der Änderung des Datums.
2022-03-03 18:28   
@uomosaturno, in einem Punkt muss ich mich korrigieren (und freue mich darüber!) Ich hab gerade erst gesehen, das Friedemann sich nach langer Zeit doch mal wieder gemeldet hat, nämlich vor einer Woche wegen eines anderen (gravierenderem) Problems:
2024-01-08 09:21   
Frohes neues noch,

hab gerade gesehen, dass der fehler bei mir liegt. :-(
Es wird standardmässig beim Übernehmen "nur Zeitzone" ausgewählt, wenn man den wegnimmt geht es.
Es wäre wohl sinnvoller den nicht standardmäßig anzuhaken..


View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2539 [GeoSetter] Image Data minor have not tried 2023-10-30 19:46 2023-11-05 10:39
Reporter: slart Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: noWrap missing results in false Longitudes
Description: @Motalf

I used the modified map_google.html from Motalf posted here:
2022-12-14 10:28

This map has not a wrap activated. That results possible in false Longitudes (less than -180 or greater than 180). The geosetter don't check the values and passed the false values to exiftool. Then false values are saved. That is a problem by reading and working with this Longitude data.

Activate a noWrap in the linked map_google.html:
Line 1116
        var osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {maxZoom: 19, attribution: osmAttrib, noWrap: true}).addTo(map);

With this only tiles in the extend of -180,-90 to 180,90 are visible. But it is further possible to click outside the tiles and set false Longitude values. With the Latitude this is not possible. It needs a coordinate wrap for the Longitude.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Leaflet version.jpg (77,797 bytes) 2023-11-02 17:11
jpg (72,337 bytes) 2023-11-05 10:39
2023-10-31 05:18   
Out of curiosity, what version of GeoSetter are you using?
2023-11-01 09:23   
the map_google.html was for version 3.5.3 of memory
I haven't encountered any problem like that.
maybe a link problem depending on the Windows OS!?

with w7 I used and use:

same with my local leaflet maps

since then there is version 4.0.49 if don't fool me!
I can't help anymore, it's been a while since I watched
2023-11-01 09:33   
I've never seen "noWrap: true" with leaflet! ???
I'm not an expert in leaflet maps either!

Sincerely !
2023-11-01 19:25   
Ah, hey @Motalf !

Maybe you misunderstood it a little bit.

Geosetter 3.5.3 portable
Windows 7
Motalfs google_map.html

- start Geosetter
- zoom out to zoom:0
- the map is wrapped - is horizontal displayed in a loop.
- scroll left or right
- set a point (click)
- show the Longitude in the file table: less/greater than -180/180
That is the problem.

Disable the wrapping of the map tiles (noWrap: true):
Line 1116
        var osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {maxZoom: 19, attribution: osmAttrib, noWrap: true}).addTo(map);

But this is only a helper for not click outside -180 - 180.

Better was a Longitude wrapper, that the Longitude range is always -180 - 180.

I have no idea ot the code point to insert this Longitude wrapper:

latlon = [lat,lon];
function lon_wrapper(latlon) {
  lat = latlon[0];
  lon = latlon[1];
  lon = lon % 360;
  if (lon > 180) {
    lon = lon - 360;
  } else if (lon < -180) {
    lon = 360 + lon;
  return [lat,lon];

Have anyone an idea?
2023-11-01 20:16   
... more infos:

maybe i have found a solution. There is a wrap() for Leaflet.
See here:

To insert this wrap() in the Motalfs map_google.html you must very high sensitive.
The wrap() must be added at all 6 latlng, but NOT on the latLng. It is also case sensitive!

There a 3 code lines/points for editing

Line 376
                setDragMarkerToPosition(e.latlng.wrap().lat, e.latlng.wrap().lng,

Line 1141
                setDragMarkerToPosition(e.latlng.wrap().lat, e.latlng.wrap().lng, false);

Lines 1145 and 1147
                    + e.latlng.wrap().lat
                    + ","
                    + e.latlng.wrap().lng;

After this edit, it is always possible to click outsite -180 - 180, but the marker are always setted inside -180 - 180. And the Longitude in the file table is also inside -180 - 180.

Consider: I have no idea if this fix all occcurences of false Longitudes.
2023-11-02 05:20   
Thank you for the link:

Ok I see better what you are talking about

for leaflet I don't know what version they are in now!?
whether the bug has been fixed or not.

That’s beyond my skills!

it seems to me that I had set a minimum zoom of 6
I don't remember the original one anymore but it must have been close.

can be related to the GPS point to display the Map
but without certainty.

sorry I can't help you anymore!

if anyone has any leads?
2023-11-02 05:44   
for the MinZoom on the original and on My map google.html there is none!
(maybe on version 3 or 4 that I made...) that goes back a long way!

see if in the latest version of geosetter (beta 4.0.49) you encounter this problem !?
2023-11-02 17:11   
Version of Leaflet:
For version 3.5.3, look at the file x:\....\GeoSetter\script\leaflet.js
For version 4.0.49, do "Help| Show Map Info", the Leaflet version will be displayed
2023-11-02 22:11   
top ! thanks !
2023-11-05 10:39   
remember, remember ...

In the topic is the Issue linked to the topic with the issue about the Windows 7 problem with the map.

When i remember right, Friedemann don't support W7 in version 4. When it work, it's lucky.

From that stand, Motalf, Thunderboy, xyzzy and slart search for a solution for W7. The result was many map_google.html. I used the last map_google.html from motalf (linked in the topic).

Leaflet: This my issue here is not a really problem. It is a matter of the handling with the Logitude data. In the original and all other map_google.html no wrap for Longitude and wrap for Tiles is active. This is also the Leaflet default.

Leaflet feaure possibilitys to no wrap the Tiles and wrap the Longitude. Everyone can enable it.

I have modifying the last map_google.html from Motalf.
- no wrap Tiles
- wrap Longitude
- all pictures and files (leaflet.js, leaflet.css) are saved local. (with this no longer requests to

remember: it is a solution for version 3 and Windows 7.

Attached. (hope it works)

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2537 [GeoSetter] Image Data feature always 2023-10-16 05:45 2023-10-23 08:03
Reporter: ricebucket Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.5.1  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: support HIF files
Description: New Sony cameras can writes HIF files instead of JPG. iPhones for the past few versions too.
As this is a newer standard format, can GeoSetter support this too?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: image info shows date but edit data doesn't.png (182,003 bytes) 2023-10-22 17:36

image info shows exif but cannot geotag.png (147,587 bytes) 2023-10-22 17:36
2023-10-16 16:37   
Did you try adding a new type: Settings | File Options | Add custom Type ... ?
2023-10-17 02:27   
Custom types don't really work. You can't see a preview of the image, and most importantly, since GeoSetter cannot read date/time on the image, you can't geotag them using a track.
2023-10-19 23:19   
Euh, are you sure you have a good exif-reader ? Geotag only uses the results returned by the Exif-tool. Date/time are standard-tags in an exif.
2023-10-20 13:44   
What does exiftool give ?
For example do the following test to see if exiftool can read the data:

exiftool -H -G1 -s -charset filename=latin FullFilePath
2023-10-22 17:36   
Turns out I was on a really old version of exiftool that's several years old. For some reason, my auto-update isn't working and Geosetter reports "Retrieving information about a newer version failed." in the ExifTool Update Information dialog.

But I digress, this is a different problem.

I then manually updated exiftool to the newest (12.68) and Geosetter correctly recognizes that version in the ExifTool Update Information dialog. I see full exif details on the Image Info pane, like camera & lens details, date & time.

Yes my problem still remains:
- Edit Data (Ctrl-E) does not show anything. For example, Date tab is empty, even though I can see full exif details in Image Info pane.
- Since the main parts of the program isn't reading the date, I still cannot geotag. Geosetter reports "None of your selected images contains a date time value..." Note that a raw file written by the camera at the same time can be geotagged without a problem.

I've attached a screenshot showing the problem.
2023-10-22 19:03   
@icebucket regarding "my auto-update isn't working": Seems, you have an old version of GeoSetter. Auto-Update did not work for a long time, but with latest GeoSetter 4.0.49 (build 2233 - beta) it does work. Possibly that updating it might solve your original problem ...?
2023-10-22 20:28   
Yeah I haven't been using the beta because I thought the "released" version would be more stable. But now that I installed the beta, I realize how far ahead the beta is (at least in terms of UI)... I will use the beta from now on.

With the beta, I can now update exiftool through the program.

But I still have my original problem with HIF files: Can't geotag. No date times in the UI.

I'm actually surprised that you guys are so knowledgeable about GeoSetter but are completely oblivious to this problem. Maybe not everyone has the newest Sony camera, but surely lots of people have iPhones, which have produced HEIC files for the last few versions of iOS? Is it because iPhone pics come already geotagged so people are not running it through this program?
2023-10-23 08:03   
@ricebucket thanks for the feedback! Yes, the current beta solved many problems.

In my case, you guess correctly: My Sony is several years old and I don't own any iphone.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2538 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-10-21 15:57 2023-10-21 18:50
Reporter: xyzzy Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: low OS Version: 22H2  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: MantisBT stop to send emails
Description: @heiko: I "monitor" some bugs. Before I received emails if there were additions to these bugs. I haven't received any for some time now. Is this normal?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: Msg-From Mantis Bug Tracker.jpg (159,283 bytes) 2023-10-21 18:50
2023-10-21 18:27   
I don't know if it's normal, but I haven't received any emails from Mantis for years.
2023-10-21 18:50   
Here is the kind of message I received from "Mantis Bug Tracker":

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2536 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature always 2023-09-02 19:38 2023-09-03 12:48
Reporter: Erik Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Edit speed (km/h)
Description: I often take fotos while driving. So speed matters.
My GPS-logger writes the speed in km/h. I know this is WRONG.
GeoSetter reads these data and display in the list the wrong data.
They should be corrected with wrongspeed/100*53,9957.

But there is no possibility to correct the speed in the GeoSetter EDIT pages!
Its one of the few field GeoSetter cannot correct.
This field could be added to the place ('Ort') beside the hight -> Speed [km/h].
This would be great to correct the speed manually!

Even better would be a button to correct the most common errors in GPS-Loggers
('convert wrong knots to km/h' ore something like that).
Tags: Geschwindigkeit, km/h, speed
Steps To Reproduce: GPS logfile with speed data.
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2405 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature have not tried 2022-12-24 13:46 2023-08-13 15:49
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.4 - GPS Date
Description: In the "Edit Data" section, there is nothing about "GPS Date". (unless i'm wrong).

Would it be possible to add it as for "Created Date" including a checkbox "Get from Taken Date"?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: GPS date time.txt (12,876 bytes) 2023-08-12 16:07
2023-08-12 16:07   
To add to this, the GPS date seems to be used by Google Photos to set the image date/time in preference to other dates, if it is present.
You can remove this date (but I can't find a way to update it) by clicking 'Remove All Location Data' and then you have to save/refresh the file before you add more gps data for it to set.
So, in addition to the suggestion above, could there also be a 'settings' option to sync the GPS date to the create date and/or remove it??
The file I have attached has the exif info showing different GPS and date taken times, Google photos uses the GPS data/time . I can't upload the original JPG because it is too large for the uploader and I can't find a way of reducing it without losing the gps exif data :(

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
766 [GeoSetter] User Interface major have not tried 2011-02-13 18:47 2023-08-09 14:53
Reporter: Skippermark Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 3.4.16 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Altitude feature not working
Description: When trying to get the altitude from the web, I get the error, "No altitude found for specified coordinates."

This happens for every location, even if a previous altitude had been retrieved for that location.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2011-02-19 15:53   
Still happening as of 02/19/11
2011-03-08 11:12   
I have the same problem. I wrote another issue.
2011-03-13 17:24   
Still happening as of 3/13/11
2011-03-13 17:41   
I have the same problem, too
2011-03-14 21:01   
Same here, I can not get altitude information
2011-03-16 08:22   
(Last edited: 2011-03-16 08:23)
Had the same problem (3.4.16) but it vanishes during testing without changing anything at geosetter. Though it could be a server time out.

2023-08-07 18:10   
Same here.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2535 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2023-07-28 10:48 2023-08-04 17:16
Reporter: drose Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 11  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: HEIC, keine Meta-Daten (über EXIF ?) auslesbar.
Description: Die mit meinem SAMSUNG S20+ aufgenommenen HEIC-Bilder werden in Geosetter (auch als Thumbnail) angezeigt.
Jedoch fehlen alle für eine Track-Synchronisierung relevanten Daten (Aufnahmedatum) in der Bilderübersicht. => daher schwerer Fehler
=> Hier scheint Geosetter über EXFIF die Meta-Daten nicht korrekt auszulesen.
Windows und Irfan-View lesen die Metadaten der Bilderkorrekt aus.
Tags: exif, HEIC
Steps To Reproduce: Ordner mit S20+ Bildern öffnen => Bilder werden korrekt angezeigt (Siehe Beispiel im Anhang)
Problem: Zu jedem Bild fehlen die Meta-Daten (Siehe anliegendes Beispielbild und den Screenshot von Geosetter)
Additional Information: Habe keine Überprüfung mit dem EXIF-Kommandozeilen-Tool durchgeführt (mangels Kenntnis des Tools)
Hinweis: Die Bilder wurden aus Google-Foto heruntergeladen, jedoch werden die Meta-Daten von Windows korrekt angezeigt.
Des weiteren werden die Metadaten mit IrfanView ebenfalls korrekt ausgelesene. => Siehe Screenshot in der Anlage.
Attached Files: 20230715_172925.heic (2,148,820 bytes) 2023-07-28 10:48
Geosetter_40490_Keine-Metadaten_Screenshot 2023-07-28 103128.png (126,962 bytes) 2023-07-28 10:48

IrfanView_HEIC-Metadaten_Screenshot 2023-07-28 104438.png (108,366 bytes) 2023-07-28 10:48

GeoSetter ExifTool Versio.jpg (43,265 bytes) 2023-07-30 20:01

Heic-Missing info.jpg (256,865 bytes) 2023-07-31 16:24
2023-07-30 20:01   
@drose welche Version von ExifTool ist unter GeoSetter installiert? Mit den Menüpunkten Hilfe->ExifTool kann man das heraus finden. Die aktuelle Version müsste 12.64 sein.
2023-07-31 16:17   
I have the same problem and my version of exiftool is the latest (12.64).
The information is displayed correctly in the "Image Info (ExifTool) section.
Geosetter must use another API for the "View" section!
2023-08-02 21:53   
GeoSetter is using it's own code to read the meta data. ExifTool is "only" used for writing meta data.
2023-08-04 17:16   
Siehe meinen Eintrag 0002518. Hier scheint ein vergleichbares Problem vorzuliegen.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2533 [GeoSetter] Image Data crash always 2023-07-04 16:22 2023-07-27 19:20
Reporter: cheerful Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: immediate OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Crash with EOutOfResources
Description: The folder contains over 5000 images. GeoSetter will crash consistently near the end of the scan with this error code. Task Manager shows it only uses about 300MB of memory
Steps To Reproduce: On my local PC, open the folder
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Screenshot 2023-07-04 101144.png (198,880 bytes) 2023-07-04 16:22
2023-07-05 13:23   
Problem already reported several times (see 2486,...)
2023-07-23 15:11   
I've had this problem for many years. It does not depend on either the GeoSetter version or the computer configuration. And crush reports don't work.
The more files in the folder and the more time GeoSetter runs in a row, the faster the crash occurs
2023-07-27 19:20   
Same here @vadimpl Many years ago, I realized GeoSetter is great for geo-tagging images, but not very useful to manage a big number of files. Since then, I store all pictures taken the same day in a folder using a yy\mm\dd folder hierarchy and manage all pictures (250,000+) with powerful database (Daminion).

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2534 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2023-07-16 17:14 2023-07-19 14:32
Reporter: Merlin2504 Platform: iMac 27", 3,4 ghz  
Assigned To: OS: Win 10  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Cannot search for an address
Description: Cannot search for an address
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description Mit dem Programm wird auf einen iMac im virtuellen System "parallels Desktop" auf Windows 8 gearbeitet.
Attached Files:
2023-07-18 19:29   
what version of GeoSetter are you using?

In the latest BETA version, the search for an adress is working.
2023-07-19 14:32   
@Merlin2504 : Can you add steps to follow, screenshots?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2079 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2020-02-16 21:20 2023-07-02 00:23
Reporter: tohis Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 3.5.1  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Can't save files having umlaut characters in name
Description: I built a new PC with UK-English Windows 10, and installed Geosetter 3.5.3 (portable) into it. When I try to geotag and save any image which has non-English characters in its name (Å, Ä, Ö for example), I get "Warning: Error opening file" and "Error: File not found" and the image will not be saved. See the attached image.

In thumbnails window the file names with umlauts are shown correctly, but in the error report these are shown as a tilted square with ? inside. Also, in some places the degree symbol ° (Alt-248) is shown as ? as well.

I have set the Windows locale to Finland, and the chcp command in cmd.exe shows the code page is 850 like expected.

I found the IPTC setting and tried ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 instead of default ANSI, but this seems not to have effect on this issue.

For years I used Windows 7 and an older Geosetter 3.3.48 without this issue. I tried that old version again, but it's having the same issue in Windows 10. I also tried the newest Geosetter in a virtual Windows 7 in VirtualBox, and the issue was not present there.

So it may as well be a Windows 10 issue, however I haven't seen this kind of problem in any of my other programs (and some of them are very old).

There is a workaround by geotagging the images before renaming them with any non-English characters.
Steps To Reproduce: Have two image files named test_AO.jpg and test_ÄÖ.jpg, and (optionally) a GPS data file containing the location for them. Select the images in Geosetter and press Ctrl-G to attach location data (or enter it manually), and then try to save the images. test_AO.jpg will be saved, but test_ÄÖ.jpg produces the error and will not be saved.
Additional Information:
Attached Files: geosetter_problem.png (159,107 bytes) 2020-02-16 21:20

IPTC-Character-Coding.png (33,534 bytes) 2020-02-18 23:02

exiftool_character_encoding.png (4,634 bytes) 2021-06-26 11:30

Charset.jpg (50,714 bytes) 2023-06-26 18:52

Charset-2.jpg (84,648 bytes) 2023-06-26 23:29
2020-02-18 23:02   
I'm also using Win10 and have no problems to save files which have umlauts in the filename. You can see my settings for the "IPTC Character Coding" in the attached screenshot.
2020-04-16 23:46   
does this work for you? can I close this issue?
2021-06-26 11:30   
Sorry for the delay. I have Latin I (ANSI) set and still having the problem. Actually, it may be ExifTool which isn't working right. As in that picture posted before, "ExifTool reported errors/warnings on 1 of 1 images" and "Error: File not found". Character encoding is messed up somewhere.

I downloaded newest ExifTool and placed it in the Geosetter\tools folder but it didn't fix the problem.

Then I typed exiftool -G -a åäöÅÄÖ.jpg on the command line - see the picture. Could this be a clue to what's going on? Apparently ExifTool finds the file named by non-English characters, but then warns about the encoding not specified. Then at the next line, the file name is already wrong, which leads to messed up characters and finally saving the file will fail.
2021-07-02 14:27   
I've just made a test with the file "ÄäÖö.jpg" and I've had no problems to save my changes.

Have you updated ExifTool.exe in the %AppData% directory?
2023-06-25 17:28   
Ich habe das gleiche Problem.

Sprachset Latin wie oben beschrieben
GeoSetter Version 4.0.49 Beta
ExifTool Version 12.63

Erst ein Umbenennen des Verzeichnisses, in dem sich das zu speichernde Bild befindet, bewegt Geosetter dazu das getaggte Bild zu speichern und keine Fehlermeldung auszugeben. Sehr nervig.
2023-06-25 18:07   
GeoSetter should add "-charset filename=latin " when using "exiftool". A request has already been made (2509).
2023-06-25 18:19   
Liegt es denn überhaupt an ExifTool? GeoSetter macht aus einem "Österreich" ein "Österreich", wenn man die Pfadzeile anklickt.

Windows 10 hier.
2023-06-26 18:52   
Add in the "Settings" for exiftool the following 2 lines. There is no more "warning"
2023-06-26 22:48   
This has exactly zero effect. ExifTool still says file not found.
2023-06-26 23:29   
Weird! I have a test with a similar filename and it works for me!
2023-06-26 23:38   
I don't know if it's due to the filename (not tested), it seems more like a problem with Umlauts in paths.
2023-06-26 23:47   
what version of exiftool are you using (mine is version 12.63)?
2023-06-26 23:50   
Also 12.63 as stated a few posts above this.
2023-07-02 00:21   
@ Whatthesnap:
Can you test this query in cmd mode?

chcp 65001
exiftool -H -G1 -s -charset filename=latin E:\KUVAT\Uudet\test_AÖ¨.jpg
2023-07-02 00:23   
This should list all tags by group

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2486 [GeoSetter] User Interface crash always 2023-02-14 16:11 2023-05-25 09:48
Reporter: zava Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: urgent OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 4.0.47 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Crashing often when working in folder with 700+ images
Description: This seemed to appear today after installing V4.0.47
When working in a folder containing a large number of images (8-900), GS seems to cause a huge number of exceptions due to "memory resources being insufficient".
This happens when trying to save changes applied to a large number of images or just attempting to display them on the map.
After dozens of exception warnings, the only way out seems to close the application.
Tried to reduce image number, problem seems to mitigate when less than 700 are in the folder.
This is a fairly large numbero of images, but I am quite positive that I have been to work with such numbers with previous versions.
Tried to close most other apps, so that over 60% of (16Gb) RAM was available and 64Gb out of 255 are free on the SSD.
Meanwhile, programs doing even heavy work on the same images (such as other image viewers or ICE stitching as much as 14 images at a time) seemed unaffected by any resource problems.
Wonder if it happened to anybody else and if it's related to this version.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: bugreport.txt (55,535 bytes) 2023-02-14 16:25
Crash.txt (37,657 bytes) 2023-05-18 03:42
2023-02-14 16:25   
Attaching a bug report file, exception caught while just scrolling to the next image (total approx 690 images in folder).
2023-02-14 19:04   
@zava years ago I came to the conclusion that GeoSetter is not very efficient when it comes to many images in a single folder. At the time when i was using Windows 7 and HDDs, I did experience crashes when writing several hundred images at once. Since having migrated Wind 10 and more importantly SDDs, I don't remember having had such kind of problems again. However, I organized all my images in in daily folders so rarely have more than 200 pictures and with this old experience in mind, I save the synchronized images always in two parts (my wife's and then my own). I also avoid using the flat mode.
Looking back at last year's images, the biggest daily folder contained 920 images, thus each save process handled not more than 500 files without any problems. This was last summer with v3 - with v4 I did not handle such big amount at once yet.
2023-02-14 20:57   
Thank you WilfriedB,
during my survey of WWI fortification I easily gather 4-800 pictures in a day (many of them are discarded later). I have never experienced particular problems with handling 4-500 images. the problem seems (but I cannot be sure) to have emerged only with recent (last?) versions.
But maybe it's just a general problem with GS and large image collections... I cannot say.
Concerning the flat mode, I have never really understood WHAT it is: I tried it sometime in the distant past and I got everything messed up, so I never tried it again.
Maybe I should split surveys on a "half day" basis, or even less...
2023-02-14 22:10   
@Zava having said the above, I was curios and created a copy of a folder with 914 images, synchronized it again with a track und wrote the changes to disk. This did work fine ... until 86% when the exception was raised. I did send a bug report to Friedemann.
Reg. "Concerning the flat mode, I have never really understood WHAT it is:":
If the folder opened by GeoSetter has subdirectories, ALL images in ALL subdirectories are shown and can be changed. I normally don't use it neither, just to limit the number of files according to my previous experiences.
Reg. "Maybe I should split surveys on a "half day" basis, or even less... ":
I use a filter to to do that, but my naming convention, which tells what camera was used, makes that easy. Usually, I only import the images from one camera, synchronize with the track und write the changes before starting the import from the other camera. At that point, I activate the filter showing only the pictures of the second camera and repeat the process.
2023-02-14 22:40   
@WilfriedB I wonder what version of GS from the future you are using, since it shows all files in subfolders even without Flat Mode. I can't do it without this mode. Also the filters only work on the inside of the directory for me, not on the subfolders as well.

I have worked right after the release and tested version 4.0.47 in Flat Mode with up to about 1300 files and had no problems with it on my system. That is, except for the problem I write about here: 0002457
2023-02-15 07:48   
@Zava Friedemann did respond on my bug report, promising a solution with hight priority as soon as possible, but due to high workload in his job, it might take several days.

I forgot to mention, another approach to limit the number of save operations. In the menu, you find Edit->Save changes of selected images. In Settings, I did defined Shift-Alt-S to that function. By selecting a smaller number of images and pressing Shift-Alt-S allows me to write to disk in smaller packages.

@Thunderboy reg.: "since it shows all files in sub-folders even without Flat Mode." seems to be a misunderstanding. When I said "If the folder opened by GeoSetter has subdirectories, ALL images in ALL subdirectories are shown and can be changed.", I meant this is what happens, IF (and only if) you did switch on Flat Mode (either File->Flat Mode in the menu or pressing the button "Show images in Subfolders)

Btw. what I wrote applies to 4.0.47 Beta (including the test, I made last night) and most, if not all of the previous versions.
2023-02-15 15:26   
Thank you WilfriedB!
Will be waiting for Friedemann's intervention.
2023-02-15 20:07   
@WilfriedB You wrote above that you don't use Flat Mode, so that's why I was suspicious. So you use it and you don't even know it. The fact that it shows all the files in subfolders is Flat Mode. ????????
2023-02-24 17:30   
FYI: This is not fixed by now, I didn't change something already. I did a test for myself with exactly 1.000 image files, several times, but I can't reproduce it by now. But of course I will do some more tests. It seems that something is going wrong in the skinning component, taht maybe gdi ressources will not be freed correctly... Unfortuinately I can not ask the programmer because he's from Ukraine and I think he has other things to do than working on this. He doesn't answer anymore for a longer time now, also to other users I really hope he's well!!!!!!!!
2023-02-25 21:12   
@zava even though Friedemann said it is not fixed now, jut for you information: I tried my test case of 914 images with 4.0.48 and 4.0.49 and did not get any error.
2023-05-18 02:45   
This is happening to me as well. About 998 images in a directory. Very easy to repro. Just JPEG's. I have two screens. Main app on one screen and the map and image on the other other screen. Rebooting tends to fix the issue at least for the first directory. Played around with increasing the GDI object limit in the registry, but that didn't make a difference.

Used to get this error in 2.x, but that would be after hours of usage and going through multiple 998 file directories. In this version (4.x) its might not crash on the first directory, but will happen for the next folder. Once it crashes its game over. I need to reboot as even opening Geosetter causes a crash as it tries to read the directory.

Folders are not flat, and do not have filters.
2023-05-18 03:42   
Crash uploaded
2023-05-19 09:16   
Did some more testing today on folders (sub 600) and eventually it crashed with the error out of resources. Once it crashes the only way to get GeoSetter working again is to reboot. Opening GeoSetter without rebooting results in a out of resources within the first few minutes.

Its not that bad as a reboot take 30 seconds and I don't mind rebooting a 20-30 times a day if that's whats needed to remain stable.
2023-05-19 10:14   
I haven't verified this, but I think it will also be related to the graphics chip and the motherboard. I can't work with more than 1200 files anymore. I'm working with a max of 1100 files. It doesn't matter what type of files. First: It takes at least 3x longer to process (save) files. It has long breaks between batches with writing via ExifTool, because the system freezes in a piece. Second: With more files, GS keeps throwing up an error window, which automatically disappears when GS starts responding again for a while (and so on and so on). It has happened to me a couple of times that even with fewer files, GS has fired me from system jobs completely (without throwing an error). I have 16GB of RAM and 2GB of RAM on the graphics. I've also noticed that when I do something in GS, it loads the NT Kernel & System processor at 13%. But I know this is related to some incompatible system driver.
2023-05-25 07:49   
Thanks for the feedback.

I know a bit about the GDI subsystem and it throw's EOutOfResources errors when there are unhandled expections, missing handles, etc. The way in which this subsystem errors is a bit generic, it will throw EOutOfResources for many things, the scope of the error is wide, so don't assume it reletes to a physical hardware issues....that would be too easy to fix.

In any case the same issue happens on my everyday PC (see Crash.txt) for spec's 16 cores, 48GB RAM and my bigger PC, which much much higher spec, 512GB RAM and 128 new physical cores (yes, its that big), way to big for simple GS work.

While this error happened in GS 2.x it was much less frequent.

It's intresting that I need to reboot to regain stability, so I assume the reboot is clearing whatever got screwed up. This may mean something to the dev's.

In case you need mem dumps or traces I'm happy to provide. As this is easy to repro if you have a debug build I can test that.
2023-05-25 09:48   
Can't figure in out in WinDbg. All I get is 250477278 (0EEDFADE in HEX). madExcept is probably giving you more info.

After cycling through a few small directories (300-400), the larger dir's 0000507:0000998 files caused it to crash. I reopened the app and it crashed a few minutes into the ~ 998 file scan while viewing images.

Opening up the 400 or less files didn't crash (and I never rebooted).

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2471 [GeoSetter] User Interface text always 2023-02-03 11:04 2023-05-19 10:20
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: reopened  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.41 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Dark Theme
Description: In basic loading of file contents, e.g. files in a directory, the font text is black. When the basic data is loaded, the text is already white. You can see this nicely when a large number of files are loaded via Flat Mode. On a dark background this black text is thus unreadable.

PS: I also found other problems but I found that I have to create a completely new setup of the program, because on a clean install these other problems work.
Steps To Reproduce: Selects a dark theme + Selecting any directory and activating Flat mode
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Darktheme.jpg (111,800 bytes) 2023-02-03 11:04

the-bar-with-columns.jpg (131,200 bytes) 2023-02-03 12:00
2023-02-03 12:00   
I did find one problem even on a clean install. I always have this problem even on my saved window layout. I thought the bug was only in my save layout. The problem occurs when the layout is changed or refreshed when the dark theme is turned on. The bar with the columns behind turns white and the text is invisible. The problem remains until the program is exited. The next time the program is started it is ok. But unless you do the same thing I write above again.
2023-02-03 16:55   
Also when changing the photo data, this text in the Exif section is also black on a dark background "The image has been changed with GeoSetter. You see the original values here only!"
2023-02-03 17:16   
And now the other way around. Even when editing the file name by slow double-clicking on the file name, the text is white on a white background. This is when no text is selected and the cursor clicks on the text. I don't mean using the F2 key. Clarification: this text is normally white and when editing the file name a white background appears, so when no selection is made this text is invisible.
2023-02-04 13:40   
Unfortunately I do not get the problem fixed that some controls look not ok directly after switching between dark and light view mode. But I don't think you do that very often either.
The other problem should be fixed now (renaming, status of flat search).
2023-05-19 10:20   
There is still a problem with the text "The image has been changed with GeoSetter. You see the original values here only!" Also it is black on a dark background, so invisible.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2528 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-05-13 20:47 2023-05-14 13:20
Reporter: cristian Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: google map satellite photo
Description: hello you can no longer see the google satellite map. this error always comes. can you help me to solve the problem

best regards

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: geosetter.bmp (2,808,418 bytes) 2023-05-13 20:47
2023-05-13 22:07   
@cristian are you sure, you have GeoSetter 4.0.49 (Build 2233 - beta) installed? This message came up in a much older version months ago. In my PC the version of GeoSetter shows on the upper left of the window, but it is not visible on you screenshot, probably indicating you are you using a much older beta version.
In any case for me the google satellite map works since several months.
2023-05-13 22:35   
Can you tell me where I can get the latest version of the program
2023-05-14 00:11   
Settings -> Auto Check for Updates -> Check also for New Beta Versions.
2023-05-14 09:08   
@cristian I saw at least one report here, that " Auto Check for Updates" would not work (it did work for me thought), but you can also download the latest version directly from meanwhile 4.0.49 (Build 2233 - beta) is available since several weeks (months?).

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2260 [GeoSetter] User Interface block always 2022-02-18 20:08 2023-05-08 13:49
Reporter: gptits Platform: AcerAspire-E5-771G  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: windows  
Priority: urgent OS Version: 10  
Status: assigned Product Version: 3.5  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Erreur affichage carte
Description: Erreur affichage carte
Map log :
18/02/2022 19:51:05 ERROR: Impossible d'effectuer l'opération à cause de l'erreur suivante 80020101
showMap3(2, 0, 28.0569420104, -15.5099444152, 13);

Depuis ce jour la carte n'est plus affichée. Après désinstallation et réinstallation de Geosetter Vers. 3.5.3. (Build 2195). ExifTool 10.96 puis 12.40 windows 10
URL carte

Steps To Reproduce: dès que l;on utilise la fonction "carte""
Additional Information: Processeur Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz
Mémoire RAM installée 16,0 Go
Type du système Système d’exploitation 64 bits, processeur x64
Édition Windows 10 Famille
Version 21H2
Installé le ?10/?02/?2022
Build du système d’exploitation 19044.1566
Expérience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4170.0
Attached Files: (17,583 bytes) 2022-02-18 20:08
2022-02-23 13:35   
The solution suggested by @Ojlnd in did work for me!
Seems the second message "You are using a browser that is not supported ..." it started showing up several weeks ago and still does after implementing Ojlnd's solution, but the maps do work again now!
2022-02-28 11:02   
WilfriedB : Indeed, by following these instructions, the open-street map is accessible.
But despite a Google API key, selecting a Google map, in my case, always leads to an error.
Best regards
2022-02-28 16:14   
For me it works for all other maps too @gpits. Maybe somebody else at the above mentioned thread can help?
After using Ojlnd's solution, it always opened OSM map after starting GeoSetter, but I could switch to any of the other maps. Then I changed line 1354 to SetMapType(AMapType); (instead of the 4 between the brackets), now it opens whatever map was open at the time I closes GeoSetter.
2022-03-01 09:00   
Doesn't work for me with SetMapType(AMapType). Always the same error when starting Geosetter. Sorry. With Open-street working, I can wait for the next version of Friedemann
2023-05-08 09:40   
It's doesn't work for me.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2518 [GeoSetter] Image Data minor always 2023-04-10 13:42 2023-05-08 03:39
Reporter: roscoe Platform: Desktop  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 11-64  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: HEIC Files from Apple Device
Description: With photos from the Iphone, sometimes no thumbnails are displayed, but only black thumbnails. However, this only applies to some photos. In the image preview, all photos are displayed correctly. The metadata (date taken, GPS coordinates) are also not displayed in the thumbnail, although they are available in the photo file. The image info from Exiftool also shows this. It is therefore not possible to synchronize the images with a track.
Tags: "Iphone" "Heic"
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: Geosetter-Heic1.jpg (425,574 bytes) 2023-04-10 13:42
Geosetter-Heic.jpg (446,302 bytes) 2023-04-10 13:42
2023-05-08 03:39   
I'm not having issues with the thumbnails, but have the same issue with the Geodata.
EXIFTool can read the GPS information without any problems, but Geosetter isn't pulling it in, so no GPS information attached to the photos. When converted to JPGs, Geosetter reads the GPS information fine.
Also probably related to this issue is that Geosetter doesn't read the time taken information from the EXIF data, so I can't use Geosetter to rename with microseconds.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2525 [GeoSetter] Image Data trivial always 2023-04-30 10:27 2023-04-30 17:12
Reporter: Erik Bachmann Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.5  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Getting data from Geoname return country in local language
Description: Has set up v. 3.5.3 with English as language and UTF-8 as IPTC languange.
When requesting data from Geonames I get country names - in danish.
The setting "Get current Language for Countries (instead of English)" has no effect.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: geosetter.settings.jpg (100,472 bytes) 2023-04-30 10:27

geosetter.lang.jpg (22,891 bytes) 2023-04-30 10:27
jpg (61,378 bytes) 2023-04-30 10:27
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2524 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature have not tried 2023-04-29 14:14 2023-04-29 14:14
Reporter: xyzzy Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: normal OS Version: 22H2  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: New options for Exiftool
Description: Is it possible to add 2 options for data display by Exiftool:
1) Extract unknown tags (this is the -u option)
2) Extract unknown binary tags too (it's the -U option)
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: New Exiftool Options.jpg (116,623 bytes) 2023-04-29 14:14
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2523 [GeoSetter] Tracks crash always 2023-04-27 09:23 2023-04-27 12:12
Reporter: JE Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Absturz nach einpflegen der Fotografierrichtung
Description: 27.04.2023 09:20:19 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype._sqDist (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25684)
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype.getNearObject (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25501)
   at _addLayer (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:13476)
   at addLayer (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:1805)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/ma ...
  GSM.addPhotoMarkers([{"id": 1,"coord": {"lat":49.4468258541,"lng":8.4498703480},"destCoord": {"lat":49.4463585008,"lng":8.4507608414},"direction": 128.91,"focalLength": -1.00,"isPortrait": false,"sortValue": ""}], false);
27.04.2023 09:20:19 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype._sqDist (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25684)
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype.getNearObject (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25501)
   at _addLayer (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:13476)
   at addLayer (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:1805)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/ma ...
  GSM.selectPhotoMarker(1, true, false);
27.04.2023 09:20:19 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype._sqDist (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25684)
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype.getNearObject (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25501)
   at _addLayer (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:13476)
   at addLayer (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:1805)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/ma ...
27.04.2023 09:20:19 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype._sqDist (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25684)
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype.getNearObject (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25501)
   at _addLayer (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:13476)
   at addLayer (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:1805)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/ma ...
  GSM.selectPhotoMarker(1, true, false);
27.04.2023 09:20:19 ERROR: TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.; TypeError: Die Eigenschaft "x" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden.
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype._sqDist (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25684)
   at L.DistanceGrid.prototype.getNearObject (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:25501)
   at _addLayer (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:13476)
   at addLayer (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/map-2023-04-27-091954/inc/leaflet/plugins/Leaflet.markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js:1:1805)
   at GSM._setMarkerVisible (file:///C:/Users/wurze/AppData/Local/Temp/geosetter/ma ...
  GSM.selectPhotoMarker(1, true, false);
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2520 [GeoSetter] User Interface crash always 2023-04-16 04:15 2023-04-19 06:13
Reporter: trainman Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Continuous crashing
Description: I have 2 versions of Geosetter on my Win 7 PC. I have the release version 3.5.3 and the beta version 4.0.49.

3.5.3 is pretty much rock solid and rarely if ever crashes, but the map doesn't work.

The map works on 4.0.49, but it crashes nearly all the time doing just about anything - usually on folders with 1000 images, but also happens with less. The PC has 16GB of RAM, but the crash usually says not enough resources.

Interestingly, the link to email a crash report tries to load Outlook, which isn't set up.
Steps To Reproduce: Crashes after loading images.
Crashes when trying to save images.
Crashes when scrolling.
Additional Information:
Attached Files: bugreport.txt (50,352 bytes) 2023-04-16 04:15
bugreport-2.txt (68,693 bytes) 2023-04-16 04:37
bugreport-3.txt (26,834 bytes) 2023-04-16 05:18
bugreport-4.txt (25,151 bytes) 2023-04-16 05:51
map_retouched.html (44,880 bytes) 2023-04-18 16:20
settings.jpg (9,202 bytes) 2023-04-18 16:20
2023-04-16 04:37   
Just had another crash. Had saved a number of files, and was scolling down to add geodata to the next lot when it crashed.
2023-04-16 05:18   
Just had anotrher crash. This time, the folder was down to 560 images, and I had already saved a number of images. I selected 20 images to assign position data when it froze.
2023-04-16 05:51   
And another freeze. Attempting to allocate location data to 24 images in a folder of 1000 images.
2023-04-18 16:20   
I am still using GS 3.5.3. waiting for version 4 release (if it ever happens).

Steps to install version 3.5.3:
1.- Download geosetter_setup.exe from and install it
2.- Copy the file map_retouched.html (the original file corrected by me to made it work) to the folder containing geosetter.exe
3.- Launch GS and in Settings modify the map file

I agree with you that "3.5.3 is pretty much rock solid" and for my needs is enough.
2023-04-19 06:13   
I think I love you. You are a legend. Thanks for this.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2431 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-01-12 12:38 2023-04-12 10:40
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: immediate OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: 4.0.15 - The selected image (file) cannot be deleted.
Description: When selecting an image (file), deletion does not work. I think it still worked in version 4.04. In newer ones it doesn't. It doesn't work with the Del key, and there is no delete available in the right-click image menu either. I looked, but even in the menu there is no option to delete the file.
Steps To Reproduce: Delete key
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-01-14 19:17   
I confirm the reported behavoiur.
In previous BETA version a "delete" button and the "Delete" key were both available, but in most cases deleting image files resulted in Geosetter crashing.
Maybe this is why the delete feature was removed, but of course this is not a "solution"...
2023-02-09 16:00   
WIth V4.0.43 some action has reappeared with the "delete" button (although no explicite delete command is available).
As a matter of fact, selecting inages and pressing "delete" seems to telete the images BUT most of the times results in GS freezeing and crashing a few second later
2023-02-15 15:29   
As of today (V4.0.47) the issue is stil present: pressind "DEL" for a selected image nearly always results in GS crashing.
As a hint, I can say that crash happens AFTED the actuale deletion of the image (after restarting, the image is indeed erased)
2023-02-15 16:26   
@zava I just tried in 4.0.47 under Windows 10 22H2 and deleting (i.e. moving to trash) with the Delete key did work for me. Something must be different in you environment - version of Windows, for example ...? Did you send a bug report?
But you are right, there is not delete option - neither in the menu nor context menu.
2023-02-15 20:39   
@zava I have no problem with this on Windows 7. Have you tried it on a completely clean install? Attach here or send a bug report to the boss.

I haven't tried it on any new version since. In version 4.0.47 it really works with the Del key, just like in older versions. There is no mention in the change log that anything was done about this. See if it was related to another problem that has been fixed in the meantime. I accidentally found out that this same problem was already solved a long time ago: 0000720 We'll see if it goes in the new version.

PS: I also noticed that the Help menu in the program is missing a link to this forum. I'm not going to create a new thread for it. :)
2023-02-19 22:21   
Quite puzzled...
There are two major causes of systematic GS crashing, both of which happpen virtually always:
- pressing DEL on an image (image IS deleted but GS crashes). Virtually 100% of times. This did NOT happen pre-V4
- selecting a new working folder: this also crashes GS 90% of the times. This happened also pre-V4
2023-02-19 23:05   
strange! For me all works fine!
2023-02-19 23:24   
The "delete" and "selecting a new working folder" also works on my PC: Windows 11 Pro Version 22H2
2023-02-27 08:17   
Del key also works in the latest version (4.0.49) without error messages.
2023-03-01 10:45   
I have now installed 4.0.49: the del key erased four pictures without a crash! This never happened before. But upon deleting the fifth image, GS again crashed...
There is surely some difference in my environment, but I have no idea what I could check...
I guess I'll have to stick to my old habit of renaming the files to be deleted to "xxx-filename" and then deleting them with some external tool...
If anybody has a clue about any check or test that may prove useful to a diagnosys, I will try...
2023-03-01 10:55   
@zava You just write here over and over again that it keeps crashing, but you don't attach any bug report. I'm sure you're not even sending it to the supervisor to finally have a look at it.
2023-04-04 19:42   
Thank you for your suggestion; in fact I was assuming *this* was a bug report...
Since apparently it is not, can you pls suggest how a proper bug report is sent and what additional info can be retrieved?
GS Help simply mentions registering and sending to the Mantis system...
Thank you
2023-04-04 20:07   
@zava The error message is obtained directly when the program crashes. The program itself requires it when it crashes! Here it just says that something is wrong and attaches this message or sends it to the manager by email. You can get such a message directly from the program e.g. here: 0002505
2023-04-06 12:25   
Thank you thunderboy, I was aware of that exception window and I would have sent it if one had been available.
But when GS crashes as I reported, no such error message is issued, it simply disappears and gets closed, providing no (readily available) crash information.
2023-04-06 19:15   
@Zava are you sure, GeoSetter really ends? Since quite a long time, I often run into situations that the GeoSetter window is hidden by other windows. To find the window, I use the alt-Tab key combination.
If the window really did disappear, I would suggest use the Windows task manager and see if the GeoSetter task still shows up there.
Another option is to check Windows event log (see )
Maybe @heiko or @Friedemann have other hints for problem determination, if the program really ends silently.
2023-04-09 23:32   
Thank you WilfriedB,
Step by step:
- GS is running
- GS is listed in the process list in task manager
- I hit DEL
- the selected image IS deleted
- GS remains apparently frozen for a few seconds. "Not responding" appears in the top edge if GS's window
- GS is closed
- GS process is no longer in the process list in task manager
- Event manager lists TWO ERRORs attributed to GS generating an exception

The standard GS exception/error window never appeared.

Event maanger lists as follows (in italian but I believe it's understandable):

Nome dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: GeoSetter.exe, versione:, timestamp: 0x2a425e19
Nome del modulo che ha generato l'errore: unknown, versione:, timestamp: 0x00000000
Codice eccezione: 0xc000041d
Offset errore 0x00000012
ID processo che ha generato l'errore: 0x4a88
Ora di avvio dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: 0x01d96b08faf23113
Percorso dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter beta\GeoSetter.exe
Percorso del modulo che ha generato l'errore: unknown
ID segnalazione: c37b790d-f5b7-4fcb-9a64-35bf800efaf1
Nome completo pacchetto che ha generato l'errore:
ID applicazione relativo al pacchetto che ha generato l'errore:

and a nother exception recorded a few seconds earlier:
Nome dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: GeoSetter.exe, versione:, timestamp: 0x2a425e19
Nome del modulo che ha generato l'errore: unknown, versione:, timestamp: 0x00000000
Codice eccezione: 0xc000041d
Offset errore 0x00000012
ID processo che ha generato l'errore: 0x4a88
Ora di avvio dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: 0x01d96b08faf23113
Percorso dell'applicazione che ha generato l'errore: C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter beta\GeoSetter.exe
Percorso del modulo che ha generato l'errore: unknown
ID segnalazione: c37b790d-f5b7-4fcb-9a64-35bf800efaf1
Nome completo pacchetto che ha generato l'errore:
ID applicazione relativo al pacchetto che ha generato l'errore:

The two errors have a different exception code.

I hope this may provide some useful info.
2023-04-10 08:51   
@zava a great problem report! Now, we can hope this helps @Friedemann to pinpoint the cause and finds some time to investigate.

Seems to me, the most important detail is "Codice eccezione: 0xc000041d", which means "STATUS_FATAL_USER_CALLBACK_EXCEPTION"
2023-04-12 10:40   

Sounds terrible! ;)

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2514 [GeoSetter] Image Data major random 2023-04-06 10:51 2023-04-11 09:16
Reporter: roscoe Platform: Desktop  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 11-64  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Map jumps to wrong position
Description: Occasionally the following error occurs:
The position of a selected photo is displayed correctly on the map. If you scroll through the images, the map is also moved to the correct position each time and the image position is displayed.
If you then move the mouse pointer from the thumbnails to the map, the map jumps to a wrong position. For example, it is not possible to move the position of a currently selected photo.
Tags: "Map" "Position"
Steps To Reproduce: Occurs only after prolonged use of the program. Error occurs rather randomly according to my observations so far. After restarting the program, everything is initially fine again.
Additional Information: See my Screen Movie
System Description
Attached Files: Geosetter_2023-04-06.mkv (4,128,674 bytes) 2023-04-06 10:51
2023-04-11 09:16   
I have researched something. It seems that this problem occurs when the search has been used or already existing positions of images are postponed again. This is my previous impression.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2517 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2023-04-10 00:09 2023-04-10 20:03
Reporter: zava Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Huge time difference (45024 days, from 1899) when syncing images to gpx
Description: GS has never had particular problems syncing images with gpx files, and even now it does it with all my previous gpx files.
Yet, with one particular gpx file, which does contain a track suitable to properly sync images (with an appopriate, small time adjustment), it fails syncing and finds a huge time difference (45024 days!)
As far ai I could see, the gpx files contains regular items and also the images have a taken date very close with recorded point in the gpx (I inspected image data with GS's edit data and another viewer, I inspected the recorder track points in GS's track point list and also by carefully inspecting the gpx file in a plain text editor; everything looks fine, yet GS provides this very strange failure.

To make things easier to reproduce, I am attaching ONE single image and the gpx file.
If I try to sync, the image is NOT synced, and the report displays that huge time difference.
It is noticeable that the track point date appears as recorded in the year 1899 (!!!), although the actual gpx file seems to contain only appropriate data stamps).
Also noticeable, is tha that the report is not related to any of the contained active logs (as is usually the case) but references the overall gpx file.
This seems to only happen with this particular gpx file.

Close inspection of the gpx code doesn't seem to show any strange timestamps
I have repeated all the process generating the gpx file from the GPS unit, with unchanged results.
All previous files generated by the same process/GPS unit work flawlessly.

Attached, a sample image and the gpx file, in case anybody is willing to look into it or at least try to reproduce the problem.
Thank anybody for trying!
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Sync settings.jpg (117,493 bytes) 2023-04-10 00:09

Sync report.jpg (42,492 bytes) 2023-04-10 00:09

2023 04 08 Nodic.gpx (168,373 bytes) 2023-04-10 00:09
Z4085376_lr.JPG (1,613,512 bytes) 2023-04-10 00:09
grafik.png (31,232 bytes) 2023-04-10 08:59

grafik-2.png (20,915 bytes) 2023-04-10 09:22

grafik-3.png (120,696 bytes) 2023-04-10 09:22

2023 04 08 Nodic_mod.gpx (1,226 bytes) 2023-04-10 12:03
No time date.jpg (285,728 bytes) 2023-04-10 12:03
bugreport.txt (28,231 bytes) 2023-04-10 12:54
grafik-4.png (298,918 bytes) 2023-04-10 13:40
No date time information_BASECAMP.jpg (384,297 bytes) 2023-04-10 13:50
2023 04 08 Nodic_Basecamp.gpx (111,136 bytes) 2023-04-10 13:50
2023 04 08 Nodic_Basecamp_spurious WPTs.gpx (165,655 bytes) 2023-04-10 13:50
grafik-5.png (12,092 bytes) 2023-04-10 16:51

grafik-6.png (91,224 bytes) 2023-04-10 16:51

grafik-7.png (89,418 bytes) 2023-04-10 16:51
2023-04-10 08:59   
@zava I downloaded you examples and believe the cause of the problem is the GPX file. How did you create it? I opened it with RouteConverter and see the date and time inside the description field, but the Date and Time fields are empty:
2023-04-10 09:22   
@zava please ignore my previous comment. Only a litte later, I noticed the GPX contains some way points and multiple tracks. However according to RouteConverter, the time stamp of the first track starts later than the time of you jpg. Looking the same track in GeoSetter seems, it doessn't account to the time zone.
2023-04-10 11:16   
Hello WilfriedB,
thank you for your concern!

I assume you were able to reproduce the problem, right?
I agree the problem is probably with the gpx file.

The procedure to produce the gpx file (unchanged since 10+ years) is as follows:
- receive active logs from Garmin USB unit into Mapsource (old and buggy program, but always worked fine to this purpose)
- delete some non relevant tracks (logs from previous days, which were previously recorded in gpx files displaying no problem)
- "saving as" gpx file (the one I attached

As I said this procedure has been my standard with hundreds of gpx files across the past 10+ years. Both the Garmin GPS unit and Mapsource do have several quirks (such as recording waypoints with no time stamp, while the waypoint date is recorded in the "comment", as you noticed using Routeconverter), but up to this time the resulting gpx file had always been good for GS syincing.
Indeed, it does display with no apparent problem and no prehistoric dates in GS and in CompeGps...

I may now try to prune the gpx files to the barely minimum content displaying the problem...

Concerning your remark
"according to RouteConverter, the time stamp of the first track starts later than the time of you jpg. Looking the same track in GeoSetter seems, it doessn't account to the time zone."
(if I understood it correctly)
In my experience, it is rather normal that jpg dates may be slightly eralier or later than track points. This is due to several factor, and partly compensated by GS's time addiction.
But even when no perfect match is achieved, this is usually a "normal" situation, often not preventing synchronization, or at worst leaving an unsynced image but with a "reasonable" time difference (some minutes or hours...
But here a track point timestamp appears dated 1899! I guess THIS is somehow the cause of all problems but I have no idea where this date is emerging from! (no such date is reported anywhere in the gpx file, all dates are apparently correct...)

Thank you!
2023-04-10 12:03   
I produced a stripped down version of the gpx file: I removed waypoints and all tracks, leaving only one active log (which was taken at the same time as the sample image I originally attached).
This gpx file appears correct, it is displayed correctly by GS and by Routeconverter and looks fine in a plain text editor.
Both programs correctly show two track points with proper time stamps.
Yet, when syincing, GS reports that "no track file was selected or track file contains no coordinates including date time information" (see attach)
But, the file DOES contain two apparently valid points, and EVEN GS does display their date time information! (also visible in attached screenshot)

WHAT is wrong with this tiny file?!
Thank anybody watching!
2023-04-10 12:54   
@zava I forgot to mention that I was able to reproduce in the sense that synchronizing was not possible, but did not see the difference of 45024 days. However, using the short version of the GPX, I did get a bug report, I saved and attached here.
2023-04-10 13:24   
Thank you WilfriedB...
even stranger...
What "non sync" message does GS give when you are unable to sync?

I tried all sort of attempts...
I "injected" the gpx code of the first active log into a "working" gpx file... As a result, the track and trackpoints ARE displayed corretly by all programs (routeconverter, GS, CompeGPS...) but GS seems to IGNORE this track. It is listed as LAST , although I inserted it sa first), which is correct (assuming they are reordered according to taken date), but it is IGNORED by the sync process (I get a "best sync" with 13 days error (which is correct given all OTHER timestamps in the file), there's no longer mention of 1899 year of taken date, but that particular track segment is ignored (according to it's taken date, it shpuld correctly sync, or just fail of a couple hours, if timezone not correct. Instead, it is IGNORED...

Out of ideas...
2023-04-10 13:40   
@zava in both cases, when I use the original GPX file with tracks selected by default, as well as the reduced GPX I get the normal "No GPS dat message ..." I noticed the "report" button for the first time ever (my ignorance), So clicking it, I see a time difference of -1:00:11. Strange enough, this time, I did not get a burg report, though.
2023-04-10 13:50   
Tried some more: downloaded tracks from GPS unit using Garmin Basecamp (newer than MapSource).
Saved as (attached) gpx file.
Again, the xml code seems fine.
But, when loaed in GS, two spurious waypoints ("Noname" and "Active log 397" appear, which are NOT in the gpx code...
Upon trying to sync, GS complains that "no coordinates with time information are in the file (while GS and other programs DO list all the correct trackpoints WITH date stamps...
I am also attaching a "cleaned up" gpx file where the spurious watpoints were deleted (using GS), but with the same result (attached screenshot).
2023-04-10 16:09   
Hello WilfriedB,
your result is in fact qualitatively different from mine, in that it is a CORRECT result!
In your case, possibly due to an uncompensated time difference or time zone, GS correctly FOUND time stamps in the gpx file and matched them with the image time stamp; sync still failed, but if you introduced the neccessary time correction (1:00:11), the sync would most probably succeed.

In my case, and even with the very same file, GS FAILS to find any time information in the file, although it is present and GS correctly lists and displays it! A totally different result!

So there is some difference in the gpx file, but also a major difference in GS behaviour in my environment vs. yours...

Very informative insight, thank you...
2023-04-10 16:51   
@zava correct, I finally got it to work, after several attempts to correct the time stamp of the jgp. One key point is the fact that the track list shows the UTC time, whereas the thumbnail shows the local time. Pleas see my screen shots.
2023-04-10 20:03   
Hello WilfriedB,
definitely GS is working fine on this file on your machine.
On mine I definitely keep getting the "1899" spurious dates and other erratic behaviours...
On the other hand, I tried GPicSync: in case you don't know about it, it's a fairly limited rogram, not too user friendly and not at all comparable to GS, but it does process the SAME gpx to geolocate the images correctly...
Same gpx, same images, different (correct) result...
- something is "strange" with that gpx file (other files don't cause GS to malfunction
- something is also strange with GS (in my environment)
- whatever it is, it does not seem to affect GPicSync...

This said, I have no way to get deeper into WHAT is going wrong.
Last test, I may try GS on a different machine...

Thank you for your help!

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2516 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2023-04-09 07:58 2023-04-10 16:25
Reporter: wim_van Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Coordinates added using Geosetter 3.5.2 to images taken in South-America are no more visible on a map.
Description: In 2022 I used Geosetter 3.5.2 to add coordinates (GPS) to images taken in South-America. In geosetter I could see the map (satelitte, ...) and the selected images ...
When opening that folder which contains the images weeks later, all images got a trackpoint on the map without any problem. All Exifdata seems correct.
Yeseterday I tried opening the same folder under Geoseteer 4.0.49 beta ... All images of South-America were NO MORE shown on a map, even no map show up ....
In google, ... the same images can been seen on a map without any problem.
Images taken in Europe were nice shown on maps with a trackpoint.
Steps To Reproduce: Load the added images. 2 taken in Peru, 2 taken in Belgium. Coordinates added with Geosetter 3.5.2
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Belgium_1.jpg (350,366 bytes) 2023-04-09 07:58
Belgium_2.jpg (735,477 bytes) 2023-04-09 07:58
Peru_1.jpg (189,223 bytes) 2023-04-09 07:58

Peru_2.jpg (155,598 bytes) 2023-04-09 07:58

Vallée Sacrée des Incas - Cuzco.jpg (189,925 bytes) 2023-04-09 14:25

GeoSetter Example Wim_Van.jpg (372,021 bytes) 2023-04-09 17:02
2023-04-09 14:25   
My photos taken in Peru are displaying well!
2023-04-09 14:44   
Since it does work for xyzzy, what kind of map did you select @wim_van? Remember, in version 4, there are more choices for the map.
2023-04-09 17:02   
Having said the above @wim_van , I did download your two examples and they do show on the "Google Hybrid" map
2023-04-10 16:08   
xyzzy & Wilfriedb thanks for this information.
I retried and got errors (system hangs, ....).
Finally I checked the register of my PC and foudn some erros (adobe reader, ...).
Reset my PC and adapted the register... (took a half day).
I retested and yeah, I too can now see the map with a marker on the place where I took the picture.
So, this message, issue may be wiped. Still interesting to know that a stupied error in the register can cause unexplaineable errors. SORRY.
2023-04-10 16:25   
Thanks for the feedback @wim_van . Good it works now! Who knows, what went wrong in Windows, problems with the registry are always nasty

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2515 [GeoSetter] Tracks minor always 2023-04-07 20:12 2023-04-10 13:44
Reporter: makowiec Platform:  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Geosetter won't "Export to GPX Track File"
Description: Geotag images using the footprints icon, then select several images and use File>Export to GPX Track File. Program errors out.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Bugreport.txt is attached
Attached Files: bugreport.txt (37,916 bytes) 2023-04-07 20:12
2023-04-08 14:40   
Same Problem for me.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2507 [GeoSetter] User Interface major have not tried 2023-03-06 09:42 2023-04-05 14:41
Reporter: rnicz Platform:  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 10 Pro, Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Displaying of image positions on map is broken in 4.0.49 beta.
Description: Displaying of image positions on map is broken in 4.0.49 beta. Version 4.0.47 works fine.

1. Use of command "Remove image positions from map" should remove all positions leaving only currently selected image, but some images are left visible on map all the time.
2. Often many images are marked as current image, so it is imposible to tell which one is really selected.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Geosetter_4.0.49_beta_positions_can_not_be_removed.jpg (209,500 bytes) 2023-03-06 09:42

Geosetter2.png (790,093 bytes) 2023-04-05 14:41
Geosetter1.png (880,198 bytes) 2023-04-05 14:41
2023-04-05 14:41   
I can confirm this error. See screenshots

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2513 [GeoSetter] Tracks minor always 2023-04-01 01:25 2023-04-01 16:42
Reporter: makowiec Platform: Windows  
Assigned To: OS: Win 10  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TCX File Not Recognized
Description: I just tried to use a .tcx file exported from FitBit to geocode a batch of images. I had been able to do this as recently as February 19. This time, I got a message "You didn't select a track file or your selected track file doesn't contain any coordinates including date time information." I was able to wash the .tcx through GPSBabel and convert to .gpx, and was able to use the GPX file to geocode the images.
Tags: file formats
Steps To Reproduce: - Open a directory containing image files and a tcx file
- Click the 'footprints' icon to initiate geocoding
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2509 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor have not tried 2023-03-14 14:37 2023-03-31 23:21
Reporter: xyzzy Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: normal OS Version: 22H2  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Settings for ExifTool
Description: It seems that geoSetter does not use the instructions for Exiftool specified in the configuration file to display the data in the "Image Info (ExifTool)" tab
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: Charset.jpg (65,824 bytes) 2023-03-14 14:37
2023-03-14 16:21   
To repeat the problem, just have an accented character (é ç Ô, etc) in the file name or in the directory name
2023-03-31 23:21   
@Friedemann: After checking and querying, it is not possible to use these settings for Exiftool when reading information.
So, I modify my request to know if it is possible to add this same type of parameters but when "reading" Exiftool data?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2512 [GeoSetter] Image Data feature always 2023-03-29 10:12 2023-03-29 18:35
Reporter: Phil_K Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: If XMP-GPano tags are present, on setting view angle include XMP-GPano PoseHeadingDegree
Description: If XMP-GPano tags are present, the positive degree number (starting from north) should be written not only to "GPSImgDirection" but also to XMP-GPano PoseHeadingDegree when setting the viewing angle.

For spherical / 360° images the XMP-GPano tag "PoseHeadingDegree" defines the direction related to North for the middle point of the flat projected image.
While using the "specific position" on exif view the XMP-GPano fields can be checked. But if the view angle/direction is set it is only written to GPSImageDirection which is okay for normal non-360° images.
Steps To Reproduce: Load a 360° image
Set a view direction/target
check the exif data
Additional Information: For information on GPano please see
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2511 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor sometimes 2023-03-22 15:46 2023-03-24 03:07
Reporter: xyzzy Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: normal OS Version: 22H2  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Image Info (ExifTool) - Selected language
Description: There are 2 boxes checked: GeoSetter does not change the previous selected box
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: Exiftool Info Language.jpg (163,845 bytes) 2023-03-22 15:46

Exiftool Info Language-en-1.jpg (165,488 bytes) 2023-03-24 03:07

Exiftool Info Language-en-2.jpg (160,275 bytes) 2023-03-24 03:07
2023-03-22 15:55   
Procedure to reproduce:
1) Choose a language --> GeoSetter only selects this language
2) Choose "Show ExifTool Tag Names" --> GeoSetter select this option but do not unselect the previous language
2023-03-24 03:07   
If I select any of the three "English" languages (en-English|en-ca Canadian English|en-gb - British English), on return, all three English languages are checked.
If after that, I select "Show ExifToll Tag Names", GeoSetter will select the 4 boxes

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2504 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-03-03 16:00 2023-03-13 00:28
Reporter: othmarmarti Platform:  
Assigned To: heiko OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 11 22H2  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Non-bolcking error wen opening OpenStreetmap Map
Description: The error log of the map window is

03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.init('map', '4.0.49 (Build 2233)', {"lat":48.4228891100,"lng":9.9555847000}, 19);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.setMainLayer(1, 'OpenStreetMap', 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom: 19, attribution: '© OpenStreetMap'});
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.selectFavorite(-1, true, false, false);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.showScaleBar(true, true);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.showZoomControl(true);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.setMarkersTrackOptions('aqua', 2, 5.0);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.setOptAutoFollowFocused(true);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.setOptShowSelectedPhotoDirection(true);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.setOptPhotoDirectionSize(5);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.setOptShowPhotoDirections(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.setOptUseClustering(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.setOptPhotoDirectionUsePov(true);
03.03.2023 15:55:19 ERROR: TypeError: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode "setOptShowFavoritesLabels" nicht; TypeError: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode "setOptShowFavoritesLabels" nicht
   at Global code (Unknown script code:1:1)
03.03.2023 15:55:19 ERROR: TypeError: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode "setOptShowWaypointsLabels" nicht; TypeError: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode "setOptShowWaypointsLabels" nicht
   at Global code (Unknown script code:1:1)
03.03.2023 15:55:19 GSM.showMarkersTrack(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:20 GSM.showFavorites([{"id": 1,"coord": {"lat":13.7560177667,"lng":100.5609297833},"radius": 25,"autoAssign": true,"name": "Anna Bangkok"},{"id": 2,"coord": {"lat":46.6298675500,"lng":9.7425069833},"radius": 25,"autoAssign": true,"name": "Bergün"},{"id": 3,"coord": {"lat":48.4199306867,"lng":9.9669814110},"radius": 200,"autoAssign": true,"name": "Botanischer Garten"},{"id": 4,"coord": {"lat":48.4209132875,"lng":9.9631834030},"radius": 100,"autoAssign": true,"name": "Botanischer Garten 2"},{"id": 5,"coord": {"lat":48.4219243496,"lng":9.9609947205},"radius": 200,"autoAssign": true,"name": "Botanischer Garten 3"},{"id": 6,"coord": {"lat":48.3992738749,"lng":9.9954235554},"radius": 25,"autoAssign": false,"name": "Café im Kornhauskeller"},{"id": 7,"coord": {"lat":48.3993041487,"lng":9.9954155088},"radius": 25,"autoAssign": true,"name": "Café Kokoschinski"},{"id": 8,"coord": {"lat":48.2287752493,"lng":-4.4295930862},"radius": 25,"autoAssign": true,"name": "Ferien 2007"},{"id": 9,"coord": {"lat" ...
03.03.2023 15:55:20 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:20 GSM.addPhotoMarkers([{"id": 125,"coord": {"lat":48.4987916667,"lng":10.3023111167},"destCoord": null,"focalLength": 280.00,"isPortrait": true,"sortValue": "07.05.2016 16:27:33"},{"id": 240,"coord": {"lat":48.4127366667,"lng":9.9543300000},"destCoord": null,"focalLength": 280.00,"isPortrait": false,"sortValue": "27.09.2016 17:21:33"}], false);
03.03.2023 15:55:20 GSM.selectPhotoMarker(-1, true, false);
03.03.2023 15:55:20 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:20 GSM.showPosMarker(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:21 GSM.addTrack('1', [], 'blue', 10, 0.50000000, false, '');
03.03.2023 15:55:21 GSM.showTrack("1", true);
03.03.2023 15:55:21 GSM.selectPhotoMarker(-1, true, false);
03.03.2023 15:55:21 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:21 GSM.addTrack('1', [], 'blue', 10, 0.50000000, false, '');
03.03.2023 15:55:21 GSM.showTrack("1", true);
03.03.2023 15:55:21 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:36 GSM.selectPhotoMarker(-1, true, false);
03.03.2023 15:55:36 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:43 GSM.selectPhotoMarker(-1, true, false);
03.03.2023 15:55:43 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:51 GSM.selectPhotoMarker(-1, true, false);
03.03.2023 15:55:51 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:52 GSM.selectPhotoMarker(-1, true, false);
03.03.2023 15:55:52 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:52 GSM.removeTrack("1");
03.03.2023 15:55:52 GSM.removeAllPhotoMarkers();
03.03.2023 15:55:52 GSM.zoomObjects({"markers": false, "coordinates": [], "tracks": []});
03.03.2023 15:55:52 GSM.selectPhotoMarker(-1, true, false);
03.03.2023 15:55:52 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:54 GSM.selectPhotoMarker(-1, true, false);
03.03.2023 15:55:54 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:54 GSM.removeAllPhotoMarkers();
03.03.2023 15:55:54 GSM.zoomObjects({"markers": false, "coordinates": [], "tracks": []});
03.03.2023 15:55:54 GSM.addPhotoMarkers([{"id": 290,"coord": {"lat":48.4228891100,"lng":9.9555847000},"destCoord": {"lat":48.4228214700,"lng":9.9556571200},"direction": 144.61,"focalLength": 28.00,"isPortrait": true,"sortValue": "02.03.2023 09:00:34"},{"id": 291,"coord": {"lat":48.4228891100,"lng":9.9555847000},"destCoord": {"lat":48.4228214700,"lng":9.9556571200},"direction": 144.61,"focalLength": 28.00,"isPortrait": true,"sortValue": "02.03.2023 09:00:34"}], true);
03.03.2023 15:55:54 GSM.selectPhotoMarker(290, true, false);
03.03.2023 15:55:54 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
03.03.2023 15:55:54 GSM.selectPhotoMarker(290, true, true);
03.03.2023 15:55:54 GSM.showAllFavoriteCircles(false);
Steps To Reproduce: Start Geosetter
Additional Information:
Attached Files: OpenStreetMap.jpg (185,243 bytes) 2023-03-03 17:12

MapFile.jpg (100,226 bytes) 2023-03-03 17:25
2023-03-03 17:12   
I don't have this error!!!
2023-03-03 17:25   
@othmarmarti : Which Map File did you specify in the Settings?
2023-03-03 21:11   
It is exactly that map\map.html file supplied by the installer. I use Openstreetmap with the layer URL http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png and the options {maxZoom: 19, attribution: '© OpenStreetMap'}

I started Geosetter 4.0.49 with all the maps. The results are

ArcGIS Satelite no error
ArcGIS Street no error
Carto no error
Esri Topo no error
Google Hybrid no error
Google Satellite no error
Google Street no error
MTB Europe no error
Open Topo no error
Open Streetmap no error

The reason for the error was, that the installer somehow messed the dirctories. It worked after reinstalling and correcting the installation directory in the installer

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2111 [GeoSetter] Image Data feature N/A 2021-01-17 23:00 2023-03-08 21:29
Reporter: reno Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 3.5.1  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Please add User Comment to available fields
Description: We have a large number of images with data in the User Comment field, so it would be quite useful to have this as an available edit field. (Many images go way back - originally edited with Exifer!)
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: UserComment.jpg (51,775 bytes) 2022-12-21 10:15

Custom View.jpg (132,891 bytes) 2023-02-26 19:23
2022-12-21 10:15   
@reno You can configure this directly in the program to add it to your photos automatically. File > Settings > ExifTool > Use Additional Exiftool Commands after GS Commands. Check this option. In the window below, type the following: -UserComment=
Each time you save a file in GS, it overwrites the UserComment to this value you specify.
2022-12-21 20:47   
take a look into the help file under "GeoSetter Workflows | Additional ExifTool Commands |Additional ExifTool Commands".

Here you will find a description how to write "UserComment".
2023-02-26 18:45   
Thanks, and that works fine, but it requires me to go into the settings dialog every time I want to change that field. So it's less useful when I want to edit that field on every image. It would be nice if in Edit Data it appeared somewhere. Possibly as a permanent field in Source/Description, or at least as a field that can be added in Custom View.

Thanks again.
2023-02-26 19:23   
Is there anything in Custom View that can be used if not added?
2023-02-26 19:48   
Sorry, I read too quickly the solution already proposed by @reno
2023-02-27 08:48   
@reno The option I mentioned above is a good one if you don't change the comment data each time. Often times you will forget that adding a comment is activated and the problem is there.

Yes, I would also welcome the addition of User Comment among the optional columns. Whether or what this information is entered can currently only be determined by looking at the Exif data. There was one other item I missed in the optional columns, but I don't know what it was at the moment.
2023-03-08 16:32   
I'm only now realizing that the ability to edit the User Comment for each file separately is very useful. So far I have been using it automatically for all files as I wrote above. But soon I will need to enter a comment for all files in one directory: First Name. For all files in the next directory Comment: Second name ... and so on. Going still to the main settings and changing it there all the time is about nothing.

As @xyzzy wrote, it would be so cool to add this to the box to display when editing a file.
2023-03-08 21:29   
@Friedemann: Would it be possible to have a settings section managed by "Exiftool"?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2506 [GeoSetter] User Interface tweak have not tried 2023-03-04 17:08 2023-03-04 17:08
Reporter: xyzzy Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: low OS Version: 22H2  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Only part of the keyword is displayed
Description: In the "Image Preview" section, GeoSetter only displays part of the keyword when you hover the mouse over the image.
My keywords are formed of "LastName|FirstName" (a "|" separates the 2 parts) and
only the 1st part is displayed
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: Only Part of Keyword.jpg (53,807 bytes) 2023-03-04 17:08
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2505 [GeoSetter] Tracks major always 2023-03-04 14:09 2023-03-04 14:10
Reporter: xyzzy Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 11 Pro  
Priority: normal OS Version: 22H2  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Fatal error during an Export to GPX Track File
Description: After choosing a destination file, GeoSetter generates a fatal error after an "Export to GPX Track File"
(I sent the report by email)
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: Export to GPX Track File.jpg (149,456 bytes) 2023-03-04 14:09
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2484 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-02-12 16:02 2023-03-03 14:08
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 4.0.47 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: reopened  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.48 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Flat Mode & Filter on file name
Description: Filename filter in Flat mode does not work
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Filter-1.jpg (133,575 bytes) 2023-02-12 16:02

Filter-2.jpg (165,024 bytes) 2023-02-12 16:02

Filter-3.jpg (145,636 bytes) 2023-02-12 16:08

image.png (6,526 bytes) 2023-02-13 11:43

Filter_JPG.jpg (48,862 bytes) 2023-02-13 13:28

Filter_JPG-2.jpg (64,376 bytes) 2023-02-13 13:33

Flat Mode and Filter - Step 1.jpg (97,554 bytes) 2023-02-26 04:33

Flat Mode and Filter - Step 2.jpg (112,140 bytes) 2023-02-26 04:33

Flat Mode and Filter - Step 3.jpg (91,740 bytes) 2023-02-26 04:33

Reading GeoData before Filter.mp4 (978,370 bytes) 2023-03-03 14:08
2023-02-13 11:43   
Can you please attach a ascreenshot of your filter dialog? How did you get the "_.jpg"??? That's totally strange... it should be something like "(FILE_NAME HAS '_.jpg')"... Please see my screenshot.
2023-02-13 13:28   
It's like missing the equivalent of an F5 (Refresh files)
(I also added the screenshot of the filter)
2023-02-13 19:15   
Ah, now I see, you saved it as a template "_.jpg" and this name is shown. But do your files really have exactly the name "_.jpg"??? I think you have to use "contains" instead of "equals"...
2023-02-13 19:19   
Indeed, I saved as a template :)

The files are exactly "_.jpg": In the directories where there are only videos, I take a screenshot that I name "_.jpg"
2023-02-13 22:08   
Oops, yes, you're absolutely right, excuse me! It seems I never testet the filter for equality... :-/
2023-02-26 04:33   
Searches work but results are not always correct

- Go to a directory containing subdirectories
- Enable filter
- Enable search by subfolder (Show images in subfolders)
- The results are good.

-Disable filter
- Return to the directory containing the subdirectories
- Enable search by subdirectory
- The results are good

- Without moving, reactivate the filter
- The results are not good

2023-02-28 21:16   
Is it also possible to reverse the order of execution of the process:
GeoSetter starts by searching for location data and then filters on the files.
If the filter was done before, it would limit the number of location searches.
2023-03-03 10:38   
@xyzzy the result is ok, you see 2 files, but the status in the status bar is wrong, isn't it?
2023-03-03 13:38   
@Friedemann: Exact: In step 1 and 3, there should be only 2 files and show the same result in the "Status Bar"
2023-03-03 14:08   
@Friedemann: I made a small video which shows that GeoSetter starts by searching for location data before filtering files:
In this case, it searches on 265 files but there are only 2 files that answer to the filter.
It's worse if I do the same test at "root" where there are nearly 50,000 files: Not enough resources and GeoSettre "Crashes"

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2498 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-02-25 16:38 2023-03-02 10:36
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.48 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Next Release  
    Target Version:  
Summary: The update of the track load is not done well
Description: see step 4: should display "1 loaded" and not "all loaded"
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Load Track Step 1.jpg (17,917 bytes) 2023-02-25 16:38

Load Track Step 2.jpg (32,034 bytes) 2023-02-25 16:38

Load Track Step 3.jpg (38,741 bytes) 2023-02-25 16:38

Load Track Step 4.jpg (40,670 bytes) 2023-02-25 17:40

Load Track Step 5.jpg (167,672 bytes) 2023-02-26 18:54
2023-02-26 18:54   
If we change directory where there is no file, the results are not updated
2023-03-02 10:36   
The status will be updated now correctly.

Perhaps important: "loaded" means that the track file is in memory, but not that it is also displayed. A distinction is made between track files and tracks. A track file can contain several tracks and waypoints.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2474 [GeoSetter] User Interface tweak N/A 2023-02-04 22:23 2023-03-02 10:14
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: low OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Width of the "Name" column
Description: Would it be possible, when changing directories, to expand the "Name" column to the width of the longest directory name?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Column Width.jpg (103,040 bytes) 2023-02-04 22:23
2023-02-04 23:40   
Another possibility:
When selecting the different column names in "Adjust Columns and Caption...", keep the desired "width" for each (as much as possible)
2023-02-04 23:58   
I also noticed that some columns automatically shorten or lengthen. For example, the Name column truncates. Especially after restarting the program. I too would be in favor if there was an option in the settings to automatically adjust the columns according to the longest filename.
2023-02-05 00:02   
@ThunderBoy: Would it be better to be able to extend this possibility to all columns by specifying a minimum width?
Erik Krause   
2023-02-28 22:29   
Any column expands to maximum content width, if you double-click the separator.
2023-02-28 23:35   
@Erik Krause: Thank you for this information
2023-03-01 10:11   
Yes, that is the way too. But better would be the possibility of automatic adaptation according to the length of the content ... with the option to activate it in the program settings. What I mean is that it would automatically truncate or lengthen the columns without clicking.
2023-03-01 13:38   
@ThunderBoy: I agree with you but until Friedemann finds a solution, it's an alternative solution

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2501 [GeoSetter] User Interface crash always 2023-02-26 10:35 2023-02-28 18:22
Reporter: wim_van Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10-11  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Next Release  
    Target Version:  
Summary: When setting Direction-folder maximized and opening a map with a huge amount of images the programm hangs....
Description: See added image
Action A -> generates a crash
When you want to select a directory-map with images to treat an you set theat Directory-map in max.window, and there you move to the wanted map an click on it to retrieve all images, the programm hangs and results in 'not working' and you have to kill teh programm.
When you restart the programm, the maximize directory-folder is reset to the normal width and the window with the thumbnails then contains all images.
It is just as, if you chose a mazimized directory-folder, when the search is done, fous is lost and I have the impression the the unvisible image-window blocks ....

Action B -> works normally
However, when you use option B (see image) you can walk to all branches in the drictory-tree without any trouble. Update of the shown thumnails is done automatically and quick.
Steps To Reproduce: Start Geosetter
Go to the Directory-folder (normally at the left)
Choose maximized size (border-icons right, above where you can maximize)
Move in the directory-tree to the map where you want to retrieve all images and click on it
An hourgalss appears for infinty ....
In the border at the top: Geosetter .... (not responding)

Now you have to kill the programm with the task-mamanger, programma-cross-icon

When you restart Geosetter
Directory-folder-window is in small size
All images for the map you clicked on, are available in the second window ()
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Geosetter_error_VW.jpg (89,194 bytes) 2023-02-26 10:35

Geosetter_error_01_VW.jpg (74,983 bytes) 2023-02-26 15:29

GeoSetter Map partially hidden.jpg (193,000 bytes) 2023-02-26 17:09

GeoSetter Floating Map.jpg (204,652 bytes) 2023-02-26 17:09
2023-02-26 10:37   
Sorry, forgot to note. When using the left-window without maximizing the size, the programm act as normal (B)
2023-02-26 15:29   
I yhink I found the problem.
When the window (A) with the overview with thumnails becomes to small, it is no more possible creatings them in the window. So all is freezing.
Solution ? simpel, put width-constraints on the window where thumnails are projected. I propose to take the width of the smallestthumbnailsize that is possible multipled with 2.
This should resolve this problem. With a width-constraint, the max. windowsize of the DIrectory-folder is blocked.
For as far I see the construction (Delphi-programmer) the window A and the window below are member of a panel. I should place the constraint on the paneL
2023-02-26 17:09   
@wim_van over the years, I found it more convenient to have only the thumbnail panel (the one you needed to enlarge) maximized. All other panels, such as the map or the list of tracks, you can move by dragging the title line. The list of tracks, I only open, when needed with Ctrl-T. All other panels stay closed most of the times.
2023-02-26 20:13   
I agree and I too work that way.
But, We are asked to test this software and to help Iand I find it not correct trying to hide errors. As developper I always tried delivering error-less packages. In my job I couldn't accept errors in logic, flowcharts ...
And of course, the work arround is just to deny the existence of this Directory-window, so for the same we could remove it forever.
But, not every-one works the same way. If I'm wright the problem could be solved by just adding a constraint on sizing. Why should we not do this ?
Can you imagine ? You buy a car and the airco is not cooling where the vendor just proposes opening the windows to cool down your car and keeping the faulty airco as is
2023-02-28 18:22   
@wim_van, Thank you for the proposed solution! Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the problem, nothing freezes for me. However, I have set the minimum width of all panels to 250. Maybe that will actually help. If not, please open again.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2397 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature have not tried 2022-12-20 20:56 2023-02-28 12:37
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.4 - Favorites on the map
Description: When I click on a favourite, the star changes but the information is no longer displayed
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Favoris.jpg (63,885 bytes) 2022-12-20 20:56

Show Favorite.jpg (333,412 bytes) 2023-02-27 15:06
2023-02-27 15:06   
Since version 4.0.48, a new option ("acMapShowFavoritesLabels") appeared under "Show favorite positions on map"
and there is not even any information in the "Favorite" box anymore

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2503 [GeoSetter] User Interface tweak N/A 2023-02-26 16:21 2023-02-26 16:21
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Have the possibility to choose the Waypoints icon
Description: Is it possible to add a parameter in the "Settings" to allow us to choose the Waypoints icon?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Choix de l'icone.jpg (190,789 bytes) 2023-02-26 16:21
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2496 [GeoSetter] User Interface tweak always 2023-02-25 15:53 2023-02-26 14:51
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 4.0.48 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Size of Waypoint Labels
Description: Is it possible to adjust the size of the labels?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Size of labels.jpg (282,443 bytes) 2023-02-25 15:53
2023-02-26 14:51   
@Friedemann: Would it be possible to configure these labels (in the config.ini file) for example the choice of color, etc.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2493 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature N/A 2023-02-24 23:00 2023-02-26 07:18
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: low OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Applicant Confirmation
Description: @Friedemann and @heiko :
Is it possible to add a step in the process: Before putting "Resolved" to ask the "Requester" if it's OK?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-02-25 23:22   
(Last edited: 2023-02-25 23:22)
Yes it is :-) Do you refer to a special ticket? Normally I can reproduce the problems and after fixing and testing they do not occur anymore. That's why I don't often ask about it. And the ticket the will not be taken into the change log of a new version. If something is still not ok, you can reopen the ticket.

2023-02-26 03:48   
I was used to working in environments where the person reporting an issue had to confirm its resolution.
But it's ok for me this way you proceed.
You can close this issue.
2023-02-26 07:18   
@xyzzy a while ago, I asked myself the same question, because I did not find the "reopen" button. Later I found it under "Attach Tags" Not sure, if was there immediately after the issue had been closed,

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2500 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-02-25 18:50 2023-02-25 23:18
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 4.0.48 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: "mklink" are not always displayed
Description: Under the "P:\MyPhotos" directory, I have 2 links created by the "mklink" command.

They are not displayed in "Folders" nor in the drop-down list but are in the "Browser" window
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Folders-1.jpg (88,436 bytes) 2023-02-25 18:50

Folders-2.jpg (60,845 bytes) 2023-02-25 18:50
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2497 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-02-25 16:19 2023-02-25 23:18
Reporter: ceroni Platform: Microsoft  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10 pro  
Status: assigned Product Version: 4.0.48 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: DNG preview not showing
Description: Not a big deal but DNGs from Samsung S9 (SM-G9600) are not showing in the preview window.
Interestingly, DNGs do show when converted using Adobe DNG converter.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files:
2023-02-25 22:25   
Forgot to mention that thumbnails are showing OK.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2495 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-02-25 15:44 2023-02-25 23:17
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 4.0.48 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Error when clicking on a second Waypoint Label
Description: Error on the second click of a Waypoint Label
Steps To Reproduce: Show Waypoint Labels is selected
Load a Track with at least 2 Waypoints
On the map, click on a Label
Click on a second label
Here the error occurs
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Second click Waypoint Label.jpg (237,983 bytes) 2023-02-25 15:44

GeoSetter No tine stamps in GPX track.jpg (138,189 bytes) 2023-02-25 16:09
2023-02-25 16:09   
@xyzzy and @Friedemann possibly related: in 4.0.48 I cannot synchronize with a GPX track ("No GPS data found"), which did work this morning with the same images and GPX. In the track list, when selecting "Show list of track points", I do see the coordinates but no time stamp.
2023-02-25 16:35   
@xyzzy ... and yes, I also get the error when clicking the second way point

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2492 [GeoSetter] Tracks feature always 2023-02-24 17:30 2023-02-25 18:57
Reporter: ymeridith2 Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.47 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.49 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Cannot search for an address
Description: When I search for any address, I get an error and no geo coordinates are found. It doesn't matter which map is being used. Please note that searching for location names and cities can be found successfully. It's just addresses that produce the error.
Tags: address, search
Steps To Reproduce: 1. Search for an address (for example: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C.)
2. Error is produced.
Additional Information: date/time : 2023-02-24, 09:53:54, 988ms
operating system : Windows 10 x64 build 19045
system language : English
system up time : 2 days 1 hour
program up time : 3 minutes
processors : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
physical memory : 1673/7913 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 29.84 GB
display mode : 1536x864, 32 bit
process id : $1934
allocated memory : 267.55 MB
largest free block : 441.18 MB
executable : GeoSetter.exe
exec. date/time : 2023-02-12 13:30
version :
settings folder : C:\Users\ymeri.DESKTOP-31T3OT4\AppData\Roaming\GeoSetter_beta\
ExifTool folder : C:\Users\ymeri.DESKTOP-31T3OT4\AppData\Roaming\GeoSetter_beta\tools\exiftool.exe
map file : C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter beta\map\map.html
map file HTML version : 4.0.39
map file JS version : 4.0.39
contact name : Meridith Young
contact email :
callstack crc : $e32a57c9, $5b5e1f43, $6ab0fb60
exception number : 1
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 00DFF6B8 in Modul 'GeoSetter.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 00000000.

main thread ($1068):
00dff6b8 +244 GeoSetter.exe ufrmLocationSearch 353 +18 ParseNode
00dff757 +2e3 GeoSetter.exe ufrmLocationSearch 368 +33 ParseNode
00dffa5a +1a6 GeoSetter.exe ufrmLocationSearch 392 +16 TLocationSearch.ParseSearchResult
00dff07b +0b7 GeoSetter.exe ufrmLocationSearch 225 +11 TLocationSearch.ExecuteSearch
00dffc06 +08a GeoSetter.exe ufrmLocationSearch 425 +12 TLocationSearch.Search
00ea8af9 +08d GeoSetter.exe ufrmMain 15153 +5 TfrmGeoSetterMain.btnMapSearchClick
005019c2 +086 GeoSetter.exe Controls 4705 +9 TControl.Click
004f4467 +02f GeoSetter.exe StdCtrls 3472 +3 TButton.Click
00b0207b +03f GeoSetter.exe sButton 451 +4 TsButton.Click
004f45ce +01e GeoSetter.exe StdCtrls 3524 +1 TButton.CNCommand
00501797 +1df GeoSetter.exe Controls 4645 +53 TControl.WndProc
005053da +18e GeoSetter.exe Controls 6342 +33 TWinControl.WndProc
004f42b6 +086 GeoSetter.exe StdCtrls 3414 +13 TButtonControl.WndProc
00b0458b +acb GeoSetter.exe sButton 1414 +303 TsButton.WndProc
00583ba9 +085 GeoSetter.exe TntControls 666 +19 TWinControlTrap.WindowProc
005014a2 +036 GeoSetter.exe Controls 4552 +5 TControl.Perform
0050559c +03c GeoSetter.exe Controls 6388 +6 DoControlMsg
00505ddd +015 GeoSetter.exe Controls 6574 +1 TWinControl.WMCommand
00501797 +1df GeoSetter.exe Controls 4645 +53 TControl.WndProc
005053da +18e GeoSetter.exe Controls 6342 +33 TWinControl.WndProc
00b8e13e +b9e GeoSetter.exe sPanel 1580 +291 TsCustomPanel.WndProc
00583ba9 +085 GeoSetter.exe TntControls 666 +19 TWinControlTrap.WindowProc
00504fac +034 GeoSetter.exe Controls 6237 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
004918f4 +014 GeoSetter.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
75c15a76 +016 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
00583804 +048 GeoSetter.exe TntControls 554 +12 TWinControlTrap.Win32Proc
004918f4 +014 GeoSetter.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
77d34fbb +04b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher
75c15c1a +06a user32.dll SendMessageW
75c15a76 +016 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
00583a04 +0f0 GeoSetter.exe TntControls 605 +25 TWinControlTrap.DefWin32Proc
004918f4 +014 GeoSetter.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
75c04346 +016 user32.dll CallWindowProcA
00505520 +13c GeoSetter.exe Controls 6369 +23 TWinControl.DefaultHandler
00501ee9 +015 GeoSetter.exe Controls 4836 +1 TControl.WMLButtonUp
00501797 +1df GeoSetter.exe Controls 4645 +53 TControl.WndProc
005053da +18e GeoSetter.exe Controls 6342 +33 TWinControl.WndProc
004f42b6 +086 GeoSetter.exe StdCtrls 3414 +13 TButtonControl.WndProc
00b0458b +acb GeoSetter.exe sButton 1414 +303 TsButton.WndProc
004918f4 +014 GeoSetter.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
00583ba9 +085 GeoSetter.exe TntControls 666 +19 TWinControlTrap.WindowProc
00504fac +034 GeoSetter.exe Controls 6237 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
004918f4 +014 GeoSetter.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
75c15a76 +016 user32.dll CallWindowProcW
00583804 +048 GeoSetter.exe TntControls 554 +12 TWinControlTrap.Win32Proc
004918f4 +014 GeoSetter.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
75c0805b +00b user32.dll DispatchMessageA
00528f2c +0ac GeoSetter.exe Forms 6872 +13 TApplication.ProcessMessage
00528f73 +00f GeoSetter.exe Forms 6891 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
0052920e +0a6 GeoSetter.exe Forms 6975 +16 TApplication.Run
00ebd098 +04c GeoSetter.exe GeoSetter 179 +4 initialization
76ec00f7 +017 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1f08:
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2d08:
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2de0:
75c1c647 +47 user32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
75c1c5ea +1a user32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
699d67ca +00 gdiplus.dll

thread $3530 (TWorkerThread):
77474233 +93 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7747418d +0d KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject
0053acb3 +17 GeoSetter.exe VirtualTrees 6079 +3 TWorkerThread.Execute
00462aa3 +2b GeoSetter.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
0048f3f6 +36 GeoSetter.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
004052b8 +28 GeoSetter.exe System 11562 +33 ThreadWrapper
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
0053abaa +16 GeoSetter.exe VirtualTrees 6022 +1 TWorkerThread.Create

thread $227c:
7747e39d +fd KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
76565f91 +00 combase.dll

thread $2fd4:
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3c14 (TacAddThread): <priority:-1>
77474233 +93 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7747418d +0d KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject
004a3713 +17 GeoSetter.exe SyncObjs 132 +2 TEvent.WaitFor
00bf2a38 +0c GeoSetter.exe sSkinManager 7982 +2 TacAddThread.Execute
0048f3f6 +36 GeoSetter.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
004052b8 +28 GeoSetter.exe System 11562 +33 ThreadWrapper
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
00bec532 +22 GeoSetter.exe sSkinManager 6248 +4 TacSkinListController.StartDelayedLoading

thread $336c (TImageDataRefreshThread):
77487b95 +45 KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
77487b3a +0a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
00a44d04 +e4 GeoSetter.exe ImageDataRefreshThread 127 +31 TImageDataRefreshThread.Execute
00462aa3 +2b GeoSetter.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
0048f3f6 +36 GeoSetter.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
004052b8 +28 GeoSetter.exe System 11562 +33 ThreadWrapper
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
00a44bc3 +27 GeoSetter.exe ImageDataRefreshThread 80 +2 TImageDataRefreshThread.Create

thread $1970:
77474233 +93 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7747418d +0d KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by thread $1f08 at:
696379e1 +00 wininet.dll

thread $3eb0 (TacShellChangeThread):
7747e39d +fd KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
7747e283 +13 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjects
00b3d008 +5c GeoSetter.exe acShellCtrls 1835 +9 TacShellChangeThread.Execute
0048f3f6 +36 GeoSetter.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
004052b8 +28 GeoSetter.exe System 11562 +33 ThreadWrapper
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
00b3cf08 +44 GeoSetter.exe acShellCtrls 1796 +7 TacShellChangeThread.Create

thread $2174 (TImageDataQueueSaveThread):
77487b95 +045 KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
77487b3a +00a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
00cdb486 +15e GeoSetter.exe ImageDataQueueSaveThread 166 +36 TImageDataQueueSaveThread.Execute
00462aa3 +02b GeoSetter.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
0048f3f6 +036 GeoSetter.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
004052b8 +028 GeoSetter.exe System 11562 +33 ThreadWrapper
00462985 +00d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +037 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +017 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
00cdb27f +033 GeoSetter.exe ImageDataQueueSaveThread 104 +5 TImageDataQueueSaveThread.Create

thread $3b34 (TImageDataQueueSaveThread):
77487b95 +045 KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
77487b3a +00a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
00cdb486 +15e GeoSetter.exe ImageDataQueueSaveThread 166 +36 TImageDataQueueSaveThread.Execute
00462aa3 +02b GeoSetter.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
0048f3f6 +036 GeoSetter.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
004052b8 +028 GeoSetter.exe System 11562 +33 ThreadWrapper
00462985 +00d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +037 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +017 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
00cdb27f +033 GeoSetter.exe ImageDataQueueSaveThread 104 +5 TImageDataQueueSaveThread.Create

thread $7ec (TImageDataQueueSaveThread):
77487b95 +045 KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
77487b3a +00a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
00cdb486 +15e GeoSetter.exe ImageDataQueueSaveThread 166 +36 TImageDataQueueSaveThread.Execute
00462aa3 +02b GeoSetter.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
0048f3f6 +036 GeoSetter.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
004052b8 +028 GeoSetter.exe System 11562 +33 ThreadWrapper
00462985 +00d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +037 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +017 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
00cdb27f +033 GeoSetter.exe ImageDataQueueSaveThread 104 +5 TImageDataQueueSaveThread.Create

thread $39f4 (TImageDataQueueSaveThread):
77487b95 +045 KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx
77487b3a +00a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep
00cdb486 +15e GeoSetter.exe ImageDataQueueSaveThread 166 +36 TImageDataQueueSaveThread.Execute
00462aa3 +02b GeoSetter.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
0048f3f6 +036 GeoSetter.exe Classes 9372 +7 ThreadProc
004052b8 +028 GeoSetter.exe System 11562 +33 ThreadWrapper
00462985 +00d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +037 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +017 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
00cdb27f +033 GeoSetter.exe ImageDataQueueSaveThread 104 +5 TImageDataQueueSaveThread.Create

thread $88c:
77474233 +93 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7747418d +0d KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject
005a7499 +4d GeoSetter.exe VirtualShellNotifier 2260 +9 TVirtualChangeDispatchThread.Execute
00596922 +36 GeoSetter.exe MPThreadManager 676 +22 TCommonThread.ExecuteStub
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
005966e1 +6d GeoSetter.exe MPThreadManager 615 +12 TCommonThread.Create

thread $4120:
75c03d7f +4f user32.dll GetMessageA
005a686b +bb GeoSetter.exe VirtualShellNotifier 1918 +15 TVirtualShellChangeThread.Execute
00596922 +36 GeoSetter.exe MPThreadManager 676 +22 TCommonThread.ExecuteStub
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
005966e1 +6d GeoSetter.exe MPThreadManager 615 +12 TCommonThread.Create

thread $3d50:
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $bfc: <priority:-1>
7747e39d +fd KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
76436dbc +8c msvcrt.dll _endthreadex
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
76436caf +7f msvcrt.dll _beginthreadex

thread $335c:
75c1c647 +47 user32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
765e1402 +72 combase.dll CoWaitForMultipleHandles
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
67482c3a +00 mshtml.dll

thread $3bb0: <priority:-1>
7747e39d +fd KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
76436dbc +8c msvcrt.dll _endthreadex
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
76436caf +7f msvcrt.dll _beginthreadex

thread $3164:
77474233 +93 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7747418d +0d KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject
76436dbc +8c msvcrt.dll _endthreadex
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
76436caf +7f msvcrt.dll _beginthreadex

thread $3364:
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $4380:
77474233 +93 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7747418d +0d KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
67482c3a +00 mshtml.dll

thread $41ec: <priority:15>
7747e39d +fd KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
7747e283 +13 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjects
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
674e02e0 +00 mshtml.dll

thread $d90:
77474233 +93 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7747418d +0d KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObject
00596c77 +2f GeoSetter.exe MPThreadManager 898 +4 TCommonEventThread.Execute
00596922 +36 GeoSetter.exe MPThreadManager 676 +22 TCommonThread.ExecuteStub
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
005966e1 +6d GeoSetter.exe MPThreadManager 615 +12 TCommonThread.Create

thread $3d9c:
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $402c:
75c1c647 +47 user32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
765e1402 +72 combase.dll CoWaitForMultipleHandles
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by thread $1f08 at:
67482c3a +00 mshtml.dll

thread $3444:
75c1c647 +47 user32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
765e1402 +72 combase.dll CoWaitForMultipleHandles
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by thread $1424 at:
67482c3a +00 mshtml.dll

thread $4204: <priority:2>
75c03d7f +4f user32.dll GetMessageA
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($1068) at:
697d34b5 +00 winmm.dll

thread $4094:
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3c18:
7747e39d +fd KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
00462985 +0d GeoSetter.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe
004629ef +37 GeoSetter.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by thread $3364 at:
771a1226 +00 CRYPT32.dll

thread $34d8:
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $39d0:
76ec00f7 +17 KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk

+ {1ed2bbf9-11f0-4084-b21f-ad83a8e6dcdc}
  - Fax
  - Microsoft Print to PDF
  - OneNote (Desktop)
  - OneNote for Windows 10
  - Root Print Queue
+ {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}
  - Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.0 (Microsoft)
  - Synology Virtual USB Hub (driver
  - USB Composite Device
  - USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)
+ {4d36e966-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - ACPI x64-based PC
+ {4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - SanDisk X400 M.2 2280 128GB
+ {4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 (driver
+ {4d36e96b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - HID Keyboard Device
  - HID Keyboard Device
  - Standard PS/2 Keyboard
+ {4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - BITTY BOOMER Hands-Free AG Audio
  - Intel(R) Display Audio (driver
  - Realtek Audio (driver 6.0.8895.1)
  - Sound bar Stereo
  - Steam Streaming Microphone (driver
  - Steam Streaming Speakers (driver
+ {4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Generic PnP Monitor
+ {4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - HID-compliant mouse
  - PS/2 Compatible Mouse
+ {4d36e970-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Realtek PCIE CardReader (driver 10.0.17763.21313)
+ {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
  - Killer Wireless-n/a/ac 1535 Wireless Network Adapter (driver
  - Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
  - Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter 0000003
  - Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter 0000004
  - Mullvad VPN TAP Adapter (driver
  - TAP-Windows Adapter V9 (driver
  - WAN Miniport (IKEv2)
  - WAN Miniport (IP)
  - WAN Miniport (IPv6)
  - WAN Miniport (L2TP)
  - WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
  - WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
  - WAN Miniport (PPTP)
  - WAN Miniport (SSTP)
+ {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM3)
  - Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM4)
+ {4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - Intel(R) Chipset SATA/PCIe RST Premium Controller (driver
  - Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
  - Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller
+ {4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
  - ACPI Fixed Feature Button
  - ACPI Lid
  - ACPI Processor Aggregator
  - ACPI Sleep Button
  - ACPI Thermal Zone
  - BITTY BOOMER Hands-Free AG
  - Charge Arbitration Driver
  - Composite Bus Enumerator
  - Detection Verification (driver
  - FemiNetwork (Gateway)
  - High precision event timer
  - Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Generic Participant (driver 8.3.10209.6897)
  - Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Generic Participant (driver 8.3.10209.6897)
  - Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Generic Participant (driver 8.3.10209.6897)
  - Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Generic Participant (driver 8.3.10209.6897)
  - Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Manager (driver 8.3.10209.6897)
  - Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Processor Participant (driver 8.3.10209.6897)
  - Intel(R) Management Engine Interface (driver 2145.1.42.0)
  - Intel(R) Power Engine Plug-in
  - Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Host Controller - INT344B (driver 30.100.1943.2)
  - Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Host Controller - 9D60 (driver 30.100.1943.2)
  - Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Host Controller - 9D61 (driver 30.100.1943.2)
  - Intel(R) Smart Sound Technology (Intel(R) SST) Audio Controller (driver
  - Intel(R) Smart Sound Technology (Intel(R) SST) OED (driver 9.21.4260.1)
  - Intel(R) Virtual Buttons (driver
  - Intel(R) Xeon(R) E3 - 1200 v6/7th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) Host Bridge/DRAM Registers - 5904 (driver
  - Legacy device
  - Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Embedded Controller
  - Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
  - Microsoft Basic Display Driver
  - Microsoft Basic Render Driver
  - Microsoft Hyper-V Virtualization Infrastructure Driver
  - Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver
  - Microsoft UEFI-Compliant System
  - Microsoft Virtual Drive Enumerator
  - Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
  - Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI
  - Mobile 6th/7th Generation Intel(R) Processor Family I/O PCI Express Root Port 0000001 - 9D10 (driver
  - Mobile 6th/7th Generation Intel(R) Processor Family I/O PCI Express Root Port 0000005 - 9D14 (driver
  - Mobile 6th/7th Generation Intel(R) Processor Family I/O PCI Express Root Port 0000006 - 9D15 (driver
  - Mobile 6th/7th Generation Intel(R) Processor Family I/O PMC - 9D21 (driver
  - Mobile 6th/7th Generation Intel(R) Processor Family I/O SMBUS - 9D23 (driver
  - Mobile 6th/7th Generation Intel(R) Processor Family I/O Thermal subsystem - 9D31 (driver
  - Mobile 7th Generation Intel(R) Processor Family I/O LPC Controller (U Premium) - 9D58 (driver
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - Motherboard resources
  - NDIS Virtual Network Adapter Enumerator
  - PCI Express Root Complex
  - Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
  - Programmable interrupt controller
  - Remote Desktop Device Redirector Bus
  - System CMOS/real time clock
  - System timer
  - UMBus Root Bus Enumerator
  - Volume Manager
+ {50127dc3-0f36-415e-a6cc-4cb3be910b65}
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
  - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
+ {53d29ef7-377c-4d14-864b-eb3a85769359}
  - Windows Hello Face Software Device (driver 10.0.19041.1889)
+ {5c4c3332-344d-483c-8739-259e934c9cc8}
  - Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface (driver 1.33.2019.512)
  - Intel(R) Graphics Command Center (driver
  - Intel(R) Graphics Control Panel (driver
  - Intel(R) iCLS Client (driver
  - Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management (driver 1928.12.0.1287)
  - Intel(R) Pinning Shell Extensions (driver
+ {62f9c741-b25a-46ce-b54c-9bccce08b6f2}
  - Bluetooth
  - FemiNetwork
  - Microsoft Device Association Root Enumerator
  - Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth
  - Microsoft Radio Device Enumeration Bus
  - Microsoft RRAS Root Enumerator
  - WAN Connection Device
  - WAN Device
  - Wi-Fi
+ {72631e54-78a4-11d0-bcf7-00aa00b7b32a}
  - Microsoft AC Adapter
  - Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery
+ {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
  - Converted Portable Device Control device
  - GPIO Buttons Driver
  - GPIO Dock Mode Indicator Driver
  - GPIO Laptop or Slate Indicator Driver
  - HID-compliant consumer control device
  - HID-compliant consumer control device
  - HID-compliant system controller
  - HID-compliant system controller
  - HID-compliant touch pad
  - HID-compliant vendor-defined device
  - HID-compliant wireless radio controls
  - I2C HID Device
  - Intel(R) HID Event Filter (driver
  - Microsoft Input Configuration Device
  - Portable Device Control device
  - Sideband GPIO Buttons Injection Device
+ {c166523c-fe0c-4a94-a586-f1a80cfbbf3e}
  - Microphone (Realtek Audio)
  - Speakers / Headphones (Realtek Audio)
+ {ca3e7ab9-b4c3-4ae6-8251-579ef933890f}
  - Integrated Webcam
+ {d94ee5d8-d189-4994-83d2-f68d7d41b0e6}
  - Trusted Platform Module 1.2
+ {e0cbf06c-cd8b-4647-bb8a-263b43f0f974}
  - BITTY BOOMER Avrcp Transport
  - Bluetooth Device (RFCOMM Protocol TDI)
  - Device Identification Service
  - Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator
  - Microsoft Bluetooth LE Enumerator
  - Qualcomm Atheros QCA61x4 Bluetooth (driver
  - Sound bar
  - Sound bar Avrcp Transport
  - Sound bar Avrcp Transport
+ {e1c7dabe-63de-4630-a4de-a4adc0503be3}
  - DellInstrumentation Device (driver
+ {e6f1aa1c-7f3b-4473-b2e8-c97d8ac71d53}
  - UCM-UCSI ACPI Device
+ {f2e7dd72-6468-4e36-b6f1-6488f42c1b52}
  - System Firmware 2.20.0 (driver

cpu registers:
eax = 00000000
ebx = 00000001
ecx = 72546a93
edx = 00000007
esi = 00000000
edi = 015147ab
eip = 00dff6b8
esp = 0019e99c
ebp = 0019ea34

stack dump:
0019e99c 00 00 00 00 c4 e9 19 00 - 40 ea 19 00 c4 4b 40 00 ........@....K@.
0019e9ac 34 ea 19 00 4c d9 5c 09 - ff ff ff ff 01 eb 19 00 4...L.\.........
0019e9bc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019e9cc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019e9dc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019e9ec 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019e9fc 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 - ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019ea0c 21 b8 25 cd fa ff 55 c0 - d8 61 f1 40 09 f0 44 40 !.%...U..a.@..D@
0019ea1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 73 bd dd 12 00 00 00 00 ........s.......
0019ea2c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - d0 ea 19 00 5c f7 df 00 ............\...
0019ea3c dc eb 19 00 dc ea 19 00 - c4 4b 40 00 d0 ea 19 00 .........K@.....
0019ea4c 4c d9 5c 09 ff ff ff ff - 01 eb 19 00 00 00 00 00 L.\.............
0019ea5c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019ea6c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019ea7c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019ea8c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019ea9c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019eaac 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019eabc 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0019eacc 00 00 00 00 dc eb 19 00 - 5f fa df 00 dc eb 19 00 ........_.......

00dff6aa mov eax, [eax]
00dff6ac call dword ptr [eax+$1c]
00dff6af call -$9f804c ($407668) ; System.@CheckAutoResult
00dff6b4 mov eax, [ebp-$74]
00dff6b7 push eax
00dff6b8 > mov eax, [eax]
00dff6ba call dword ptr [eax+$68]
00dff6bd call -$9f805a ($407668) ; System.@CheckAutoResult
00dff6c2 mov edx, [ebp-$70]
00dff6c5 lea eax, [ebp-$2c]
00dff6c8 call -$9fa105 ($4055c8) ; System.@LStrFromWStr

error details:
Tried searching for address
Attached Files: bugreport.txt (30,340 bytes) 2023-02-24 17:30
GeoSetter Search Location.jpg (137,653 bytes) 2023-02-24 19:03

Nothing Found.jpg (6,107 bytes) 2023-02-24 20:29

GeoSetter Settings-Internet-GeoNames.jpg (74,645 bytes) 2023-02-24 20:53

My access code.jpg (117,844 bytes) 2023-02-24 20:59

Recherche - 1.jpg (117,496 bytes) 2023-02-24 21:16

Recherche - 2.jpg (134,440 bytes) 2023-02-24 21:16

Recherche - 3.jpg (105,646 bytes) 2023-02-24 21:16

Recherche 3.jpg (185,244 bytes) 2023-02-24 21:28

Recherche 2.jpg (177,951 bytes) 2023-02-24 21:28

Recherche 1.jpg (136,422 bytes) 2023-02-24 21:28

Test2.JPG (136,806 bytes) 2023-02-25 01:25

Test3.JPG (11,688 bytes) 2023-02-25 01:25

Test1.JPG (85,868 bytes) 2023-02-25 01:25
2023-02-24 19:03   
@ymeridith2 when I search with your example "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C"i works fine for me. I get a window with several choices of similar addresses (see screen shot) and when I select one, the map positions there.
I am also using 4.0.47 and Windows 10 x64 build 19045.
2023-02-24 20:29   
With the same address search, I also got an error similar to ymeridith2.

On the other hand, some other searches work and
others give me a popup: GeoSetter/Nothing Found
2023-02-24 20:47   
@Friedemann: I think the popup (GeoSetter/Nothing Found) is "JavaScript".

Is it appropriate to translate it?

If yes, how?
2023-02-24 20:53   
@xyzzy and @ymeridith2 what do you have under Settings->Internet->GeoNames? xyzzy's result reminded me, that you have a choice there. Long time ago, I did register with and specified my own user Id where you see the red bar in my screen shot. A wrong proxy could be another potential reason.
2023-02-24 20:59   
@WilfriedB: My access code
2023-02-24 21:16   
Here are 3 tests I performed and the results:
1) 1025, rue Lionel-Daunais (voir Recherche - 1.jpg)
2) 1025, rue Lionel-Daunais, Boucherville (voir Recherche - 2.jpg)
3) 1025, rue Lionel-Daunais, Boucherville, J4B8R4 (voir Recherche - 3.jpg)

@WilfriedB and @ymeridith2: Can you do the same tests and see if you get the same results?
2023-02-24 21:28   
@xyzzy almost identical, except for the fact, that I don't see the same intersection you show in Recherche - 1.jpg
2023-02-24 21:52   
@WilfriedB: In summary: research works.
We have to ask @Friedemann why there is a fatal error, in some cases, in the search for "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C."
(because your search worked) which is not obvious.
Good luck @Friedemann: (do you want to have an email with all the specifications of the error generated by the program)
2023-02-24 22:04   
@WilfriedB: the only differences I see in case 1) are the distances: I'm close and you aren't. Is that correct?
2023-02-24 22:13   
@WilfriedB: 1025, rue Lionel-Daunais is the address of a very good restaurant where mussels are unlimited on Tuesdays and Wednesdays LOL
2023-02-25 01:19   

My settings for Settings->Internet->GeoNames are the same as @WilfriedB and @xyzzy.
2023-02-25 01:25   

1) 1025, rue Lionel-Daunais (voir Recherche - 1.jpg)
2) 1025, rue Lionel-Daunais, Boucherville (voir Recherche - 2.jpg)
3) 1025, rue Lionel-Daunais, Boucherville, J4B8R4 (voir Recherche - 3.jpg)
2023-02-25 01:44   
Here are a few more USA residential addresses that produce the same results for me (nobody that I know lives at these locations so I think it's ok to post here):
A) 900 North Stafford Street Arlington VA 22203
B) 10619 North O'Connell Lane Mequon WI 53092
C) 612 Prairie Avenue Downers Grove IL 60515

Each of these produce the following results for me:
Street City State: Street is found
Street City State Zip: Street is found
Number Street City State: original error as posted
Number Street City State Zip: original error as posted

Thank you for your assistance with this.
2023-02-25 09:01   
@ymeridith2 your first example brings Exception EAccessViolation also for me. I did report it directly out of GeoSetter (think it's more convenient than pasting the complete dump here).

Same for the other two examples, for which I did not send a bug report.

Removing the house number works fine for me. I also tried to modify the addresses by adding comma between street and city, which did help sometimes in the past without any success. Same for adding USA and moving the house number behind the street name.

Only strange that I can find the White House (very first example) without any problems. I just did try it again, to be sure.
2023-02-25 10:35   

First of all, thanks for testing this! :-)

The "nothing found" ist my negligence, I have to replace it with a more detailed and translatable version!

This doesn't have anything to do with Geonames. It's this one: It's free and delivers very good information, I think.

This is the search url for "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C." used by @ymeridith2:,%20D.C.&format=xml&polygon_geojson=1&limit=10 and this the url for "1025, rue Lionel-Daunais, Boucherville, J4B8R4" where nothing is found:,%20rue%20Lionel-Daunais,%20Boucherville,%20J4B8R4&format=xml&polygon_geojson=1&limit=10

Regarding thge exception: That's strange! @ymeridith2, are you using maybe a firewall? The exception occurs while parsing the XML result. Maybe the XML is empty on your machine. Of course I can and will catch this excpetion to show something not so disturbing. But of course it should work. @ymeridith2, does the url work in your browser? Is there soemthing special for your environment, firewall or something else?
2023-02-25 10:43   
@Wilfried, ah, I see, sorry, you get the same exception... So it works in general for you, but sometimes not, Isee. I will build something in to show the raw XML result. Maybe the results of the webservice are not deterministic, you get other results than me and these results will cause a crash. And @ymeridith2, Is ee, some searches will work for you too... sorry for not reading carefully!
2023-02-25 12:11   
Ich habe es auch mal probiert. Meine Ergebnisse decken sich 1:1 mit denen von WilfriedB. Version 4.0.47 Build 2228. OS = Win 11/64 Home 22H2 Build 2263.1325.

Habe auch noch mal andere Suchziele probiert. Er wird immer das richtige Ziel gefunden.
2023-02-25 14:09   
There's a new version now at in which I added a dialog showing the received xml (in case of an error). If you get this dialog, please copy the xml and send it to me...
2023-02-25 14:23   
@Friedemann: GeoSetter Check For Update indicates that there is no new version! Is this normal?
2023-02-25 14:30   
@Friedemann search with "900 North Stafford Street Arlington VA 22203" in 4.0.48 brings:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<searchresults timestamp='Sat, 25 Feb 23 13:29:29 +0000' attribution='Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.' querystring='900 North Stafford Street Arlington VA 22203' exclude_place_ids='319880278' more_url=''>
<place place_id='319880278' osm_type='way' osm_id='454859526' place_rank='30' address_rank='30' boundingbox="38.881107,38.881207,-77.110562,-77.110462" lat='38.881157' lon='-77.110512' display_name='900, North Stafford Street, Virginia Square, Ballston, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22203, United States' class='place' type='house' importance='-0.52'/></searchresults>
2023-02-25 15:19   

Results from,%20D.C.&format=xml&polygon_geojson=1&limit=10:

<searchresults timestamp="Sat, 25 Feb 23 12:51:30 +0000" attribution="Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0." querystring="1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C." exclude_place_ids="164605957,164247076,164533638,164208759,55796038,327871934" more_url="">
<script id="__gaOptOutExtension"/>
<place place_id="164605957" osm_type="way" osm_id="238241022" place_rank="30" address_rank="30" boundingbox="38.8974908,38.897911,-77.0368537,-77.0362519" geojson="{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.0368537,38.8975574],[-77.0367914,38.8975573],[-77.0367838,38.8975573],[-77.0367445,38.8975573],[-77.0367006,38.8975572],[-77.0366639,38.8975572],[-77.0366562,38.8975401],[-77.0366445,38.8975253],[-77.036636,38.8975176],[-77.0366217,38.8975078],[-77.0366061,38.8975003],[-77.0365845,38.8974938],[-77.0365616,38.8974908],[-77.0365503,38.8974911],[-77.0365387,38.8974914],[-77.0365194,38.897495],[-77.0364977,38.8975026],[-77.0364832,38.8975103],[-77.0364701,38.8975201],[-77.036461,38.8975292],[-77.0364517,38.8975421],[-77.0364451,38.897557],[-77.0363987,38.8975569],[-77.036321,38.8975569],[-77.0363105,38.8975569],[-77.036252,38.897557],[-77.0362519,38.897598],[-77.0362528,38.897621],[-77.0362528,38.8976491],[-77.0362528,38.8976492],[-77.0362528,38.8976776],[-77.0362528,38.8976962],[-77.0362528,38.8977032],[-77.0362528,38.8977034],[-77.0362527,38.8977387],[-77.0362527,38.8977562],[-77.0362526,38.8977951],[-77.0363111,38.8977952],[-77.0363412,38.8977952],[-77.0363982,38.8977952],[-77.0363984,38.8977953],[-77.0364305,38.8977953],[-77.036455,38.8977953],[-77.0364549,38.8978187],[-77.0364548,38.8978339],[-77.0364548,38.8978441],[-77.0364548,38.8978548],[-77.0364547,38.897883],[-77.0364547,38.8978949],[-77.0364547,38.8979108],[-77.0365326,38.8979109],[-77.0365602,38.8979109],[-77.036643,38.897911],[-77.036643,38.8978966],[-77.036643,38.897885],[-77.0366428,38.8978553],[-77.0366428,38.8978448],[-77.0366427,38.8978343],[-77.0366429,38.8978268],[-77.0366432,38.8978169],[-77.0366432,38.8977955],[-77.0366679,38.8977955],[-77.036703,38.8977956],[-77.0367461,38.8977956],[-77.0367946,38.8977956],[-77.0368114,38.8977958],[-77.0368535,38.8977959],[-77.0368537,38.8977338],[-77.0368535,38.8977184],[-77.0368535,38.8977036],[-77.0368535,38.8976869],[-77.0368535,38.8976765],[-77.0368535,38.8976497],[-77.0368536,38.8976282],[-77.0368536,38.8975961],[-77.0368537,38.8975574]]]}" lat="38.897699700000004" lon="-77.03655315" display_name="White House, 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, 20500, United States" class="office" type="government" importance="1.2547211541681"/>
<place place_id="164247076" osm_type="way" osm_id="238241023" place_rank="30" address_rank="30" boundingbox="38.8973242,38.8974297,-77.0374621,-77.0373535" geojson="{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.0374621,38.8973715],[-77.037461,38.8973628],[-77.0374588,38.897357],[-77.0374573,38.8973525],[-77.0374495,38.8973427],[-77.0374403,38.8973347],[-77.037428,38.8973276],[-77.037413,38.8973242],[-77.0373987,38.8973251],[-77.037387,38.8973287],[-77.0373772,38.8973342],[-77.0373665,38.8973438],[-77.037361,38.8973517],[-77.0373568,38.8973614],[-77.0373538,38.8973727],[-77.0373535,38.8973838],[-77.0373561,38.8973946],[-77.0373611,38.8974056],[-77.0373686,38.8974161],[-77.037376,38.8974221],[-77.0373835,38.8974253],[-77.0373903,38.8974277],[-77.0374018,38.8974297],[-77.0374107,38.8974295],[-77.0374175,38.8974288],[-77.0374251,38.8974269],[-77.0374323,38.8974235],[-77.0374365,38.8974211],[-77.0374413,38.8974179],[-77.0374469,38.8974128],[-77.0374529,38.8974055],[-77.0374565,38.8973992],[-77.0374594,38.8973927],[-77.037461,38.8973866],[-77.0374621,38.8973784],[-77.0374621,38.8973715]]]}" lat="38.89737555" lon="-77.0374079114865" display_name="The Oval Office, 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, 20006, United States" class="office" type="government" importance="1.100969587124"/>
<place place_id="164533638" osm_type="way" osm_id="238241016" place_rank="30" address_rank="30" boundingbox="38.8973242,38.8976897,-77.0378226,-77.0372952" geojson="{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.0378226,38.8973346],[-77.0377443,38.8973343],[-77.0376929,38.8973342],[-77.0376333,38.897334],[-77.0375815,38.8973338],[-77.0375183,38.8973336],[-77.0374573,38.8973334],[-77.0374573,38.8973525],[-77.0374495,38.8973427],[-77.0374403,38.8973347],[-77.037428,38.8973276],[-77.037413,38.8973242],[-77.0373987,38.8973251],[-77.037387,38.8973287],[-77.0373772,38.8973342],[-77.0373665,38.8973438],[-77.0373446,38.8973442],[-77.0372952,38.897344],[-77.0372966,38.8974804],[-77.0372971,38.8975942],[-77.0372968,38.897689],[-77.0373284,38.8976892],[-77.0373558,38.8976893],[-77.0373919,38.8976895],[-77.0374351,38.8976897],[-77.0374354,38.8976539],[-77.0374361,38.8976264],[-77.0374365,38.8975975],[-77.0374557,38.8975976],[-77.0374559,38.8976053],[-77.0375502,38.8976056],[-77.0375857,38.8976057],[-77.0375908,38.8976057],[-77.0375905,38.8976393],[-77.0375904,38.8976632],[-77.0376902,38.8976636],[-77.0376903,38.8976404],[-77.0376905,38.897606],[-77.0377087,38.8976061],[-77.0377417,38.8976062],[-77.0378094,38.8976073],[-77.0378204,38.8976074],[-77.0378215,38.8975421],[-77.0378213,38.8974737],[-77.0378219,38.8974545],[-77.0378217,38.8974308],[-77.0378221,38.8974205],[-77.0378226,38.8973346]]]}" lat="38.89751125" lon="-77.03755907267006" display_name="The West Wing, 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, 20500, United States" class="building" type="yes" importance="1.0255805794353"/>
<place place_id="164208759" osm_type="way" osm_id="238241018" place_rank="30" address_rank="30" boundingbox="38.8973817,38.897768,-77.0357843,-77.0355017" geojson="{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-77.0357843,38.897386],[-77.0357426,38.8973858],[-77.0357427,38.8973825],[-77.0356975,38.8973823],[-77.0356628,38.8973821],[-77.0356185,38.8973817],[-77.0356184,38.897386],[-77.035574,38.8973858],[-77.0355738,38.8974207],[-77.0355329,38.8974205],[-77.0355049,38.8974203],[-77.0355042,38.8974851],[-77.0355037,38.8975329],[-77.0355033,38.897567],[-77.0355032,38.8975805],[-77.0355027,38.8976249],[-77.0355017,38.8977261],[-77.0355372,38.8977263],[-77.035571,38.8977265],[-77.0355707,38.8977625],[-77.0356098,38.8977628],[-77.0356097,38.8977673],[-77.0356606,38.8977676],[-77.0356945,38.8977678],[-77.0357412,38.897768],[-77.0357412,38.8977619],[-77.0357811,38.8977621],[-77.0357813,38.8977262],[-77.0357814,38.8977162],[-77.0357818,38.8976987],[-77.0357818,38.8976947],[-77.0357819,38.8976781],[-77.0357819,38.8976715],[-77.0357821,38.8976476],[-77.0357821,38.897632],[-77.035782,38.8976172],[-77.0357821,38.8976077],[-77.0357827,38.8975426],[-77.035783,38.8975064],[-77.0357835,38.8974825],[-77.0357838,38.8974503],[-77.0357841,38.8974162],[-77.0357843,38.897386]]]}" lat="38.89757375" lon="-77.03564283145161" display_name="The East Wing, 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, 20500, United States" class="building" type="yes" importance="0.92500394596232"/>
<place place_id="55796038" osm_type="node" osm_id="4957653990" place_rank="30" address_rank="30" boundingbox="38.8974228,38.8975228,-77.0365982,-77.0364982" geojson="{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-77.0365482,38.8974728]}" lat="38.8974728" lon="-77.0365482" display_name="White House Meridian, 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, 20500, United States" class="tourism" type="information" importance="0.6201" icon=""/>
<place place_id="327871934" osm_type="way" osm_id="4639175" place_rank="30" address_rank="30" boundingbox="38.898627,38.898727,-77.03532,-77.03522" lat="38.898677" lon="-77.03527" display_name="1600, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, 20500, United States" class="place" type="house" importance="-0.53"/>

Results from,%20rue%20Lionel-Daunais,%20Boucherville,%20J4B8R4&format=xml&polygon_geojson=1&limit=10:

<searchresults timestamp="Sat, 25 Feb 23 12:51:51 +0000" attribution="Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0." querystring="1025, rue Lionel-Daunais, Boucherville, J4B8R4" more_url="">
<script id="__gaOptOutExtension"/>
2023-02-25 15:21   

In the latest Geosetter beta, XML messages produced by searching for the following addresses:

A) 900 North Stafford Street Arlington VA 22203

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<searchresults timestamp='Sat, 25 Feb 23 14:20:39 +0000' attribution='Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.' querystring='900 North Stafford Street Arlington VA 22203' exclude_place_ids='310249509' more_url=''>
<place place_id='310249509' osm_type='way' osm_id='454859526' place_rank='30' address_rank='30' boundingbox="38.881107,38.881207,-77.110562,-77.110462" lat='38.881157' lon='-77.110512' display_name='900, North Stafford Street, Virginia Square, Ballston, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22203, United States' class='place' type='house' importance='-0.52'/></searchresults>

B) 10619 North O'Connell Lane Mequon WI 53092

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<searchresults timestamp='Sat, 25 Feb 23 14:20:55 +0000' attribution='Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.' querystring='10619 North O'Connell Lane Mequon WI 53092' exclude_place_ids='327251377' more_url=''>
<place place_id='327251377' osm_type='way' osm_id='21546187' place_rank='30' address_rank='30' boundingbox="43.209837562369,43.209937562369,-88.057536253126,-88.057436253126" lat='43.20988756236939' lon='-88.05748625312617' display_name='10619, North O Connell Lane, Mequon, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin, 53097, United States' class='place' type='house' importance='-0.43'/></searchresults>

C) 612 Prairie Avenue Downers Grove IL 60515

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<searchresults timestamp='Sat, 25 Feb 23 14:21:11 +0000' attribution='Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.' querystring='612 Prairie Avenue Downers Grove IL 60515' exclude_place_ids='316534233' more_url=''>
<place place_id='316534233' osm_type='way' osm_id='22082874' place_rank='30' address_rank='30' boundingbox="41.800348647059,41.800448647059,-88.000611058824,-88.000511058824" lat='41.80039864705882' lon='-88.00056105882352' display_name='612, Prairie Avenue, Downers Grove, DuPage County, Illinois, 60515, United States' class='place' type='house' importance='-0.43'/></searchresults>
2023-02-25 15:24   

I first emailed an error report but then I read the FAQ in the beta and it said that reporting it here saved @Friedemann some time, so I did that too.

RE 1600 Pennsylvania, it's possible that was a poor example, since it's also the address of the White House. Whoops.
2023-02-25 18:38   
@ymeridith2, ah, thank you, I see now, there's no geojson geometry returned by this request, that's why an exception occured. Now, after fixing, no dialog will be shown for these 3 requests, the map will me set directly to the found position. One additional question: You get the error dialogs with these XML bodies, do they show another values than -1 for the line and the line position on top of the XML body?
2023-02-25 18:57   
I hope this is fixed now, If you still get any XML problems, please reopen... An updated version is now available:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2499 [GeoSetter] Tracks block always 2023-02-25 17:45 2023-02-25 17:45
Reporter: Friedemann Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: immediate OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.48 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.49 beta  
    Target Version: 4.0.49 beta  
Summary: Trackpoints do not contain date time anymore
Description: Trackpoints do not contain date time anymore
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2494 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor N/A 2023-02-25 14:39 2023-02-25 14:40
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.48 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Erreur at first start
Description: I got the following error the first time but not afterwards:
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Erreur au premier démarrage 4.0.48.jpg (119,151 bytes) 2023-02-25 14:39
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2383 [GeoSetter] User Interface block N/A 2022-12-02 18:19 2023-02-25 12:34
Reporter: Motalf Platform: PC  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 7  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.5  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Map not visible on w7
Description: Map not visible on windows 7 !

sur le fichier map_google.html

Ligne 1117 à 1120:
L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
                maxZoom: 19,
                attribution: '©'

Replace with :
var osmUrl='http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
        var osmAttrib='Map data © contributors';
        var osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {attribution: osmAttrib}).addTo(map);

See if this solution works with W8 (8.1) W10 and w11
to solve the problem on w7 and talk to Friedemann about it

- the attached image shows the map displayed in geosetter on W7 with the above solution.
- The zip contains the modified map_google.html file.

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: OSM.JPG (238,348 bytes) 2022-12-02 18:19
jpg (7,836 bytes) 2022-12-02 18:19
osm 2.JPG (20,191 bytes) 2022-12-02 18:33

map_google (8,039 bytes) 2022-12-02 18:42
Geosetter.jpg (313,561 bytes) 2022-12-02 21:59
map_google.rar (7,663 bytes) 2022-12-02 21:59
Map Sat.JPG (201,387 bytes) 2022-12-03 00:54

Map Sat 2.JPG (212,678 bytes) 2022-12-03 01:00

Folder (140,758 bytes) 2022-12-07 00:52
Folder (1,425,235 bytes) 2022-12-07 01:07 (81,314 bytes) 2022-12-07 21:56 (81,195 bytes) 2022-12-07 21:56
image_1.jpg (79,825 bytes) 2022-12-07 22:02

Zoom Map Leaflet.xlsx (12,500 bytes) 2022-12-07 22:23
maxZoom with Google.JPG (53,185 bytes) 2022-12-08 03:01

Attrib Google Original.jpg (45,792 bytes) 2022-12-09 05:16

Attrib Google replace.jpg (61,251 bytes) 2022-12-09 05:18

map_google.html (41,475 bytes) 2022-12-09 05:39
Attrib google.JPG (28,049 bytes) 2022-12-09 08:55

map.jpg (27,571 bytes) 2022-12-09 10:18
jpg (8,381 bytes) 2022-12-09 11:05
map_google-3.rar (8,243 bytes) 2022-12-09 14:46 (8,360 bytes) 2022-12-09 14:47
Favorite Cities.jpg (296,125 bytes) 2022-12-09 14:50 (81,531 bytes) 2022-12-09 15:58 (81,500 bytes) 2022-12-09 15:58
map scale.jpg (21,881 bytes) 2022-12-10 03:30

download.png (17,989 bytes) 2022-12-10 05:16

GeoSetter.rar (1,822,853 bytes) 2022-12-10 13:26
GeoSetter-1.jpg (207,676 bytes) 2022-12-10 13:26

GeoSetter-2.jpg (72,431 bytes) 2022-12-10 13:26

GeoSetter-3.jpg (157,011 bytes) 2022-12-10 13:26

Missing Favorite Image-2.jpg (40,225 bytes) 2022-12-10 13:27

Icons menu map.JPG (29,286 bytes) 2022-12-10 15:36

image_2.jpg (137,132 bytes) 2022-12-10 15:42

Missing Favorite Image-3.jpg (39,095 bytes) 2022-12-10 15:47

Add favorite.jpg (230,251 bytes) 2022-12-11 04:39

Graycode.JPG (36,580 bytes) 2022-12-11 08:15

GeoSetter-2.rar (1,823,145 bytes) 2022-12-11 12:09
Search.jpg (154,994 bytes) 2022-12-11 20:23

Final-TB.jpg (241,611 bytes) 2022-12-12 16:46

Screenshot_1.jpg (10,336 bytes) 2022-12-12 17:38

Buttons.jpg (282,938 bytes) 2022-12-12 18:48
Bar Edge.jpg (172,432 bytes) 2022-12-13 16:46
jpg (2,562 bytes) 2022-12-13 20:08
OSM-img.jpg (113,039 bytes) 2022-12-13 20:49

map_Gmap-OSM_2map_Only (81,603 bytes) 2022-12-14 00:51
map_Esri-OSM_2map_Only (81,568 bytes) 2022-12-14 00:51
errorGS.jpg (408,808 bytes) 2022-12-14 11:35
GeoSetter - final.rar (155,590 bytes) 2022-12-21 09:33
GeotaggWhithExiftool.JPG (128,356 bytes) 2022-12-21 14:19
jpg (31,735 bytes) 2022-12-21 14:29
Copy Paste-3.jpg (76,024 bytes) 2022-12-21 15:02

Copy Paste-1.jpg (31,413 bytes) 2022-12-21 15:02

Copy Paste-2.jpg (78,247 bytes) 2022-12-21 15:02

Map OSM in w7.JPG (429,421 bytes) 2023-02-05 19:35
map_layers.xml (5,485 bytes) 2023-02-06 00:31
2022-12-02 18:33   
I forgot the maxzoom

I attach the image with the code, it will be more meaningful
2022-12-02 18:42   
the zip with the maxZoom correction
2022-12-02 21:57   
If you prefer a satellite map, here is temporarily a hybrid satellite map that works under Windows 7. The map is displayed in full quality.

File > Settings > Map > Map Address and Layers
2022-12-03 00:54   
With Openstreetmap there are many possibilities !

in Map Satellite there are:
Esri Satellite
Bing map Satellite

there are others but Paid in API
But not Hybrid!
a way to get closer to it and add a CartoDB Voyager layer Like Below I did.

Afterwards it is Friedemann who will make the decision.
I just took over from his code! ;)
2022-12-03 01:00   
With the zoom !
2022-12-03 01:34   
You forgot a " in the google api script:
<script src="http://........Key></script>

<script src="http://........Key"></script>

I also have this happen to me often, either a " or either a >. :p ;)
2022-12-06 00:19   
i have not yet testet your solutions, but i have coded a new simple geotagging tool that only need a browser (with internet connection) and exiftool. It runs also in win7 and is totally modificable.
Please read the instructions and the info page.
2022-12-06 21:46   
Please don't link to server in your script. You can download the scripts and save it in the geosetter directory. That don't request the server and is better for Friedmann. ;) save ressources ?
2022-12-06 22:52   

Ok thanks for the information!
I didn't know there was an impact.
Usually I get the css and Js in a local folder

how to do for the zip already posted ?
Can you remove them to avoid the problem ?
2022-12-06 23:39   

All is good. I have testet your map_google.html and it works fine on Win7 with IE 11.

I have talked with Friedmann the last days for the future of Geosetter and give him a little bit tips. The idea of a html file with the map code (JavaScript) is always good, but not yet perfect. It was better to save the files (css, js, png, jpg, ...) was linked in the map_google.html local by the user, also in the geosetter directory and not on the server.

The idea of Friedmann by the map_google.html was, that users can modifying it. But except the Win7 users no one has done it. The greater problem of geosetter is also not the map displaying, was is generated with the map_google.html, but the Geosetter core. But this problem is a difficult problem and not really a problem, but also, perhaps in the future. By this, the really problem is time - the free time of Friedmann to code a new Geosetter core.

I have suggested another procedure to Friedmann, similar to a management. We will see whether he adopts it or not. It includes the idea for saving the files not on the server, but by the users, and by changes, publish a new version of Geosetter.

By the way, I have created a Geosetter Simple (with OpenLayer map) that has no core to cause problems. Geosetter Simple works like a website. It can be used localy (download).
Hint: First you must choose a map by click. By default no map is displayed.
2022-12-07 00:21   
I quickly tested the option proposed by "slart".
But it does not offer all the possibilities of GeoSetter.
So for my part, I will continue to use GeoSetter. :)
2022-12-07 00:52   
No worries I understand, I corrected locally see the images in the attached zip (with a few more changes).
 cool if the map file works with w11 it would mean that it will work with w8 and w10 until the next version.

do I attach the file without the OSM map links? (so I don't dare to post files anymore)

I tried with Bing map (Satellite) and Esri Vector (Hybrid) but with the api keys it blocks with updateCustomLayers apparently
My skills stop there!

I quickly flew over the Simple Geosetter (with OpenLayer map ) I'll look a little better!

Thank you ! ;)
2022-12-07 01:07   
Oupps sorry, the settings were out of order !
2022-12-07 14:13   
For me (Windows 7 x64) it works now. Thank you!
Also the satellite view, but I have to change the map under File > Settings > Map > Map Address and Layers every time.
2022-12-07 21:41   
Thank you Thunderboy and Motalf!
I ended up using the hybrid map from Thunderboy.
But I feel the max zoom is still a bit far away.
Is it possible to get a higher zoom level?
Thank you anyway! :-)
2022-12-07 21:56   
I put the 2 maps in the google-osm file, it will be easier than going to the preferences.

you have to add the line maxZoom: 18 (the max is 20 it seems to me)

there is a table for the zoom max according to the map I have to find it!
2022-12-07 22:02   
unzip the zip in folder Geosetter

-file map
-folder osm

and put the map file path in the preferences
see picture below
2022-12-07 22:23   
here is the table for the maps (it is not complete but it gives a starting point)
2022-12-08 03:01   
2022-12-08 09:54   
Thanks @Motalf for the edit. I didn't have time to do it. It's getting better.
In the files map_esri-osm.html or map_google-osm.html, edit the coordinates of your position below this line (approximately 1300).
if (ALatitude > 900 || ALongitude > 900) {
ALatitude =
ALongitude =

It would still be good to add attribution for Google, e.g.: attribution: ''
I won't edit it anymore.
2022-12-08 17:50   
Thank you to Motalf for providing the map_google-osm file above, and for providing instructions on editing the zoom file.

I am now running Geosetter successfully on Windows 7 with Google hybrid map and OSM, at zoom 19. It even runs faster than the previous official version. Good software lives forever!

(and thank you to Friedemann for the classic software)
2022-12-08 20:47   
Thank you, but i have no time yet to test it.

again, i had talked with Friedmann the last days. He code at this time an updated v3.5.3 with a little bit corretures for failure things. By this update, he put all files, that are requestet from geosetter from the server in the local geosetter directory. Maybe, next, the files go offline. Therefore my request to you, all files into a local directory. good one.

The next: in this same update the map_google.html will be splittet in html, css, js files and the last embeeded in the first. So, the thing is, you can wait for this update and make a new modififcation from this, or you make it now with splittet in html, css, js. The thing is, the updated geosetter will be not work in W7.

My idea, why the geosetter (default map_google.html) don't work in W7, is the ECMA, also the JavaScript Enginge in the IE. That can not "let" and "const" and so one. When you use a older leaflet or OpenLayers script, than it works furthermore. The last by OpenLayers is the 5.3.0.

On this day, Friedmann say, a Geosetter v4 is not expected to occur. He have no time for this. Also, we have v3.5.3 and in the next day a updated version from this with a little bit changes.

So, I have asked Friedmann to mark the code in the split files so that it is either visible which parts can be adjusted, or visible which parts need to be left unangstated. Then everyone has the chance to adjust these files as they like. We will see in the next days.

*Geosetter Simple*
Yes, it is really *simple*, but have no unvisible CORE. All code is visible and modificable. The published version is only a really simple version. From this, it is endless expandable. All what Geosetter can, is possible with Geosetter Simple - theoretically. Geosetter is only a connection to the local file system and exiftool. The map with all your functions (marker, GPX, ...) is compleetly outside in the map_google.html. From this point of view is Geosetter Simple a fully worked map_google.html without Geosetter.
By exiftool, Geosetter send the command on exiftool. In Geosetter Simple you send the command on exiftool. Thats the not so comfortable different, but it is a very little process: copy&paste. For this, it has no core.
So, what you need is time for coding or money for coders or find published moficated versions of Geosetter Simple.
*Geosetter Simple* is a new start for a free tool for geotagging. It depends on what is made of it. Good luck!
2022-12-08 20:55   
unangstated = untouched (german: unangetastet)
2022-12-08 23:16   
Thank you for the feedback ! it's cool !

for attrib I thought about it but I didn't want to touch it.
In the image with the google maps (street, topo, etc..) it is not mentioned
I will look!

ALatitude and ALongitude ditto I will look!

in the google_map.html file on the geosetter server, the maxZoom is 19 (from memory)
by copying the code from my map to modify, the maxZoom was 18.

if some want to change the level, there is the table to help you.

Thank you for this important information but this is beyond my knowledge.
I don't have your level!

I know a little leaflet because I edited 3, 4 map in local web page.
that's how I saw that the line to display the map was not good!

Html, css, it can be fine, I still have to learn.
But Js Scripts, etc... so there it is hard! I can understand it but can't apply it.
I do a little, but it's really tiny! ;)

Esri Vector (hybrid) works in local web page but no way to put it in geosetter as already said!
I must be doing it wrong (as said above)

Esri Vector (hybrid) and better than Esri Satellite, no need to add CartoDB Voyager
and is closer to Gmap Hybrid.

I did not add the search bar with the magnifying glass button which works well on the local web page.
In geosetter, she yo-yos at times.
To solve the problem, display the search bar and type enter.
It's a little bug but it can be annoying. that's why I didn't put it.
2022-12-09 05:16   

For Google attribute
we have nothing to do, normally it should be displayed as below see the image.
2022-12-09 05:18   
if you want to add an attrib
modify with the following code in the image below

I can't do anything more!
2022-12-09 05:39   
A quick way to switch between three card styles
2022-12-09 05:53   
Mapbox and Maptiler have a free API but a limited number of uses (to be verified)
2022-12-09 08:55   
For Google attrib take this one instead, see the code below in the image
2022-12-09 10:18   
@xyzzy The OpenStreetMap map does not show up under Windows 7. The other maps are working.

If I can find more time, I'll take a look at all your suggestions. I'm also not a great programmer.
2022-12-09 11:05   
try it it should work now
I modified with my piece of code
2022-12-09 11:12   
Thanks @Motalf, it works. As I wrote, when I find more time, I will add more different maps.
2022-12-09 14:46   
To add favorite cities
2022-12-09 15:58   
Another version with only 2 maps

it's up to you to see which one suits you!
then I stop there

this one:

or this one:
2022-12-09 17:33   
@Motalf : The last model is very good. Thanks
2022-12-10 03:30   
For information :

if you want to change the unit of measurement of the map scale at the bottom left,
replace true with false and vice versa

Metric :
imperial: false,
metric: true

imperial: true,
metric: false

see below in the picture
2022-12-10 05:16   
@Motalf: Missing an image
2022-12-10 06:09   
I can not do anything !
this is a grayed out part of the code in my opinion.

the same thing happens on the map file on the server:

Friedmann is working on it I think!
apart from reporting a new bug, but he must be aware!

there is also the cross in the center of the map ditto.
2022-12-10 13:26   
So I looked at it and kept the code from @Motalf. There are 14 maps in total. I added one more scale around the edges. It can be quite useful.
Apart from the map, no data is downloaded from the Internet or directly from the GeoSetter server.
Even Motalf understood this, that there was no need to burden other servers. This should also be used in the new version of GS.
I did this by copying the entire contents of the archive to your GeoSetter directory. And in the map settings you just type this geosettermaps.html

Google's hybrid map is set up first. If you want to set a different start map, you have to edit it in the code.
In the geosettermaps.html file, on line 1025, replace the entire section up to // 2nd map (line: 1026-1033) with another map below.
On lines 1014 and 1015 set your starting position (Latitude and Longitude).

Everything you need can be found in the attached images.
Everything works for me here under Windows 7, so test it out.
This is the final version from me. I won't edit it anymore. I'm happy with that.
2022-12-10 13:27   
I solved the problem: In your solution, in the "OSM" directory there is an "img" subdirectory which contains the "png" including "favorite.png".
I created an "img" directory at the same level as "OSM" and copied the "favorite.png" file.
There it works again
2022-12-10 15:32   

I saw afterwards that we could put more maps.
14 that's a lot I think, you can reduce the circles of the map thumbnails
not too much either otherwise it's too small, it will leave more visibility.
especially on small laptop screens 13 to 15 "

Otherwise nice work!

the original attrib is in the js script of the api key
but at the service/json level (something like that) so no access to retrieve it
the thing is, it doesn't show up in geosetter!
I moved up the attrib leaflet by 20px to see if it was below and nothing.

have you seen that I put a second preferable Attrib for google!?

I did'nt understand everything ! you click on the bubble or on the star favorites to display the popup?
I do not use these last buttons on the right of the menu so I do not know how it is displayed.
(I didn't pay attention to it!)

I don't know if it displays the favorites.png icon or if it displays a thumbnail (thumbnail) of the selected photo!?
2022-12-10 15:37   
It is when you click on a favorite place (defined on the maps by a star).
This star is also displayed in the top left with the information specified when creating favorites in the open popup
2022-12-10 15:42   

favorite.png missing? odd!
2022-12-10 15:47   
The path you displayed is "...AppData\Roaming\GeoSetter\OSM\img"
but it must also be in the path
so that they appear in the popup of the favorite
2022-12-10 15:55   
For my part, in order not to duplicate the directories, I created a link with the command:
mklink /J C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\GeoSetter\img C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\GeoSetter\OSM\img
2022-12-10 17:50   
I can't reproduce your solution!
possible it is because of the settings in preference.

the OSM folder and the map file is in program file x86
I have nothing in appdata/.../geosetter.

I copied osm to Appdata/.../geosetter
apply the mklink but nothing

if it's solved for you, great.
2022-12-10 17:59   
tilt !!!
I think I understood why, on my side I created favorites of places but not from photos !
2022-12-10 20:05   
@all : wow! I have all downloaded but no time to test it. And i think, why you do not spend the time in Geosetter Simple? Geosetter - also with the next update - is really outdated. There will be no version 4. Geosetter 3 is outdated. It works until it doesn't work anymore. No thought of security gaps.

@Motalf : xyzzy means, the image file is in the wrong folder. and by thinking, you can ignore local full path (appData). only relevant are relative paths.


all right?

@Motalf : you can here learn by yourself JavaScript:
For Leaflet there is not so good. OpelLayers have a very good example page and a very good documentation. Make it step by step. Learning by doing.
2022-12-10 20:46   
@slart Geosetter Simple ( is not for me. The GeoSetter user interface is sufficient for me and I will remain faithful to it. :)
You write that there will be no new version of GeoSetter? I'm glad I at least got this old version to work. So I won't even post any more GeoSetter problems here.
2022-12-11 03:13   

For the img file I will let 2, 3 days pass
and I will resume in the clear!

Often by doing this I find where I am stuck!

For w3schools/js, I watch from time to time!
I also go to and All
and others depending on what I'm looking for.

totally agree, step by step and with practice.
2022-12-11 04:31   
I moved the files under "C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter" but if I don't make the "link", there is the same problem: the star does not appear when I click on a favorite .
So I also did the following command:
mklink /J "C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter\img" "C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter\OSM\img"
but with admin rights
2022-12-11 04:39   
This is how I create my favorites
2022-12-11 07:32   
@xyzzy Why don't you use the portable version of the program? I don't have any problems with this, even if I move the GeoSetter directory to another drive. I see you put my work in there, so you should be good to go. That is, if you copied everything from my geosettermaps.html file. There's no problem with the OSM directory.
2022-12-11 07:40   
Ok thanks to you 2!

I was able to reproduce the problem and the solution

actually when you click on the favorites icon on the map
the popup is displayed but the icon inside is not displayed.

with the mklink in admin the favorites icon in the popup is displayed next to the name of the favorites.

It must be a grayed out part of the code in my opinion.
see if the correction will be brought in version 3.5.xx
2022-12-11 08:15   
The code in grey on the image is not displayed if it is html,
and is not executed if it is a script.
2022-12-11 09:53   
Oh, I've run into that problem of yours as well. I apologize. What I wrote before doesn't help. There will be a bug in the code. I'll test it.
2022-12-11 12:09   
The path for the favorite.png file is directly specified in the GeoSetter.exe file. So I have edited everything necessary in my files so that it is already displaying correctly. It's already working.
I did this by copying the entire contents of the archive to your GeoSetter directory. And in the map settings you just type this geosettermaps.html
2022-12-11 14:58   
I think you used version 1.2 of "leaflet".
Can you use the latest version (1.9)?
2022-12-11 17:08   
@xyzzy I didn't even deal with that. Tomorrow this old one will be too. This is still from the Geosetter site. Also the json3 file is also older. Anyone who wants to can put new versions of these files in there. and
2022-12-11 17:17   
merci pour l'info!
2022-12-11 17:50   
In case it is useful for someone:

1.- To change map type as we have always done (button in upper left corner of the map):
-At the beginning of the script:
    var currenttile=null;
    tile0=L.tileLayer('http://...', {maxZoom:19,subdomains:['...'],attribution: '...'});
    tile1=L.tileLayer('http://...', {maxZoom:19,subdomains:['...'],attribution: '...'});
    tile2=L.tileLayer('http://...', {maxZoom:19,subdomains:['...'],attribution: '...'});
    tile3=L.tileLayer('http://...', {maxZoom:19,subdomains:['...'],attribution: '...'});
    tile4=L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom:19,attribution: '...'});

- Instead of the fake function SetMapType(AMapType):
    function SetMapType(AMapType) {
    if (AMapType == 0) {map.addLayer(tile0); currenttile=tile0;}
    else if (AMapType == 1) {map.addLayer(tile1); currenttile=tile1;}
    else if (AMapType == 2) {map.addLayer(tile2); currenttile=tile2;}
    else if (AMapType == 3) {map.addLayer(tile3); currenttile=tile3;}
    else if (AMapType == 4) {map.addLayer(tile4); currenttile=tile4;}
    else {map.addLayer(tile0); currenttile=tile0;}

- After map ='map')....:
    map.addLayer(tile4); currenttile=tile4;

You have to fill the variables tile0 to tile4 with the maps you want. For me five maps is enough, as we have always had.

2.- To find a location in the map:
- After <script src="./tools/js/json3.js"></script>:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <script src=""></script>

- After map ='map')....:
    var searchMarker = L.circleMarker([0,0],{radius:0});
    searchControl= new L.Control.Search({url: '{s}',
        jsonpParam:'json_callback', propertyName:'display_name', propertyLoc:['lat','lon'], marker:searchMarker, autoCollapse:true, hideMarkerOnCollapse:true, autoType:false, minLength:2});

You have to use the magnifying glass in the map, instead of the "Search box" at the bottom of the map window.
2022-12-11 20:10   
@ Jllanos
And we get the coordinates (latitude/longitude) how?
2022-12-11 20:23   
I found: by clicking on a point on the map, the coordinates are displayed. Thanks
2022-12-12 00:27   
@jllanos Thanks. It didn't work for me at first, but then I figured it out. Why doesn't it show the crosshair? I haven't figured that out.
2022-12-12 02:57   
I have never seen this "cross" in the center of the card...
2022-12-12 15:59   
In case it is useful for someone:

3.- To correct the "crosshair problem":
- Replace old showCenterCross with:

function showCenterCross(AShow) {
    document.getElementById("crosshair").style.left = Math.round(document.getElementById("map").clientWidth / 2) - 8+'px';
    document.getElementById("crosshair") = Math.round(document.getElementById("map").clientHeight / 2) - 8+'px';
    if (AShow) document.getElementById("crosshair").style.visibility = 'visible';
    else document.getElementById("crosshair").style.visibility = 'hidden';

- Replace:
if (window.attachEvent) {
    window.attachEvent('onresize', OnResizeWin);
if (window.addEventListener) {window.addEventListener('onresize', OnResizeWin); OnResizeWin();}

-Replace old OnResizeWin with:

function OnResizeWin(event) {
    document.getElementById("crosshair").style.left = Math.round(document.getElementById("map").clientWidth / 2) - 8+'px';
    document.getElementById("crosshair") = Math.round(document.getElementById("map").clientHeight / 2) - 8+'px';

- Replace (important):
<div id="crosshair" style="position: absolute; z-index: 200; visibility: hidden;">
<div id="crosshair" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2000; visibility: hidden;">

I doubt crosshair ever worked. For me it is useless.
2022-12-12 16:46   
Thanks to all. I've played around with it some more and it's perfect now. Everything works and it's better than Friedman's original version. :) I wanted to make buttons for those optional items to toggle when needed (Mouse position, Graticule, Scale) on the top right ... I've tried everything, but I'm not a programmer. I don't know shit about js. :(

Anyone know how to fix this? For me it's a very useful thing. That is, if it's not a problem in the .exe file itself.
2022-12-12 17:38   
@ThunderBoy: Forget about putting new buttons on the top right if you are speaking to put them in this bar (Screenshot_1.jpg). That bar belongs to the Geosetter.exe and this will not be changed. You can put all you want into the map itself, as shown in the "geosettermaps.html" with the 14 maps.
2022-12-12 18:05   
@jllanos: I didn't mean in the bar. I know this belongs to the program itself.
"14 maps" Shit, that didn't hit me at all. Thanks. I'll look into it another time. I've got other things to attend to.
2022-12-12 18:48   
Do you mean something like this?
2022-12-12 19:01   
@xyzzy I made quite a few of these buttons myself, but I only had them for decoration. :D When I don't know how to implent there L.Control.BetterScale, L.Control.MousePosition ...
2022-12-13 15:46   
Maybe with code like:

var command = L.control({position: 'topright'});
command.onAdd = function (map) {
    var div = L.DomUtil.create('div');
    div.innerHTML = '<div><form><input class="leaflet-control-layers-overlays" id="command" onclick=toggleBar(this.checked) type="checkbox">Toggle Bar</input></form></div>';
    return div;
command.addTo(map); //your map variable

function toggleBar(bool) {
  if (bool){
2022-12-13 18:49   
Better, but certainly not the best solution (I am not an expert in css and javascript)

    function toggleTool(bool, tool) {
      if (bool){

in the "showMap3" function:

     edge = L.edgeScaleBar();//.addTo(map); //Will be added/removed by clicking on the corresponding "checkbox"
     bar = L.control.betterscale({
           position: 'bottomleft',
           imperial: false,
           metric: true
// bar.addTo(map); //Will be added/removed by clicking on the corresponding "checkbox"
2022-12-13 18:50   
var command = L.control({position: 'topleft'});
      command.onAdd = function (map) {
          var div = L.DomUtil.create('div');
          div.innerHTML = '<div class="leaflet-container"><form> \
                  <input class="leaflet-control-layers-expanded leaflet-container" \
                  id="cmdBar" \
                  onclick="toggleTool(this.checked, bar)" \
                  type="checkbox">Bar</input> \
                  <input class="leaflet-control-layers-expanded leaflet-container" \
                  id="cmdEdge" \
                  onclick="toggleTool(this.checked, edge)" \
                  type="checkbox">Edge</input> \
          return div;
      command.addTo(map); //your map variable
2022-12-13 20:08   
Correction for ESri-OSM and Google-OSM v1 and v2

Copy waypoint.png to OSM/img and rename it to marker_waypoint.png

correct in the 1/4 file
'img/marker_waypoint.png' to 'OSM/img/marker_waypoint.png

Correct @jllanos's Code for crosshair in the center of the map, here:

I can't check the rest, I don't have a gps track file with the photos corresponding to the file.

replace at the top of the map file

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" class=" ixigspl idc0_344">

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="expires" content="604800">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

Crosshair Works Great!

I will see later to modify the @jllanos's Code from tile0 to tile4
2022-12-13 22:11   
clip Screenshot Video here :

clip Crosshair
Clip favorite popup
clip Marker_wayPoint
2022-12-13 22:56   
Thanks @xyzzy. Finally it works for me according to your script. I've added some more stuff in there. How would you do it the other way around. That would activate all plugins first and I will deactivate the one I don't need right now.

@Motalf I've never tried Traces. It's pretty handy sometimes. In the map log it throws me errors (80020101): clearSelectedWaypointName() and zoomRectangle2.
2022-12-13 23:10   

In the simplest way, in my opinion, it is to add the controls to the 'map' (i.e. do not comment on the ".addto (map)"
and add checked = "true" when creating the <Input ...>:
like this: <Input .... checked = "True" .../>
2022-12-13 23:12   
edge = L.edgeScaleBar().addTo(map);
     bar = L.control.betterscale({
           position: 'bottomleft',
           imperial: false,
           metric: true

      var command = L.control({position: 'topleft'});
      command.onAdd = function (map) {
          var div = L.DomUtil.create('div');
          div.innerHTML = '<div class="leaflet-container"><form> \
              <input class="leaflet-control-layers-expanded leaflet-container" \
              id="cmdBar" \
              onclick="toggleTool(this.checked, bar)" \
              type="checkbox" checked="true">Bar</input> \
              <input class="leaflet-control-layers-expanded leaflet-container" \
              id="cmdEdge" \
              onclick="toggleTool(this.checked, edge)" \
              type="checkbox" checked="true">Edge</input> \
          return div;
      command.addTo(map); //your map variable
2022-12-13 23:17   
To create a track file, select photos with GPS coordinates and in the File menu select "Export to GPX Track File
2022-12-13 23:22   
I made a little mistake in the answer 4155.
'true' must be in Lower Case
2022-12-13 23:57   

I noticed that for Marker_waypoint.png, an image is missing on the geosetter server. (I can't find it)

so I didn't touch it but it stayed in my memory.

as I don't have a GPS track file, I opened a poi file for gps in .gpx
I saw that the waypoints icon on the map was missing.

In the popup of a waypoint there was the waypoint.png icon, this is where I remembered the missing image and copied waypoint to Marker_waypoint.
it was solved!

I also loaded a route file (in a route format) the track was displayed.

I also got the error when I click on a waipoint to display the popup.
I can't say where it comes from since I can't link a photo to a trace or if it comes from elsewhere

then I can go no further!

I'll check it out, thanks ;)
2022-12-14 00:03   
@xyzzy It's working. Thanks again. I've already got it more sophisticated than on Google Earth. :D
@Motalf When you zoom in on all the routes with a magnifying glass, it shows the second error.
2022-12-14 00:51   
I removed the greyed out code, made some corrections

In the gmap layer provider I had 2 times maxZoom, corrected

function showMap() replaced 13 by 19
function showMap2() replaced 13 by 19

maxZoom at 19
minZoom at 6

modified crosshair with code from jllanos's
2022-12-14 00:56   
I had a Zoom problem with gps track mode and Carto DB

by changing the maxZoom to 19 and the minZoom from 4 to 6
it solved my problem otherwise I didn't notice anything on my side
2022-12-14 06:24   
Does anyone know the structure of ".gst" files?

There is no "clearSelectedWaypointName()" function in the code.
Does anyone know what this function is for?
2022-12-14 10:28   

I know what you mean about the zoom on the track.

For my part I stop here, I wait that Friedmann brings the modifications on the next version 3.5.xx
I reported another bug
for me the map works!
I tested with the map-google.html file on the server and I find the same problem.

then it's the code between Geosetter and the leaflet script that needs to be edited.
2022-12-14 11:35   
The first error occurs when opening any GPS file. It doesn't matter what the scale of the displayed map is. There is no problem there. In my opinion, the map should adjust to points when opening any file. That seems to be the problem. The second error occurs when I just click the mouse on any point. Does it do this to you as well?
As @xyzzy wrote clearSelectedWaypointName() is not defined anywhere. When I added it like that, it no longer throws an error. Whether this is good I have no idea. :)

function clearSelectedWaypointName() {
            document.getElementById("current_waypoint").innerHTML = "";
2022-12-14 15:15   
In case it is useful for someone:

4.- In case you usually zoom in/out the map with the mouse wheel, maybe you would like to remove the +/- button of the map.
The map look more clean :
- Replace map ='map')....
  with map ='map',{zoomControl:false})...
2022-12-15 00:13   
As for Motalf, I'll stop here and wait for the new version of Friedmann's GeoSetter. A+
2022-12-15 17:20   
@jllanos There would be better to add a button to return to the starting position of the map instead. As specified in the map_google.html file. Especially when I have high magnification. I wouldn't have to wiggle the mouse wheel so much. :) This could also be applied in the future directly in Geosetter.exe
2022-12-15 21:17   
I've already applied it there myself, so I don't need to deal with it anymore. Clicking the button returns the map to the default view.
2022-12-21 09:33   
I am attaching my latest working version for Geosetter 3.5.3 with all the modifications discussed in this thread. For further information: I have edited everything into my native language.
2022-12-21 12:09   
Thank you Friedemann for the new version 4. It's great. The maps are working ...
... but not OSM on a Windows 7 system. I konow you wrote at this will happen.

Anyone a simple solution for OSM an Windows 7?!
2022-12-21 12:33   
@Erik I've already written to the boss. You need to change the map layer. File > Settings > Map > Map Address and Layers > Map Layers. Select Openstreet map and change the Layer URL to: http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png
2022-12-21 14:19   
hello !

while waiting for the corrections of version 4.04
I use Exiftool it's longer but it works like geosetter

I use a local web page I enter the data in the 3 tables
and one button per table shows me the line to put in Exiftool(<enter line here>).exe

see picture below

Coordonnées GPS
rename Exiftool file



Exiftool(-GPSLongitudeRef=E -GPSLongitude=48.853326 -GPSLatitudeRef=N -GPSLatitude=48.853326).exe

Altitude et Orientation
rename Exiftool file



Exiftool(-GPSImgDirectionRef=T -GPSImgDirection=110.22 -GPSAltitudeRef=0 -GPSAltitude=34.82).exe

Coordonnées GPS Destination
rename Exiftool file



Exiftool(-GPSDestLongitudeRef=E -GPSDestLongitude=2.349063 -GPSDestLatitudeRef=N -GPSDestLatitude=48.853266).exe

and drag the image to the exiftool file
of course! for a dozen images it helps
2022-12-21 14:29   
If interested here is the zip
2022-12-21 15:02   
I believe that one can do this and even more with GeoSetter.
1-By selecting a source image,
2-make a "Copy Data to Clipboard".
3-Then select the destination images
4-make a "Paste Data from Clipboard"
5-Select the items to copy in "Paste from Clipboard"
2022-12-21 15:03   
Thank you! That was easy and works!
2022-12-21 21:14   
I'll take a closer look when I reinstall Geosetter.
I stop by from time to time to see the progress of bug fixes.

with exiftool we can also do it with a csv file, I'm studying that
more other things.
2023-02-05 16:36   
(Last edited: 2023-02-05 16:38)
This discussion is essentially about the official GeoSetter version. However, I have taken a few suggestions for the current beta version 4 from here, many thanks to you, especially to @xyzzy and @Motalf and of course all others too!!! I have now added a few map types, but I am not sure which ones I will actually use in the final version. Then I copied the ScaleBar :-) I am unsure about Windows 7. If I have understood correctly, is it enough for OSM to change the address to http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png? I have done that.

Maybe I've over-read something here, so please feel free to point out important things again! :-D

The version 4.0.41 beta can be downloaded here:

2023-02-05 17:43   
The OSM layer change for Windows 7 works, but I have no idea if it works on newer versions of Windows.
The things I used to use in the map view (plugins and map edits) are not yet used in the newer versions of the program. I don't want to keep editing the map.html file. Plugins don't need to be added there. But the scalebar can be there. It is suitable there. The other plugins would be up to everyone, when they can be edited/added directly in GS (without interfering with map.html), as I wrote here But it's up to you. I noticed while translating the program that it's already starting to be prepared :) In my opinion, the + and - buttons on the map are completely unnecessary. Everyone already uses the mouse wheel for that.

If we don't like something, we figure it out and discard it. :D
2023-02-05 19:35   
on geosetter v 4.0.xx ditto I had to replace the OSM provider
2023-02-05 19:58   
Maps not visible on w7 !
for the rest of the maps impeccable

the option button is a good idea for zoom or scale !
2023-02-05 23:10   
@ThunderBoy, you can switch the zoom buttons now off in the submenu right in the map toolbar (or the main menu)
@Motalf, regarding " I had to replace the OSM provider": I did it now for all in 4.0.41. And I will remove the Maps Mappy.*, at the moment I don't see anything there with Windows 11.

BTW: Im developing GeoSetter in a VM with Windows 10 and working with it on my main PC with Widnows 11.
2023-02-05 23:25   
I don't think is going anywhere anymore. They already have it taken care of. They worked for me for a while though. I couldn't get them to work. They will only go directly through
2023-02-05 23:34   
@Friedemann I hope the program will remember the setting. I don't feel like turning them off regularly. :) Also custom objects are not fixed yet and for some time they were displayed automatically after restarting the program. Now they have become inactive!
2023-02-06 00:31   
@Friedemann It's already in version 4.0.41 and it works too. But I don't use the last version of GS because Flat Mode with filters doesn't work there and I need it now. I'm attaching the current map file. These maps are all working for me under Windows 7. Most of them are for the whole world. I think they could all be used in the program. Check it out and edit the map addresses because some of them don't work in the latest version or use this file.
2023-02-06 17:42   
The OSM Topo map doesn't display at closest zoom. One click out is okay. (GeoSetter 4.0.41 / Win10) It could be that the map tiles just aren't loading, but I waited what seemed an adequate amount of time. I'm looking in upstate New York, USA (43.07968050 -74.12934239)

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
791 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2011-04-02 18:35 2023-02-25 12:33
Reporter: Malcolm_Ferguson Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 3.4.14 Release  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Enhancement request: ability to offset maps to counter misalignment in places like China
Description: Google maps (satellite and street) are misaligned by 300-1,000m in China. The misalignment can be to a different distance and direction between the satellite and street maps. The amount of this misalignment changes in different parts of China, and also seems to change over time.

I have photos from Shanghai that I positioned two years ago that now appear in a different location on the map! I have photos from my iPhone 4 (built-in GPS) that are in the wrong location on the map. This makes setting the GPS coordinates of photos from my Canon 500D (no GPS) rather inaccurate.

You can also Google for this problem, where you will read that people have no problems with GPS mapping in Hong Kong instantly have problems when they cross the border in to Shenzhen.

My enhancement request is:
1) An ability to automatically correct the error in the UI so that picking the location via street or satellite view adds a correctional value to the coordinates provided via what I presume is Google's mapping API

2) If this can't be done automatically (presumably that would require a database of up-to-date coordinates), then provide the ability in the UI to calculate the misalignment using a reference image. For example, if I have a photo from my iPhone, show it on the map, then ask where it really is (both street and satellite views). With that delta, either have a way to add the delta to subsequent photos that are positions via the map service, or shift the map in the UI by that delta so that the user gets the correct coords when they position a photo.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2011-04-02 18:39   
Please contact me if you want some reference photos that you can use as test cases. I can probably place them to 5-50m, which is better than the Google's error.
2011-04-23 19:21   
This is an issue covered in Google forum:

It seems that satellite maps are correctly aligned but not terrain or street maps.

Strangely, it has been reported that using the mapping service of instead of produces correctly aligned maps.

A potential solution, my guess, is to add to Map Type drop down list.
2023-02-24 23:35   
Information about converting between China's coordinate system (GCJ-02) and GPS coordinates:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2391 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2022-12-18 15:16 2023-02-25 11:31
Reporter: othmarmarti Platform: Intel  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 11  
Status: assigned Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: 4.03 Build 2201 Image angle not correct with Apple Iphone 8, Image Destination not always shown
Description: First: Thanks for the new version, it mostly works smooth

Compared to 3.53 the view angle of Iphone 8 JPGs is a factor 2 too wide. The view angle for Panasonic JPGs and RW"s is correct. Changeing the crop factor in the preferences has no effect

In the map window (Openstreetmap) with existing destination latitude and longitude and turned on display the information is not shown. When you turn off the image direction with the button on top of the map and then turn it on, it is displayed. Now if you select another image and then come back, it is displayed.
However it has some randomness,
Steps To Reproduce: See above
Additional Information: Thanks for your work
Attached Files: Geosetter 4.0.3 (Build 2201 - beta) Iphone 8 65,5deg 3,99mm.png (223,787 bytes) 2022-12-18 16:47

Geosetter 3.53 Lumix MFT 7.4deg 140mm.png (526,773 bytes) 2022-12-18 16:47
Geosetter 3.53 Iphone 8 65,5deg 3,99mm.png (525,482 bytes) 2022-12-18 16:47
Geosetter 4.0.3 (Build 2201 - beta) Lumix MFT 7.4deg 140mm.png (211,713 bytes) 2022-12-18 16:47

Screenshot_20230225_112621.png (977,721 bytes) 2023-02-25 11:31
Screenshot_20230225_112809.png (528,045 bytes) 2023-02-25 11:31
2022-12-18 16:47   
Here are screenshots of identical files with version 3.53 and 4.0.3

It shows that the view angle is off in 4.0.3
2023-02-25 11:31   
I am very happy with 4.0.47 beta. I use it now for all my tagging.

However the minor issue is still there, that the field of view displayed in the map is not consistent with version 3.53 nor with what the image shows.
I added two screenshots 3.53 and 4.0.47 of the same picture, demonstrating the effect.

Thanks for the great program.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2457 [GeoSetter] User Interface crash always 2023-01-23 19:17 2023-02-24 23:30
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Program freezes and crashes when saving changes to a large number of files - Probably all versions
Description: I embarked on a big change in my huge portfolio of photographs. I emailed my manager about this problem between the holidays. The program is having a lot of trouble saving large amounts of files. Above 1500 files, the program is almost unusable. It overloads the processor and freezes all the time. Version 4.0.31 throws error messages every now and then (I am attaching some to the archive). Even after the error message is thrown, the program continues to run. There would be no need to even click on Continue Application. Data is continuously saved to the files even during the freeze. When the program recovers a bit, the error message disappears by itself and reappears again after a while. Again .... and again. It is not a problem to prepare the files beforehand, but as soon as I save the changes to the files, the program immediately starts freezing. The more files, the worse it gets. I tried it at first with about 9000 files. That program froze completely and the processor was in hell. I only worked in Flat mode, as that is the only place to work with a lot of subfolders and files in them. There were various changes in the files, e.g. changes: GPS location, contact, artist ... It's very annoying to respond to error windows every now and then. I also have to reduce the amount of directories and files so that the program can still handle them. Making changes one directory at a time is again annoying and tedious. Easier and time saving is to do it in a larger one, but again the program can't handle that. In the meantime, as the program "works", I can attend to other things.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: bugreport_pack.rar (24,935 bytes) 2023-01-23 19:17
2023-01-23 19:40   
I've done a test with 1499 files and all is OK. There were no error messages and all works fine. Version is 4.0.31
2023-01-23 19:54   
I forgot to write that the data is edited and written on a fast external 8TB disk. I haven't written to that many files on the local one yet. Also, these are only TIFF and Nikon RAW files (.NEF). Raw predominates.
2023-01-23 20:34   
I've done the same test with an external SSD. 1499 jpg files and 150 Sony RAW files. There were no errors and no problems. Perhaps Friedemann has TIFF and NEF files to reproduce this.
2023-02-24 23:30   
Do you have any JPEG sidecar files? I'm guaranteed a crash if I have RAW+JPEG. I have my view filtered for non-raw to avoid this. I also can't working recursively on folders containing iPhone photos (HEIC) with JPEG sidecars even though Exiftool doesn't know about HEICs, and have to do this folder by folder.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2449 [GeoSetter] User Interface tweak sometimes 2023-01-15 22:21 2023-02-24 17:24
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.48 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.19 - Min/Max Icon
Description: Occasionally the icon to maximize/minimize the window indicates to minimize when the window is already minimized
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Min-Max.jpg (256,519 bytes) 2023-01-15 22:21

Arrow-1.jpg (172,749 bytes) 2023-02-12 15:09

Arrow-2.jpg (192,289 bytes) 2023-02-12 15:09

Arrow-3.jpg (253,027 bytes) 2023-02-12 15:09
2023-02-24 17:24   
I removed the skinned icons now. So I hope this will work fine now. I'm not sure at the moment...

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2479 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-02-08 12:51 2023-02-24 17:23
Reporter: zava Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: low OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.41 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.48 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Image direction no longer modifiable by dragging destination point
Description: In previous versions, image direction was displayed by a purple cone along with a target spot and image direction could be modified by dragging the spot target. Apparently now the target is no longer displayed, so the only way of changing direction is by manually editing th enumerical angle value.
In some cases, the drag method was more handy.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-02-08 14:24   
@zava correct, since the first 4.0 beta this does not work, because the target position is identical to the position of the image. As a workaround, before adding the direction using the button, I search for the target position, copy latitude/longitude, edit the image's metadata and paste latitude/longitude, after doing so the angle degrees are calculated automatically. As I said in the other post, make the triangle visible, by clicking the "show image direction ..." button once or twice.
2023-02-09 15:44   
Thank you WilfriedB for your workaround. Not too handy though... ;) Especially if you see your target on a map and it was very easy to drag accordingly without knowing coordinates. Hope the normal working will be restored.
Thank you!
2023-02-09 19:29   
@WilfriedB: as I reported some time ago, the pink cone for changing the viewing direction is not displayed for an image that has a direction indication but no fixed target point. In this respect, the workaround is helpful, but only when fixed target points are specified. In version 3.xx, the pink cone (incl. direction ray) was always displayed even when a direction was specified without fixed target points. You could change the viewing direction directly by dragging with the mouse.
Thx, Stephan
2023-02-24 17:22   
(Last edited: 2023-02-24 17:23)
I changed/fixed something now. But I'm not clear if this is ok for you.

Now, if the image file is focused, there's a edit point for the direction in the map in all cases. If there is a destination ccord already, then it will be shown there. If it isn't, the pont will be shown in the center of the cone.
If the image file is NOT focuses and it does not contain a destination coord, then still no point is show which can be moved. Ok? So you have to focus the image first in the file browser (or in the map).

BUT: Marker pins of photo files can be dragged in the map too, then you will be asked if you want to move the marker itself or if you want do add/change the destination of the image direction. Did you miss this maybe?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2489 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor N/A 2023-02-18 07:55 2023-02-24 17:17
Reporter: wim_van Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.47 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.48 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: I proposed helping translating into Dutch in 0002485 but I miss a PO-file
Description: I proposed in 0002485 helping translating into Dutch.
I got a possitive answer and a mail. But, hte PO-file, which I need was not attached into that mail. Can some-one send me the needed file ?
I already replied on the mail I got, where the PO-file is missing but still no answer on that.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-02-18 12:41   
You don't have to wait for the .po file. The boss would certainly send you a completely clean version with the English or German original, in which not a single word will be translated into your language yet. You'd better do it so that you don't have to translate all the entries again.

Go to the GeoSetter\locale\nl\LC_MESSAGES\ directory and convert it to a .po file on this page Do the same with the German version of GeoSetter\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES\ Then you need a text editor and copy the missing phrases from the German version into the Dutch version. It is better to use the original German .mo file, as the English version may not contain all the phrases. There will certainly be a lot of them and you will kill a lot of time in the process.

When finished, open the .po file in Poedit. From there, translate everything you need into your language. Poedit will also automatically create a .po file when you save the file (if it doesn't, check your settings), which you copy to a designated location in GS and can test the translation on the fly. Attach the final translation here or email it to Friedemann.

I can attach the original .po file here, but I prefer to do it the way I wrote it. If you have any questions, please write here. But I'm not here non-stop.
2023-02-18 12:45   
Be careful because the PO obtained in this way does not have the relations with the Friedemann program.
It is not the same file that Friedemann had to provide you. He is very busy with work this week I believe.
2023-02-18 13:06   
I don't think there would be any problem with that. He has notes in his original file, but they are irrelevant. However, the manager needs to be sent the file format (i.e. .po file). That's how you required it from me.
2023-02-19 22:58   
Friedemann has a lot of stress at work right now! But I just wrote him anyway that the .PO file is missing.

I'm sure that he will send the file as soon as he has time for it.
2023-02-19 23:07   
@wim_van: you should have received am mail from Friedemann with the missing .PO file.

Can I close this issue and 2485?
2023-02-20 01:40   
@Friedemann: everyone understands that you have other emergencies
and we can wait for you to fix the little problems we have.
You are doing a marvelous job.
Thank you very much from all of us.
2023-02-24 07:16   
Thanks for the info.
I already received the needed file.
Translations has been made.
Any way, I respect all the wrok everyone is doing here and surely Friedemann himself.
This issue may be closed.
0002485 may be closed too.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2478 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-02-08 12:42 2023-02-24 17:16
Reporter: zava Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: low OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.41 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.48 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Editing data (e.g. direction) changes are not displayed until image file saved
Description: Editing image data such as image direction works fine and the data is changed.
But when closing the dialog the change is not displayed and the displayed image direction remains the same as before, although the new value is retained.
Only after saving image file does the change appear correctly.
This is not practical: to check that the change is indeed as wanted, you need to save, so only way to check a potentially wrong change is to make it permanente. Not wise...
Appeared in recent beta versions, but before "reprise" of works it used to work fine.
Steps To Reproduce: Select image.
Edit data, change image direction.
Displayed direction unchanged.
Edit again, shows new valued is retained.
Save image -> ne direction correctly displayed.
Additional Information:
Attached Files: GeoSetter Show direction.jpg (18,061 bytes) 2023-02-08 13:15
2023-02-08 13:15   
@zava I noticed this too and alos others mentioned it here a while ago. However, as far as I know, this applies only to the direction triangle and you don't need to save the change. Clicking twice the "Show direction of focused image" button, shows the triangle without saving.
2023-02-09 15:52   
Thank you WilfriedB but I am afraid I cannot confirm your suggestion. I just tried editing the direction; I then click on "Show direction", after the first click, the direction cone disappears (correct), after the second it reappears unaltered (pointing in the unchanged direction) although I can then check that the new direction is conserved in the direction field.
Then if I save the change, the direction cone is updated.
Applies to 4.0.43 (but I originally found this a few versions ago).
2023-02-09 16:04   
I found that with version 4.x.x, you need to have data in the "Dest. Latitude/Longitude"
fields for the direction to be displayed on the map.

I also noticed that after modifying the "Dicrection",
if I click anywhere in the "Edit Data" window, when leaving,
the new direction is displayed
(the "Dest. Latitude/Longitude fields " is then updated)

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2485 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor have not tried 2023-02-13 09:20 2023-02-24 16:53
Reporter: wim_van Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.47 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: reopened  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.48 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: I would like helping translating into Dutch. How can I do that ?
Description: Since the start of the develpment of version 4... I following this forum.
Still I find prhases in English that aren' translated into Dutch.
I would like helping in this, but how can I do this ?
I found out that phrases are stocked into a kind of database, table with the extenion .mo
Is there an utility to open this and maintain ? If yes, what tool ?
How can I the insert, update phrases ?
Steps To Reproduce: Just use the application. Section where you can define the behaviour of image-types.
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-02-13 11:46   
I will contact you and send you the source PO file. It can be the dited for example with POEdit ( Editing the MO file is not good, because I need the raw source file.
2023-02-14 22:04   
I still not got the PO-file. I got a mail with some explanation, but there was no PO-file attached.
Can it be delivered please.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2491 [GeoSetter] Tracks feature N/A 2023-02-23 18:19 2023-02-24 16:52
Reporter: Friedemann Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.48 beta  
    Target Version: 4.0.48 beta  
Summary: Show labels of waypoints
Description: Show labels of waypoints
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
1935 [GeoSetter] Image Data feature always 2018-04-18 10:25 2023-02-24 15:58
Reporter: boss23 Platform: Win7  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 3.4.51 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: HEIC Support
Description: Hi,

Any support of Apple HEIC file coming?

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-02-24 15:58   
This is a duplicate of 1997

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
1997 [GeoSetter] Image Data feature always 2018-11-03 18:10 2023-02-24 15:56
Reporter: rturnock Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version: 3.5  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Unable to access .HEIC files (HEIF)
Description: HEIC files do not appear and cannot be selected since they are a relatively new format. Consequently Geosetter cannot be used with these files.
Steps To Reproduce: Open a folder that includes both .JPG and .HEIC files and even without a filter applied only the .JPGs appear.
Additional Information: Perhaps a work around might be possible. If an HEIC file is renamed to be a JPG, edited in Geosetter, and named back can changes be made without affecting the image?
Attached Files:
2018-12-08 00:13   
Geosetter relies on ExifTool to read and modify metadata. The current version is 11.21, and it only has the ability to read the metadata from HEIC files, and no way to write it. Keep an eye here though for updates:

There are various free ways to convert these to JPEG without sharing your photos, although invariably this requires an iPhone or Mac. Mac has a command line utility called ‘sips’ that will preserve the metadata during conversion to JPEG. The Image Capture app has a checkbox bottom-left to keep originals or convert them during copy from my iPhone. And the iPhone itself has an option in the settings to automaticallly convert pictures to a compatible format if you’re on Windows. Yes, all of this loses the extra colour space data, loses the bitrate savings and loses some detail, but maybe this isn’t important given that images came from a mobile phone camera (not exactly high quality in the first place)
2019-04-14 05:42   
ExifTool now supports writing to HEIC files.

Lightroom creates XMP files when saving metadata for HEIC files (i.e. treats them as a read-only RAW).

I have a Mac based workflow with GeoSetter running in a virtual machine. I get GeoSetter to work with my HEICs as follows:
1) Save metadata from Lightroom
2) Use the 'sips' command that comes with macOS to create JPEG sidecars
3) Make metadata settings in GeoSetter, which updates the sidecar
4) Read the metadata back in to Lightroom
5) Delete the JPEGs.

There is another bug in GeoSetter that's a bit annoying: with this setup all files appear duplicated if I show files recursively, so I have to go folder to folder. Maybe it gets confused by JPEGs with XMP sidecars?

This is the script I use to batch convert all the HEICs to JPEGs:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import os
import fnmatch
import subprocess
from distutils import file_util

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print("Specify root directory to parse from")

root_dir = sys.argv[1]

if False == os.path.isdir(sys.argv[1]):
    print("Directory '" + root_dir + "' doesn't exist")

print("Scanning '" + root_dir + "' ... ")

pattern = '*.HEIC'
for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(root_dir):
    for f in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern):
        fullpath_RAW = os.path.join(root, f)
        fullpath_JPG = os.path.join(root, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fullpath_RAW))[0] + ".jpeg")

        print("Processing " + f + "...")
        print("\tRAW: " + fullpath_RAW)
        print("\tJPG: " + fullpath_JPG)["sips", "--setProperty", "format", "jpeg", "--setProperty", "formatOptions", "30", fullpath_RAW, "--out", fullpath_JPG])


And when I'm finished, I replace "<<ROOT_FOLDER>>" in this command:
find <<ROOT_FOLDER>> -name "*.jpeg" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} rm "{}"
2023-02-24 15:56   
This workaround is not longer reliable for me because Lightroom is now reading and writing metadata directly. I've tried turning on XMP writing from Geosetter for JPEGs, but Lightroom doesn't seem to pick all of this up when I'm dealing with a HEIC with JPEG and XMP sidecars.

As Exiftool has also had HEIC writing support for some time now, so it would be great if Geosetter added HEIC as one of its known and internally supported file formats.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2465 [GeoSetter] Image Data minor always 2023-01-27 23:57 2023-02-23 18:17
Reporter: dydxdx Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.5.1  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Beta 4.0.33 build 2177 Unable to get Location data from WEB
Description: Unable to get location data, as I have in previous beta versions. The setting in v4.0.33 and v3.5.3 are identical: v3.5 works, v4.0 doesn't
Steps To Reproduce: Regular synchronization
Additional Information: Had this problem in early beta version, and changing ""use http instead of https"" solved it then....but not now.
Attached Files: 2023-01-27_153800.jpg (742,017 bytes) 2023-01-27 23:57
2023-01-27_154443.jpg (766,529 bytes) 2023-01-27 23:57
2023-01-28_064027.jpg (1,006,985 bytes) 2023-01-28 14:49
2023-01-28_064834.jpg (919,686 bytes) 2023-01-28 14:49
2023-02-02_162518.jpg (182,235 bytes) 2023-02-03 00:29
2023-01-28 06:06   
Weird... I can get Location Data with no problem by "Get from the Web" with address setting of "" in Geosetter 4.0.33 build 2177. I am not sure what is different between us.
2023-01-28 09:05   
Does work for me in 4.0.33 and I used almost all previous 4.0.xx betas without any problems.

However, trying again just now, I realized Get Location from Web does work, but trying to get the ALTITUDE from the web DOES NOT. I.e. pressing the button does not do anything and no error message visible.
2023-01-28 09:17   
At least for me, getting altitude from the Web also does work with no problem. Strange...
2023-01-28 14:22   
I have no problems retrieving the location and altitude data. There were problems with this function, but they should be fixed by now.
2023-01-28 14:28   
It sometimes happens that the tool used by GeoSetter does not find an elevation.
for example: In Ha Long Bay
-Latitude: 20.87946000
-Longitude: 107.18094200
2023-01-28 14:49   
Manually sync'g location data works, just no auto pop-up following acceptance of "GPS data has been found for all XX images. Would you like to continue with this result?"
2023-01-28 19:21   
The two 20 second videos below demonstrate the different synching behavior of 3.0 and 4.0.....the lack of a pop-up GEONAMES data location window in the beta. The beta will connect to GEONAMES manually (Get from WEB button), but not automatically.
Geosetter 3.0
Geosetter 4.0
2023-01-29 13:04   
@dydxdx I do get the message ""GPS data has been found for all XX images. Would you like to continue with this result?" in 4.0.33. Are you sure, the coordinates are not in your favorites? In that case the metadata is changed silently. I believe, the massage also does not come up, if you assigned the same or similar location to other images shortly before.

My statement in 0004474 regarding the altitude was incorrect: It does work correctly. You just need to wait a couple of seconds and watch carefully, since the numbers change silently.
2023-01-29 14:40   
WilfriedB, thanks for your suggestions:
"Are you sure, the coordinates are not in your favorites?" >>>>> they are not in favorites.
" I believe, the massage also does not come up...." >>>>> not so, deleting location data then resynching same problem.

My thoughts are that there is clearly a coding difference in synching between the 2 versions. They behave differently.
2023-01-29 16:41   
In response to the following, if I understand correctly, see the video below with blanked-out location data...same problem:
" I believe, the massage also does not come up, if you assigned the same or similar location to other images shortly before."
2023-02-02 22:06   
Installed beta 4.0.38 on Surface Pro 7 Model 1866 i5....same problem. Both desktop and Surface Pro are Win10 machines. I'm surprised no one else has observed this issue.
2023-02-03 00:29   
Solved...totally missed this in settings, default apparently is null.
2023-02-23 12:31   
Solved...totally missed this in settings, default apparently is null.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2490 [GeoSetter] Tracks feature have not tried 2023-02-20 17:53 2023-02-23 12:31
Reporter: Friedemann Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.48 beta  
    Target Version: 4.0.48 beta  
Summary: Improvements track handling
Description: - Using another XML library fpr speeding up reading GPX about 40 %
- Status bar in tracks panel
- Double click on track shows the track and zoom to it
- Not removing extensions tag when saving
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2371 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2022-11-17 18:29 2023-02-20 17:49
Reporter: E.Richter Platform: HP Pavilion Gaming Laptop 17-cd1  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: Windows 10 Home  
Priority: urgent OS Version: 21H1 19043.1526  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.5.1  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Karten werden nicht mehr angezeigt
Description: Die Karten werden nicht mehr angezeigt unter folgender Fehlerausschrift:

17.11.2022 18:05:19 ERROR: Der Vorgang konnte aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht fortgesetzt werden: 80020101
  showMap3(2, 4, 44.9892462333, 1.0688863667, 18);
17.11.2022 18:05:19 setMapDimension(1130, 785);
17.11.2022 18:05:19 updateCustomLayers('{ "layers": [ ] }');

Dies tritt seit heute auf. Die Geosetter-Version ist 3.5.3. (Build 2195). Für eine schnelle Beseitigung des Fehlers wäre ich dankbar.

Viele Grüße
E. Richter
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description RAM 16 GB
Attached Files:
2022-11-17 19:00   
Das wurde heute schon mehrfach in englischer Sprache berichtet, allerdings haben wir schon seit langem kein Lebenszeichen von Friedemann Schmidt, wohl der einzige, der das Problem beheben könnte. So können wir nur hoffen ...
Mein Tipp: Die Zuordnung von Geo-Tags aus GPX-Dateien funktionierte bei mir auch ohne Anzeige der Karte korrekt.
2022-11-23 19:43   
Es gab etwas neues dazu, siehe hier
2022-11-27 20:30   
Wie im Blog unter beschrieben, funktioniert die Karte wieder!
Im Moment allerdings nur OpenStreetMap (also keine Karten von Google), aber Friedemann arbeitet auch daran.
Wer bislang unter Einstellungen->Kartendatei und Layer auf eine lokale "Kartendatei" geändert hatte, muss das auf zurück setzen.
Vielen Dank an Friedemann!

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2488 [GeoSetter] Image Data major random 2023-02-17 12:12 2023-02-20 13:20
Reporter: zava Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.47 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Preview freezes on blank screen
Description: Every now and again, the image preview seems to "fereeze": the image preview window or pane is blank (white) and no new images are previewed, although the rest of GS seems to continue tu work normally.
No operation seems to restore normal functioning: selecting noew image, clicking on fit buttons, changing image sort order, even changing layout (the latter sometimes issues a "insufficient memory resource" error window).
Resources don't seem particularly low (60% memory usage, 55GB free on disk...).
Only program restart seems to restore preview for some time.
Anybody met the same problem?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: immagine.png (42,137 bytes) 2023-02-18 13:26
2023-02-17 13:28   
@zava I could not reproduce with 4.0.47 und Windows 10 22H2. What version of Windows do you use? Any idea, what you did before it freezes (e.g. saving many files)? Just as a wild guess, the problem we reported in , possibly might rise also AFTER successfully saving many files ....?
2023-02-18 13:26   
Hello WilfriedB,
in fact I have not seen a correlation with saving many files, nor with any other "heavy" operation.
At some point during seemingly ordinary work it just happens, and never goes away unless restarting GS.
I myself cannotu suggest a way to reproduce, although it did happen quite a few times...
Running Windows 10 Home V 10.0.19044
(Possible) hint: it always happened while working with two screens (GS on main screen, preview on second screen.
This has been my default and most used configuration for quite some years, with previously no problems. When problem arises, switching to a layout that only uses one screen has no effect but to relocate the blank preview.
It never happened while working on single screen, but this is a fairly rare condition for me.
Sorry for providing little useful info... Just attaching a screenshot...
2023-02-18 15:05   
@zava I believe, using dual-monitor is a very important detail (I would have even mentioned in the subject of this issue), specially, if you say "it always happened while working with two screens".
The fact, "it always worked in the past" doesn't mean anything. The most important difference in version 4 compared to all previous versions, is the fact that the map is no longer displayed via Internet Explorer with the help of a Google API, but using Leaflet now, which seems to be quite complicated and quite different from the previous approach.
Unfortunately, I don't have any second display to test that environment, but maybe somebody else does.
2023-02-18 15:45   
Is there a procedure to follow?
I did some tests on 2 monitors (navigation from one photo to another, start, end, with and without transition effect) and no "freeze" of the preview
2023-02-19 22:15   
Sorry xyzzy, I have not noticed any triggering action to cause the problem. It just seems to happen from time to time.
My operations are quite repetitive, doing very similar operations on many images one after the other... and at some point preview is gone, but all I did was dome 100 times in the previous hour...
This is the worst case for investigating a quirk...
2023-02-20 13:20   
@zava regarding "doing very similar operations on many images one after the other.": How many times do you save while changing many images? Did you try to "Edit"->"Save changes of selected images" more frequently? Or, closing and restarting GeoSetter? Just trying to pin down the cause(s) of the problem.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2483 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature N/A 2023-02-12 01:46 2023-02-13 19:58
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Test new version
Description: Important Note:
If you used version "A" of GeoSetter and there is a new version "B" you have installed,
I strongly suggest that you restart your PC before testing this version "B":
modifications may be made in one of GeoSetter's complementary "DLLs",
but the DLLs of version "A" may remain "loaded" which may affect the new modifications:

version "B" will still use the "DLLs" of version "A" which may affect testing.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: DLLs.jpg (58,082 bytes) 2023-02-12 14:32

DLL-1.jpg (97,086 bytes) 2023-02-12 15:22

DLL-2.jpg (61,933 bytes) 2023-02-12 15:22
2023-02-12 13:39   
But that's only a problem if GeoSetter is running when installing a new version, right? And the setup program is asking to restart, isn't it? I think that's normal behaviour. When ending GeoSetter befor installing new, now problems will occur...
2023-02-12 14:32   
There is 1 DLL associated with Windows Explorer!
2023-02-13 19:16   
But that's normal, isn't it? Not a problem, is it?
2023-02-13 19:17   
BTW, I didn't do any changes on this DLL for years now...
2023-02-13 19:28   
A week or two ago, you fixed a problem, but after installing the new version, it was still there.
I rebooted and it was "disappeared".
So, for me, if the problem persists, I reboot just in case, but it can't be reproduced.
2023-02-13 19:58   
@Friedemann: You can close this issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2456 [GeoSetter] User Interface crash always 2023-01-23 17:38 2023-02-12 13:46
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: immediate OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.47 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: 4.0.31 - Directory + Filter and Flat Mode
Description: Select any directory (there do not have to be subdirectories under it). Activate any filter (e.g. TIFF) and then turn on Flat mode. And the fireworks begin. :) The program starts flashing and the only option is to close it. It won't close itself and it won't throw any error. I am also attaching an error message that it threw once when I closed the program.
Steps To Reproduce: Select directo
Additional Information:
Attached Files: bugreport.txt (21,702 bytes) 2023-01-23 17:38
gserror.jpg (72,007 bytes) 2023-01-23 17:38

Flat Mode.jpg (180,301 bytes) 2023-02-05 15:40

bugreport2.txt (22,347 bytes) 2023-02-11 10:14
bugreport3.txt (24,068 bytes) 2023-02-11 10:14
GeoSetter Verdächtige Aktion Blockiertjpg.jpg (90,429 bytes) 2023-02-12 07:35

GeoSetter Bedrohung Blockiertjpg.jpg (33,350 bytes) 2023-02-12 07:35
2023-01-23 17:57   
Reg. "The program starts flashing":
I ran into a situation after opening "Image Info" where the thumbnails were flashing - seemed to be loop permanently updating the display. I needed to end it via task manager, because neither alt-F4 nor closing the window clicking the x on the upper right did react. Unfortunately, I could not reproduce it and have no idea what action did cause it.
2023-01-23 18:12   
Indeed, if the search chosen does not return any file, the program seems to enter an endless loop :(
2023-01-23 18:30   
@xyzzy It doesn't matter. There can be a large number of files. It still stays in the loop. I've tried any number of ways.
2023-01-25 14:51   
The problem seems to have appeared from version 4.0.22.
"Filter" and "Flat Mode" work with version 4.0.21 and earlier
2023-01-31 12:10   
I'm renewing this because it says it's resolved, but it's not. I tried version 4.0.37 and the problem is the same. Endless loop.
2023-01-31 21:03   
I tried 4.0.37 today and the bug was gone on win 11 22H2
2023-01-31 21:09   
I have just tested version 4.0.37 on windows 11 and it does not work: there is always a loop.
2023-01-31 23:09   
I'm so sorry, it was a misunderstanding on my side. Should be fixed now, in 4.0.38 beta. Thank you so much for your help!!!
2023-02-05 15:02   
I'm renewing again. This problem reappeared in version 4.0.41. It is definitely related to issue 2473.
I can email the bugs, but I don't think that will be necessary.
2023-02-05 15:40   
I confirm:
Without a filter, GeoSetter does not render 100%.
I had to click in the window to get the final result.
With filter, there is an infinite loop.
2023-02-07 21:47   
Still the same problem with version 4.0.43
2023-02-11 10:14   
In version still 4.0.46 infinite loop. When closing the program via Escape key the following errors. But the data already loads a little longer and then it repeats over and over again.
2023-02-12 01:27   
@ThunderBoy, @Friedemann:
Have you tested this option in your environment?
On my PC, there is always a loop...
2023-02-12 07:35   
@xyzzy adn @friedemann correct, I can reproduce it too. Not only that, after a couple of "blinks" Norton 360 kills GeoSetter:
Kategorie: Data Protector
Datum/Uhrzeit,Risiko,Aktivität,Status,Empfohlene Aktion,Status,Programmpfad,Programmname,Datum/Uhrzeit,Aktion beobachtet,Ziel
12.02.23 07:17:16,Hoch,Data Protector hat eine verdächtige Aktion von GeoSetter.exe blockiert.,Ausgeschlossen,Keine Aktion erforderlich,Ausgeschlossen,C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter beta\GeoSetter.exe,GeoSetter.exe,12.02.23 07:17:16,"Ein verdächtiger Prozess hat versucht, die Attribute einer von Data Protector geschützten Datei zu ändern.","C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\AppCrash_GeoSetter.exe_b42e942aeb82f6eeb2a4b67611903242ce968fb9_3985f7ea_cab_1a340321-d547-481d-9f7c-58bc4f4328b2\WER3BF.tmp.mdmp"
2023-02-12 09:17   
I just found out, if there are several subdirectories and more images (in my case 92 in total), the frequency of the loop is much slower, I did not get an exception from Norton, but GeoSetter threw EAccessViolation.

I did send a bug report
2023-02-12 10:57   
(Last edited: 2023-02-12 10:57)
Hope this is fixed now...

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2481 [GeoSetter] Image Data minor N/A 2023-02-10 11:31 2023-02-12 13:41
Reporter: zava Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.41 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: What are _original image files?
Description: Since recent GS versions, I notice that files appear in the image folder named after the image file but with "_original" appended and no extension, such as
"imagefilename.jpg" along with "imagefilename_original"
It appears it is GS creating them after any image manipulation (assignment of coordinates etc).
I have checked that they are in fact image files themselves, and by adding an appropriate extension (such as .jpg) they can be viewed normally with any program.
They may be just some kind of leftover backup created when making changes, but I guess they should be removed once the operation is completed (otherwise you just consume a lot of disk space with "unknown" and unusable files that one is actually unaware of).
No such files seemed to appear with older versions of GS.
Is GS actually producing these files? What is the purpose of these files? Does it make sense to automatically erase them after change is done? Otherwise, they should be somehow accessible from the program (such as some kind of undo?)
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-02-10 11:46   
@zava it is not GeoSetter but ExifTool which creates the "_original" files under the covers. Recently, that is with any of the 4.0 Beta versions, it did not happen to me, but long time ago, after "something unexpected" happened, for example, the disk was not writeable or not available for a short time.
Just in case, here is a discussion on the forum for ExifTool on that topic:
2023-02-10 12:01   
One more thing @zava: Did you check "Overwrite Original File when Saving Changes" under Settings->File Options ?
2023-02-10 13:17   
Thank you WilfriedB,
"overwrite original file" is not currently set. I cannot say how it was in the past years of use or if/when this changed, but NOW it was not set, although it makes sense that I had it set in the past.
I did set it and apparently an _original file was not created after a test edit.
But if so, how is it that changes were indeed (over)written in the original file?
Anyway, maybe it was just that simple?!

Thank you!
2023-02-10 14:00   
@zava not sure I understand your question correctly "But if so, how is it that changes were indeed (over)written in the original file?", but long ago, I did have situations where GeoSetter and/or ExifTool did crash while attempting to update files. After that, I did not find my file, but there was one with a different extension and after renaming it to .jpg it revealed my original image.
I'm not sure, but I believe even though ExifTool says "overwrite" in reality it creates a copy and than deletes the original. This certainly discussed somewhere in the ExifTool forum.
2023-02-10 15:15   
Thanks @zava for bringing this up, and @WilfriedB for the background, and pointing out where the option setting is located. I found it very useful.
2023-02-10 16:38   
Thanks for the feedback @dydxdx good to hear! :)
2023-02-11 10:35   
@zava @dydxdx It also happened to me when we were saving changes to the files and in the meantime our electricity was turned off a couple of times. I found some files corrupted (incomplete write). I had to delete them because exiftool was already throwing error messages when I did. I couldn't find the original files anymore. They were lost. As @WilfriedB wrote check the settings for each file type: Files > Settings > File Options and for each file the entry: Overwrite Original File when Saving Changes.
2023-02-11 13:01   
Thank you all,
most of what you wrote makes sense, but I must poin that in my case the _original files seemed to appear even when there was no crash and the regular files were appropriately modified with new values,
Seems exif did male safe copies, but then omitted to delete them...
Apparently, checking "overwrite" seems to remind Exif to delete...
2023-02-11 15:21   
Exiftool does not work directly on files but on a copy by adding "_exiftool_tmp" to the file extension.
It keeps a copy of the original by default by appending "_original" to the extension.
This version is kept unless you add "-overwrite_original" on the command line.
What GeoSetter must surely do if the "Overwrite Original File when Saving Changes" box is checked.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2482 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2023-02-10 12:39 2023-02-12 10:55
Reporter: zava Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.41 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Syncing images alters "taken date", so ordering is messed up
Description: Upon syncing images with a gpx file, images that are effectively synced receive a geolocation coordinate (OK).
A that point, displayed ordering (by taken date) appears preserved and all information displayed is unaltered, just the newly acquire coordinates are inserted (OK)
But upon "saving changes", things get totally scrambled up: images that were succesfully georeferenced now display a modified "taken date":
Before, they read something like
04/02/2023 12:44:09
but now they read
04/02/2023 12:44:09+02:00
Instead, images that were not georeferenced still read normal.
(see attachment)
But now, when image display is refreshed (still based on "taken date", ordering is messed up because GS takes that "+02:00" into account, so that two images that were taken at a few seconds distance are now ordered as if taken TWO FULL HOURS apart! This results in a messed up ordering, mixing images with 2 hour added and images with the original timestamp.
It can be seen that the next image listed (by time taken) is now in fact two hours apart, and all images in between are now somewhere else in the list (see attachment)
As a result, scrolling the list effectively jumps along the gpx track with 2 hours leaps, making further processing virtually impossible.
Where do these 2 hours come out of? How can I get rid of them? Or better, how can I avoid them to pop in at all?
Pls. note that this is NOT the "time adjustment" used, it seems to have more to do with some time zone adjustment.
Also, it is not the "time zone" (which is 1hour and NOT checked) (see sync settings attachment)
Strangely enough, othre viewers (such as Faststone), do not seem to see this "addition" and still sort according to the correct "taken date" and display th eoriginal values.
Only GS seems affected by the modified timestamp...

This did not happen pre V4.xx and I seem to recall that it only appeared a few releases ago.
Or did I start recently do do something wrong after several years of use? ;-)
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Scrambled timestamps.jpg (73,531 bytes) 2023-02-10 12:39

Scrambled ordering after changed saved.jpg (87,235 bytes) 2023-02-10 12:39

Sync settings.jpg (119,381 bytes) 2023-02-10 12:39

Unaffected data.jpg (116,278 bytes) 2023-02-10 12:55

GeoSetter Wrong Sort for Taken Date.jpg (21,700 bytes) 2023-02-10 13:38

GeoSetter Considering Timezone for Taken Date.jpg (126,179 bytes) 2023-02-11 13:31

GeoSetter Correct Sort for Taken Date.jpg (25,951 bytes) 2023-02-11 13:45
2023-02-10 12:55   
A further image to show that other programs (such as FastStone Image Viewer) seem unaffected by the added hours.
Faststone retains original "time taken" and even a windows listing is unaffected (see attachment, sorted by time taken "data acquisizione" in italian) and sorting is correctly done upon the original, unchanged acquisition time.

So WHERE is the change hidden so that only GS sees and is affected?!
2023-02-10 13:38   
@zava I can confirm this (new?) behavior.
The +02:00 is the difference to UTC depending in which time zone the track was recorded. As far as I remember, it was included when you you synchronize the image with GPX track, but did not really change the taken date. However, if you assigned the coordinates manually using GeoSetter there was a pop-up asking if you want to use the time zone of Windows.
Yesterday, I did have such a situation that some images could be synchronized, but I did assign a location manually to one of my images and indeed it shows it in GeoSetter in the wrong sequence (see screen shot) and yes, other programs (Daminion in my case) read the time stamp correctly. Seems to be a bug in GeoSetter not sorting correctly.
2023-02-11 13:09   
Thank you WilfriedB,
I agree that it seems just GS having the trouble (storing the "+2" in some funy place nobodi else knows about, then messing itself up with that value noone else sees...)
I am quite positive this is a recent "addition" (used GS for several years without this problem, and even the first V4 beta versions seemed unaffected.
I am not sure the problem is simply with using a different time zone: in my case, I am working with images taken 20km from home, and it seems tha a time addition simply results from the operation of assigning a geolocation to the images.
It really gets in the way, because I rely on the time sequence very much in order to process my images... I am doing a survey of WW1 fortifications in my area, dozens of very similar findings in very small areas, so if the sequence is scrambled the whole survey gets scrumbled too...
Hope it can be fixed soon...
2023-02-11 13:14   
As you WilfriedB say, this addition, which does look like a compensation for UTC difference, is not really added to the timestamp in the image file (other programs don't see it and the file tags still carry the original timestamp); apparently GS stores this info somewhere and then (only recently) decided to actually pick it out and use it for sorting...
But I so far failed fo find how to avoid this...
Sorting by name is of little help for me because i rename all files in order to "assign" them to each finding (e.g. "trench 1", "trench 2", "tunnel 1" etc... So after a little while neither sorting is valid anymore...
2023-02-11 13:24   
@zava I did not mean the pictures were taken in different times zones, but the time stamp from the camera doesn't include the zone (or stores it in a different way) and is only included with the time stamp when synchronizing with a recorded track. But I agree, it is clearly a bug for sorting in GeoSetter.
2023-02-11 13:30   
Installed V4.0.46, quite something seems to have changed arount "sorting", the sorting selection dialog for a start.
As a results is seems the problem has gone (thank you Friedemann!).
I do still see the "+2.00" addition listed (which I am not sure I want to), but files are now once more CORRECTLY ordered according to the "real" taken date.
Other programs/viewers seem to be still unaffected, so seems SOLVED and if confirmed may be CLOSED.
Thank you all!
2023-02-11 13:31   
@zava I just noticed, it seems @Friedemann did work on it just recently: in version 4.0.46 the pull-down menu for sort did change.
2023-02-11 13:31   
Forgot to add the screenshot
2023-02-11 13:45   
Indeed in 4.0.46 the sort by taken date works correctly for me. However, in my case the new option "Consider Timezones ..." doesn't make any difference - probably needs a different example.
2023-02-12 10:54   
@zava, I'm sorry for this! There was a request to order by UTC time, to consider different timezones. As mentioned already by @WilfriedB (thanks!) there's a new option now to do this, which is disabeld by default. So the behaviour should be like it was before.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2480 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-02-09 16:32 2023-02-10 09:37
Reporter: zava Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: low OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 4.0.41 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Refresh files results in track files being "undisplayed"
Description: When pressing "refresh files" the displayed track files become unchecked and undisplayed.
Also, after refresh the image display is restarted on the first image, possibly very far from the image one was working on.
Not too serious, but causes some confusion and unnecessary time waste... (provided such thing as a "necessary time waste" does exist... :)
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: GeoSetter Track Checked by default.jpg (13,470 bytes) 2023-02-10 09:37
2023-02-09 16:43   
In my environment, the selected photo is always selected after an F5 (but it is centered in the window)!!!
2023-02-09 18:22   
@zava I just tried it (it flat mode):
- if there are more than one tracks in the folder and you press F5, the first track is selected. If you did select another one before, it is unchecked. This is same behavior when you start GeoSetter on a folder with multiple tracks.
- if there is only one track in the folder, it is briefly unselected, but immediately selected again.
Another "trap" with F5: Changes you might have made and not saved, are discarded. This happened to me a couple of times, when I moved the GPX to the folder only after starting GeoSetter and was wondering why it couldn't synchronize. After pressing F5, I could synchronize, but some changes were gone ...
2023-02-10 00:05   
You say "Select" but if its box is not "Checked", the trip does not appear.

In my opinion there is a difference between being selected" and "Checked".

Do you have more details?
2023-02-10 08:48   
@xyzzy I did mean "Checked". For my, after starting GeoSetter or refreshing there is always the first track checked. Not sure, if it is the oldest or just the first in alphabetical sequence.
2023-02-10 09:37   
@xyzzy when I said the "first" track is checked, it actually means the first in alphabetical sequence at the time, you press F5. In my case, this is always the oldest (named yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm ... ) so to understand it better, I did rename the newest before pressing F5 to "2023-02-00_16-36 ...". After pressing F5 the renamed track is checked (and the original name still appears in the list as "not loaded").

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2470 [GeoSetter] User Interface trivial always 2023-02-02 23:36 2023-02-09 14:52
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: low OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Probably the whole 4 series
Description: When viewing the data and editing the columns to display the photo information, I found two entries called "Name". They both work together. When I put the name to show or hide, it applies to both. I just have no idea what the other name is with those numbers. I searched for this number directly in the file via Exif and also via ExifToolGui. But I couldn't find that figure anywhere in there. I also tried it on a completely clean install.
Apparently the boss added some secret code that I accidentally discovered. :)

I also tried it on the old version 3.5.3. I didn't find these items there. Thus the "name" column is not even available there. I also put to view all columns completely and I didn't find these numbers there anywhere.
Steps To Reproduce: Adjust Columns and Captions
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Name.jpg (96,290 bytes) 2023-02-02 23:36

bugreport.txt (33,371 bytes) 2023-02-03 13:59
Name - Filesize.jpg (164,209 bytes) 2023-02-09 14:52
2023-02-03 13:36   
I've noticed that the other column called Name appears even on a clean install only when you hide the Name column and then show it again. Interestingly, sometimes it doesn't do that. I can't even describe exactly when it does. I've currently tried it and had it hide that Name column. It hid the file name column and no longer shows it (on/off). It only shows the other Name column with those weird numbers anymore. In order to make the filename column appear again, you need to restart the program. The second column with the numbers is also displayed only at the end of the bar. You probably have to have a photo tagged as well to register this column problem.
2023-02-03 13:59   
I've probably already found the problem. The error message appears periodically as well. The procedure to get to this error message is given in the attachment.
2023-02-09 14:52   
The content of the "Name" field seems to be the "Filesize"!!!

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2432 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-01-12 12:43 2023-02-08 11:48
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: immediate OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Beta versions
Description: The search for updates or newer versions of the program does not work in any of the beta versions. It only works in full version 3.5.3.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: no_new_version.jpg (214,165 bytes) 2023-01-15 20:57

beta.jpg (19,002 bytes) 2023-02-05 14:42
2023-01-12 13:26   
You checked "Check also for New Beta Versions" in the Misc setting?
2023-01-12 13:55   
Weird, I opened version 4.0.13 and I got a popup telling me that version 4.0.15 was available.

Have you checked the setting under "Misc|Auto Check for Updates (once a day)| Check also for New Beta Versions?
2023-01-12 14:46   
Of course, I have these options and settings turned on. Otherwise, I would be here cursing this problem.
2023-01-12 14:49   
@xyzzy and @mak_kawa I believe, @ThunderBoy means the menu option Help->Check for Update to actively check for a newer version (which obviously we cannot conform after installing the latest version)
2023-01-12 15:03   
I wrote somewhere before that I didn't know that there was a newer version than 4.0.4. He wrote me that a newer version didn't exist. I couldn't even get it in 4.0.13. Of course, unless there is a newer version than 4.0.15, it won't find the update. Version 3.5.3 throws the update right away when I search for it. Never in beta.
2023-01-15 20:57   
Supposedly there is no newer version, but it is already 4.0.19.
2023-01-18 22:01   
I tried different options. I've gone through the registry and deleted everything about GS. Removed the update information from config.ini. I also deleted the config.ini file completely. I also turned off the firewall. Still the program told me that a newer version did not exist, yet it was 4.0.24. I have no idea where the dog is buried.
2023-02-02 22:33   
I've been meaning to write that it works. In the previous two versions, it went automatically when I started the program (it threw me a window right away). But this afternoon I turned on 4.0.38 and the update was supposedly not available. Then I verified that 4.0.39 was already available. I have no idea why it goes once and then doesn't.
2023-02-02 22:41   
The information is kept in the file "C:\Users\.....\AppData\Roaming\GeoSetter_beta\config.ini"

LastAutocheckForUpdate=2023-02-02 16:37:04
2023-02-05 14:42   
Now I looked at it, as I know that version 4.0.41 is already released. I turned on version 4.0.39 with my default configuration. Automatically it didn't let me know anything about the new version. So I clicked on Help > Check for update. Even so, supposedly there is no newer version. So I closed the program and opened the config.ini file. I deleted these five lines, saved and turned the program on again.


Right after the program was switched on, the following data was modified. I didn't manually check for a newer version, and it didn't even throw up a window with the new version:

LastStartVersion=GeoSetter 4.0.39 beta
LastAutocheckForUpdate=30. 12. 1899

I didn't do anything, I just closed the program again and the data was modified like this:

LastStartVersion=GeoSetter 4.0.39 beta
LastAutocheckForUpdate=5. 2. 2023 14:09:59

Then I edited this entry as follows: AutocheckForBetaUpdate=1
I ran the program and it immediately threw up a window saying that there was a newer version. After the next restart, it no longer automatically throws this window, but it always throws the new version option when I manually search for an update. I won't make any more changes to config.ini and will see how it goes when the next version is released. I'm backing up the current config.ini just to be safe, so I can see the changes when the next version is released. So I'm going to update the program and in time we'll see.
2023-02-05 18:09   
Updates are only checked once a day
2023-02-05 18:24   
@heiko I know that, but it didn't work for me at all, even when the program was off for a few days. When I turned it on, it still didn't offer any update (it already had). It didn't work manually and it didn't work automatically. When I removed those lines, it no longer offers me an update every time I restart. I'll see later what it does when there is a new version again.
2023-02-08 08:39   
I looked at it again this morning, because it's now version 4.0.43. I ran the old version 4.0.39 and the latest version is supposedly only 4.0.41. Neither manually nor automatically did I find anything new. Nothing helped me to get a new update through the program. Deleting all the data from the config.ini file didn't help either. That is to say, everything. The file had 0 bytes. The program kept saying that only version 4.0.41 was available. It seems to me that it still has to write the update data somewhere else than in the config.ini file. I couldn't find anything in the Windows registry. This is what it looked like in config.ini:

LastAutocheckForUpdate=8. 2. 2023 7:17:24
LastStartVersion=GeoSetter 4.0.39 beta

I reverted back to the original config.ini file and did nothing more. I installed the new version 4.0.43 in another test directory and poked around a bit. I downloaded this version via the web. The new version didn't do what I needed, so I closed it. I ran version 4.0.39 and immediately got a window that said there was a version 4.0.43. Interesting. I didn't make any changes there. So I looked at what the installation of the new version had written to the Windows registry. There was nothing important there. I deleted all the data that the program installation had written to the registry anyway. The 4.0.39 program was still throwing up the window that version 4.0.43 existed (even after several restarts of the program). As I wrote, there must still be something to write somewhere else about the version of the program. Except in the registry - not in the program directory either. I seriously have no idea why this doesn't work anymore.

When there will be a new version, I will scan the whole system before installing the new version and compare the changes after installation. May the light accompany you.
2023-02-08 10:20   
@Thunderboy did you check the log of your anti-virus software or firewall?
2023-02-08 10:38   
@WilfriedB I've already tried it with the firewall. I wrote about it above. I turned off network protection and filtering in ESET completely. But I haven't tried disabling Windows Firewall and Windows Defender. Next time I will try.
2023-02-08 11:48   
@ThunderBoy I don't experience with Defender, but using Norton it seems to me more useful to look at the log, what exactly it did blog.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2477 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature sometimes 2023-02-07 04:50 2023-02-07 20:08
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: heiko OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 4.0.41 beta  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.41 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Not the correct "track" files listed
Description: In the "Tracks" section, displays files that do not exist in this directory.
As if the list was not reset when changing directories.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Bad File List.jpg (345,609 bytes) 2023-02-07 04:50
Bad File List-2.jpg (221,740 bytes) 2023-02-07 04:56

Track files.mp4 (4,309,118 bytes) 2023-02-07 14:07
2023-02-07 08:20   
Sorry if I am misunderstanding your point.
But... the left-upper folder name is for the image folder, and the right-lower file list is the track files opend by Geosetter? If so, it seems to be natural that the two are not synchronized/identical.
2023-02-07 14:07   
In previous versions, only the "Track" files present in the selected directory were displayed.
Which seems to me the most correct.

See the video made with version 4.0.37 (Note that this version asked to always keep the modifications)
2023-02-07 16:19   
Works as expected in version 4.0.43!!!

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2476 [GeoSetter] Image Data major N/A 2023-02-06 11:33 2023-02-06 15:35
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Set Created Date
Description: Would it be possible to add an option "Set Created Date" to the program settings, which would be read from Taken Date, if this data is missing? As it is in the settings option: "Set Taken Date to All Exif Dates". See attachment.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: menu.jpg (136,204 bytes) 2023-02-06 11:33

fileedit.jpg (75,798 bytes) 2023-02-06 11:41
2023-02-06 11:41   
This option is only found in the photo editing window. However, I often forget to turn it on when editing multiple photos.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2475 [GeoSetter] Image Data minor have not tried 2023-02-06 08:41 2023-02-06 15:08
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: low OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Choice: Remove all tags from photo
Description: Today I just needed to remove all the tags (mainly Exif, XMP, Photoshop and IPTC) from a photo - ideally remove all that are added there. Automatically, not opening each photo and deleting the data manually. I needed to remove these items: Artist, Copyrigt, Copyright Notice, User Comment, Creator Work Email, Creator Work Telephone, By-Line, By-Line Title, Credit. I have to use an external program Exif Tag Remover for this. I would also include an option in GS to "Remove all tags from photo". Ideally right click on the photo(s).
Tags: exif, IPTC, photoshop, tags, XMP
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-02-06 15:07   
We can make such modifications with exiftool (already used by GeoSetter):

exiftool -iptc:ALL= -xmp:ALL= -rdf:ALL= -charset filename=latin FilePath

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2472 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature sometimes 2023-02-03 16:33 2023-02-05 18:06
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: heiko OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.41 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.39 - Save button not available
Description: Save button not accessible after modification.
To activate it, I had to toggle between the view modes
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Save not available.jpg (124,733 bytes) 2023-02-03 16:33
2023-02-05 07:39   
For me, the save button does work well after date/coordinates modification under both report/thumbnail view modes on 4.0.39. Is there any other condition to reproduce the issue?
2023-02-05 14:22   
Random issue but now works with 4.0.41
@heiko: you can close this issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2473 [GeoSetter] User Interface block always 2023-02-04 09:45 2023-02-04 13:42
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: immediate OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: 4.0.39- Loading files in Flat Mode does not work
Description: In this mode, after a basic load of files from all directories, the data will not automatically begin to load. Only 0/0 Images is displayed. To start uploading data, you need to click in the directory/file list window. Even then, to see how many % are already loaded , I need to click into this window periodically.
Tags: Flat Mode
Steps To Reproduce: Select the directory with the subdirectories and click on Flat Mode.
Additional Information:
Attached Files: GeoSetter Reading 2 percent.jpg (24,614 bytes) 2023-02-04 11:47

GeoSetter Scanning images.jpg (13,443 bytes) 2023-02-04 11:47

GeoSetter 0 images.jpg (25,663 bytes) 2023-02-04 11:47
2023-02-04 11:32   
Same thing with version 4.0.38 but it works with version 4.0.37
2023-02-04 11:47   
@ThunderBoy, I tried it and it seems a bit more complex:
- A while ago with earlier Beta versions, I already noticed the "reading xx%" was not updated, but after a while, it did show the final foot line (not sure, this happened after clicking a thumbnail
Today, with 4.0.39 Build 2012:
- The captions below the thumbnails (those, I can see without scrolling) appears immediately
- On the lower left, I see a window "Scanning Subfolders ..." with a summary of how many files and folders were found.
- Then, the "xx Images in yy Directories, Reading zz% ..." appears, but the zz% does not change
- If I click a thumbnail, either the zz% is updated, or the final result message appears (depending on how long I wait and how many images need to be read)
2023-02-04 11:50   
"- The captions below the thumbnails (those, I can see without scrolling) appears immediately" should read:
 - The captions below the thumbnails (those, I can see without scrolling) appears immediately after clicking the button "Show images in subfolders"

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2461 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-01-26 16:31 2023-02-03 18:38
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.38 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version4.0.33 - No warning of loss of changes
Description: In the "Tracks" section, it is possible to make modifications to the "Track points", for example to delete some.

The "Save Changes" option is only accessible if there have been modifications.
On the other hand, if we close GeoSetter without having saved the modifications,
there are no messages indicating that we are going to lose them.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: No Warning.jpg (306,107 bytes) 2023-01-26 16:31
Routeconverter select Poistion List.jpg (25,320 bytes) 2023-01-28 07:26

Routeconverter Position List Track.jpg (41,622 bytes) 2023-01-28 09:22

Routeconverter Position List Waypoints.jpg (25,917 bytes) 2023-01-28 09:22
2023-01-26 20:41   
@xyzzy same comment as for issue 2462:
 Just in case Friedemann cannot add this feature soon: I use RouteConverter for many sorts of manipulating GPX and other formats of track files:
I believe, both programs complement each other very well.
2023-01-26 21:43   
Friedemann knows that the warning messages are still missing and they will come.

I can agree with WilfriedB, Routeconverter is an excellent program when it comes to tracks.
2023-01-26 21:58   
@heiko, WilfriedB: Thanks, I will look at it
2023-01-27 05:09   
@WilfriedB: Are the files generated by GeoSetter (Export to GPX Trace File) compatible with RouteConverter?
2023-01-27 11:33   
@xyzzy: Good question, since I always recorded my tracks on a logger or SmartPhone app (and if necessary change it with RouteConverter), than use GeoSetter to tag the photos, I never changed on or exported a track from GeoSetter. So I just tried to export a track and it cannot be read.

Although RouteConverter claims to be able to read and convert "all" Geo tracks, there are some exceptions with very old versions of GPX. In the past, I was able the slightly modify tracks, I recorded more than 10 years ago with a Wintec WBT 201, so RouteConverter can read them. I just looked into the GPX exported by GeoSetter. It says gpx version="1.0", which seems to be an even older version and might be incorrectly implemented. Probably another issue, Friedemann might have a look into.
2023-01-27 12:18   
I just compared the GPX tracks exported by GeoSetter and RouteConverter. In the second line of GeoSetter's version is missing xmlns=""
The GPX file of GeoSetter has:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.0" creator="GeoSetter -">
It can be read by RouteConverter (and probably other applications) by changing to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx xmlns="" version="1.0" creator="GeoSetter -">
2023-01-27 13:23   
@WilfriedB: You are right: with this small modification, it works. Thanks
2023-01-27 18:15   
I have just explicitly pointed out this problem to Friedemann again (2464), as he is currently working on the tracks. I assume that he will fix this problem.
2023-01-27 20:39   
If in the file generated by GeoSetter, I modify the header,
the file is readable by "RouteConverterWindows".

On the other hand, if in GeoSetter, I transform certain points into "WayPoint",
only these points are read in "RouteConverterWindows"
2023-01-28 07:26   
@xyzzy reg.: "I transform certain points into "WayPoint", only these points are read in "RouteConverterWindows"

Are you sure? Unlike GeoSetter, RouteConverter cannot show Way points and tracks (or multiple tracks) concurrently on the same map. However, It is able to read GPX files with multiple "position lists" and you can select which position list you want to work on in the pull down at the upper right of the window (if there is more then one), Unfortunately, the way points (if any) are always shown first. (My screenshot shows an empty pull-down - I can search a better example - but I think it is clear<9
2023-01-28 09:22   
@xyzzy just to make sure what I said before does work with way points created by Geosetter, I tried it out. Indeed the GPX contains two position lists: first displayed the one with way point(s) and than you can choose to select the track. Please see the screen shots.
2023-01-28 13:09   
It's my mistake.
I know RouteConverter only recently: everything is there but on different lists.
2023-01-30 09:55   
A warning will now be shown. For changed tracks in the same folder when cahnging the folder and for all other tracks when closing the program.
2023-02-01 14:21   
4.0.38: An alert is displayed even if no modification is made.
2023-02-02 05:13   
@Friedemann: You can close this issue; Works in 4.0.39

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2389 [GeoSetter] User Interface tweak have not tried 2022-12-15 14:58 2023-02-02 17:21
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Terms not translated into French
Description: See images included
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Pas en français - 01.jpg (53,394 bytes) 2022-12-15 14:58

Pas en français - 02.jpg (34,337 bytes) 2022-12-15 14:58

Pas en français - 03.jpg (50,530 bytes) 2022-12-15 14:58

Pas en français - 04.jpg (43,640 bytes) 2022-12-15 14:58

Pas en français - 05.jpg (206,171 bytes) 2022-12-15 14:58

Pas en français - 06.jpg (85,497 bytes) 2022-12-15 14:58

Pas en français - 07.jpg (193,133 bytes) 2022-12-15 14:58

Pas en français - 08.jpg (29,553 bytes) 2022-12-15 14:58
jpg (135,796 bytes) 2022-12-16 00:26
Msg Add New Type -2.jpg (53,154 bytes) 2022-12-16 05:59
jpg (135,662 bytes) 2022-12-16 06:00 (135,662 bytes) 2022-12-16 06:01 (145,410 bytes) 2022-12-26 13:26
_DEFAULT.po (152,412 bytes) 2022-12-26 13:26
2022-12-15 16:08   
This is not a GeoSetter problem. The French translation of the program is not complete. You can translate it yourself. This happened because of newer versions of GS and nobody updated the language. GeoSetter\locale\fr\LC_MESSAGES\ Convert this file to a .po file e.g. here: . Open the converted file in Poedit and translate what you need. But some phrases are missing, so you have to add them in the text editor. Then you can send it to the GeoSetter author and it will be updated in the new version. More info: 0001296

I watched the French translation. The phrases you write about are not mentioned in the translation. They have to be added there manually in a text editor.
2022-12-15 17:02   
Open the file GeoSetter\locale\de\LC_MESSAGES\ There are all the missing phrases and add them to your French via a text editor.
2022-12-15 17:57   
Despite the fact that I have a lot of programming, I don't know these .mo/.po files.
I will look at this.
2022-12-16 00:26   
J'ai traduit la majorité des termes manquant en français.
2022-12-16 05:59   
Small fixes and also a shorter message to solve the problem specified in the request "" :: French Message in "Add Custom Type"
2022-12-16 06:01   
Disregard the file "". It is a mistake
2022-12-18 22:23   
Is there a way in the ".po/.mo" files to specify a different text if there are one or more items because it is very different in French: example:

If there are multiple objects, this sentence works
    msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer les %d objets sélectionnés ?"

But if there is only one object, the sentence should be
    msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer l'objet sélectionné ?"
2022-12-19 08:30   
@xyzzy It exists, but it doesn't work in Geosetter. I wrote it here: 0002378
2022-12-19 08:46   
For my language there are 3 variants of the inflection "plural":
{ "en" , { "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n>=2 && n<=4 ? 1 : 2);", 3 } },
For your language, only two:
{ "fr" , { "nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);", 2 } },
2022-12-19 08:48   
Correction, I was wrong. :(

For my language there are 3 variants of the inflection "plural":
{ "sk" , { "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n>=2 && n<=4 ? 1 : 2);", 3 } },
For your language, only two:
{ "fr" , { "nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);", 2 } },
2022-12-26 13:26   
Version of 2022-12-26 (new terms and correction of small errors)
2023-01-28 00:23   
@heiko: you can close this issue.
Most of the translations have been done.
The only question that can remain unanswered is how Friedemann handles the plural (depending on the language).
Is it in GeoSetter or in the ".mo" files.
If it's in ".mo" files, I would like to know how Friedemann wants to operate.
2023-01-31 12:03   
@xyzzy We have to give him time. My translation is still not added to the programme and I sent it to him in November. He already has it with sentence inflection for testing. First he is fixing older problems that have come up in the meantime Seeing that it is going slowly. He's just a man who has other things to do in life.
2023-02-01 23:32   
Oh, @ThunderBoy, I think I totally forget to consider your translations :-o
2023-02-02 17:21   
@Friedemann About two weeks ago I emailed the latest version of the translation into Slovak. There were also bugs attached.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2448 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature always 2023-01-15 19:01 2023-02-02 15:10
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Open with default Application
Description: Even if you specify to "always" use an application, the information is not kept.
GeoSetter always asks for an application.
Maybe a file extension assignment problem outside of GeoSetter's control!
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Default Application.jpg (118,181 bytes) 2023-01-15 19:01

JPG vs JPEG.jpg (417,858 bytes) 2023-02-02 15:00
JPG vs JPEG-2.jpg (426,678 bytes) 2023-02-02 15:10
2023-02-02 15:00   
2 types of files with the same associated program but 2 behaviors with GeoSetter

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2467 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-02-01 01:47 2023-02-01 23:30
Reporter: makowiec Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10 Pro  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.41 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: 4.0.38 - "Some Track Data Has Been Changed" pops up without changing a track file
Description: See steps to reproduce
Tags: "GPX" "Track"
Steps To Reproduce: Steps to reproduce:
- enter a directory with a track file in it
- leave that directory
- message pops up without ever having touched a file
Additional Information:
Attached Files: gpx-popup.jpg (73,300 bytes) 2023-02-01 01:47
2023-02-01 23:30   
Fixed for not loaded tracks.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2399 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature have not tried 2022-12-20 20:59 2023-02-01 20:26
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.38 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.4 - A ".png" is missing.
Description: I copied the file "marker_waypoint.png" under the name "waypoint.png" and the image appeared
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Missing png.jpg (49,591 bytes) 2022-12-20 20:59
2023-01-20 16:35   
@heiko: you can close this issue

Works in last beta version
2023-01-27 23:34   
@heiko: you can close this issue. Works in version 4.0.33 (less work for Fredemann)
2023-02-01 14:58   
@Friedemann: You can close this issue. Work since 4.0.33 , Curiosity: Why a "tree" as an icon?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2398 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature have not tried 2022-12-20 20:57 2023-02-01 20:25
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.38 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.4 - Images of favorites (selected/unselected) have been inverted
Description: Replace rows in "map.js"
    _getFavoriteIcon: function (selected) {
        if (selected) {
            if (!this.favoriteIconSelected) {
                this.favoriteIconSelected = L.icon({
                    iconUrl: 'img/marker_favorite.png',
                    iconAnchor: [16, 16],
                    popupAnchor: [0, 0]
            return this.favoriteIconSelected;
        } else {
            if (!this.favoriteIconUnselected) {
                this.favoriteIconUnselected = L.icon({
                    iconUrl: 'img/marker_favorite_selected.png',
                    iconAnchor: [16, 16],
                    popupAnchor: [0, 0]
            return this.favoriteIconUnselected;

    _getFavoriteIcon: function (selected) {
        if (selected) {
            if (!this.favoriteIconSelected) {
                this.favoriteIconSelected = L.icon({
                    iconUrl: 'img/marker_favorite_selected.png',
                    iconAnchor: [16, 16],
                    popupAnchor: [0, 0]
            return this.favoriteIconSelected;
        } else {
            if (!this.favoriteIconUnselected) {
                this.favoriteIconUnselected = L.icon({
                    iconUrl: 'img/marker_favorite.png',
                    iconAnchor: [16, 16],
                    popupAnchor: [0, 0]
            return this.favoriteIconUnselected;
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-01-16 15:43   
@heiko : Has been corrected. You can close this request
2023-01-28 00:02   
@heiko: You can close this issue. Works in 4.0.33. (Less work for Friedemann)
2023-02-01 15:00   
@Friedemann: you can close this issue: Work since 4.0.33

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2388 [GeoSetter] Image Data major have not tried 2022-12-15 13:27 2023-02-01 20:24
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.38 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Exiftool
Description: 1) In the "Exiftool" section, depending on the chosen language, some values are omitted.
2) It doesn't matter the language, some values are also omitted
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Missing info 2 of 2.jpg (264,229 bytes) 2022-12-15 13:27
Missing info 1 of 2.jpg (217,347 bytes) 2022-12-15 13:27
2023-02-01 15:12   
@Friedemann: You can close this issue; Work in 4.0.38

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2438 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor have not tried 2023-01-14 14:12 2023-02-01 20:22
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: heiko OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.38 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Choice of Hint columns
Description: The columns selected in the "Adjust Columns and Captions|Hints" menu do not correspond to the columns displayed on the map
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Hint Columns.jpg (110,676 bytes) 2023-01-14 14:12
2023-01-14 15:10   
@heiko: You can close this request (I made a mistake)
2023-01-19 13:36   
@heiko: you can close this issue
it's work in last beta version
2023-02-01 14:46   
@heiko: you can close this issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2447 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature always 2023-01-15 16:33 2023-02-01 20:21
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: heiko OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.38 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.19 - Show in Explorer
Description: The new "Show in Explorer" functionality should also be available for a folder.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Show in Explorer.jpg (187,141 bytes) 2023-01-15 16:33
2023-02-01 14:31   
@heiko: you can close this issue: Works in version 4.0.38

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2469 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature random 2023-02-01 15:56 2023-02-01 15:56
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.38 - Javascript popup error
Description: A JavaScript error has appeared. Haven't been able to reproduce it yet.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Erreur Javascript.jpg (160,768 bytes) 2023-02-01 15:56
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2434 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-01-12 16:47 2023-01-31 23:07
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.15 - Unwanted blinking
Description: Unwanted blinking (see video included)
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Clignotements.mp4 (268,497 bytes) 2023-01-12 16:47
2023-01-15 14:55   
same behavior with version 4.0.19
2023-01-27 23:59   
@heiko: I no longer see this "blinking" in version 4.0.33.
You can close this issue.
If I see it pop up again, I'll either make a new request or open this one again.
(Less work for Friedemann)

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2451 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature always 2023-01-19 23:13 2023-01-30 22:55
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.27 - New folder feature
Description: At the beginning:
-The "Folders" option under "View" is not selected
- "Initial Image Folder" is displayed

If asked to display the "Folders" option under "View",
so there we lose the default directory to "go back" to the top of the folders
(See Folders1.jpg and Folders-2.jpg)

Conversely, if we have chosen a folder on the left in the "Folders", we lose the current folder to return to the top of the directories.
(See Folders3.jpg and Folders-4.jpg)

ideally, one should stay at the already selected directory
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Folders-1.jpg (63,022 bytes) 2023-01-19 23:13

Folders-3.jpg (83,263 bytes) 2023-01-19 23:13

Folders-3-2.jpg (83,263 bytes) 2023-01-19 23:13

Folders-4.jpg (59,984 bytes) 2023-01-19 23:13

bugerror.jpg (112,782 bytes) 2023-01-20 18:04

Folders-6.jpg (143,906 bytes) 2023-01-22 23:00

Folders-7.jpg (39,048 bytes) 2023-01-22 23:00
2023-01-20 18:04   
I wanted to test your problem. When I started, the program froze at the second point: Menu > View > Folders, and it does it nonstop. After about a minute it throws an error message that the program seems to have frozen. It did indeed freeze. I tried it in version 4.0.29. I'll send my boss an error message as well.
2023-01-20 18:46   
@ThunderBoy: 4.0.29 !!! the latest version I have is 4.0.28
2023-01-20 19:04   
@xyzzy Hey, I'm already overworked.
2023-01-20 19:46   
@ThunderBoy: or you know links that I don't know :)
2023-01-22 16:52   
I've tried, and I think everything is OK in version 4.0.30.
2023-01-22 23:00   
In version 4.0.31, this only works on one side:
- "Initial Image Folder" selected
- "View | Folders" unselected
- And select "View | Folders" --> both display the "Initial Image Folder

But if from this position, we hide (click on the "X") of the "Folders", then the path is not kept
2023-01-30 15:39   
@heiko: You can close this issue. Works in version 4.0.37
2023-01-30 22:55   
Works in version 4.0.37

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2466 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-01-30 15:12 2023-01-30 17:23
Reporter: WilfriedB Platform: ThinkPad  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 10  
Priority: low OS Version: 23H2 Build 19045  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Beta 4.0.37 Build 2210 reg. issue 2164 and 2461
Description: In Beta 4.0.37 Build 2210
- issue 2164 ( ) seems to be solved, at least according to my test with RoutConverter
- for issue 2461 ( a warning is shown but:
  - responding with Yes results in EAccessViolation and the change is not saved (I did send the bug report(.
  - if the track is saved manually before ending GeoSetter, the warning still appears exception still appears
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2459 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-01-24 15:22 2023-01-30 10:09
Reporter: Motalf Platform: PC  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 7  
Status: assigned Product Version: 3.5  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Setup installation v3.5 ou 4.0 Beta
Description: In the middle of the installation there is a window in German
where there is a shell menu extension checkbox (context menu)
It's not embarrassing but it will be a plus!

if the pc in lang en, the setup is in en
if the pc in lang fr, the setup is in fr

I can't get 4.0.31, is this normal?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: image_1.jpg (97,005 bytes) 2023-01-24 17:55

image.png (15,236 bytes) 2023-01-25 21:29

image-2.png (13,543 bytes) 2023-01-25 21:29
2023-01-25 11:33   
Reg. "I can't get 4.0.31, is this normal?": I can confirm results in "404 page not not found" now, even though, I was able to download yesterday.
2023-01-25 19:12   
There was apparently a serious bug in version 4.0.32, so I asked Friedemann to delete this version. I think that the link works again from version 4.0.33.
2023-01-25 21:18   
Ok Thanks for the info, it works fine!

for the checkbox, wouldn't it be better to add it to the contextual menu rather than shell extension ?
if it corresponds to this option !
2023-01-25 21:29   
window text :

in DE:
Zusätzliche Optionen

Bitte geben Sie an, ob GeoSetter zum Kontextmenü des Windows Explorers
hinzugefügt werden soll.

Soll die Erweiterung des Kontextmenüs später wieder entfernt werden, ist eine
Neuinstallabon (erneute Ausführung dieses Setup-Programms) mit dabei
vorzunehmender Deakbvierung dieser Option notwendig. Die persönlichen
Einstellungen für GeoSetter bleiben dabei erhalten, werden also bei einer
Neuinstallabon NICHT entfernt.

In EN:
Additional options

Please specify if GeoSetter should be added to the Windows Explorer context menu.
should be added.

If the context menu extension is to be removed again later, a
Reinstallabon (re-execution of this setup program) with it
necessary to deactivate this option. The personal
Settings for GeoSetter remain unchanged, i.e. they are not changed during a
New installabon NOT removed.
2023-01-25 21:39   
En FR :
Options additionnelles

Veuillez spécifier si GeoSetter doit être ajouté au menu
contextuel de l'Explorateur Windows.

Si l'extension du menu contextuel doit être supprimée à nouveau
ultérieurement, une réinstallation (réexécution de ce programme
d'installation) sera nécessaire en désactivant cette option.
Les paramètres personnels de GeoSetter resteront inchangés,
c'est-à-dire qu'ils ne sont pas modifiés lors d'une
nouvelle installation NON supprimée.
2023-01-25 21:47   
The download link works again. Version 4.0.33 is available.
2023-01-25 21:52   
@xyzzy, heiko:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2454 [GeoSetter] Image Data minor always 2023-01-22 14:35 2023-01-29 23:17
Reporter: BryherPatch Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: Windows 11  
Priority: low OS Version: 11  
Status: assigned Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.24 (Build 2155) Image 'Taken Date' not setting when updating multiple images
Description: If I select 'Edit Data' for 1 image and change the 'Taken Date', it marks the change to the image and writes it when I click sync.

If I select several images and change the 'Taken Date' it only marks the change to one of the images. This is even the case where after changing the 'Taken Date' I click 'Select Current Values for all Selected Images'

Changing various other values for multiple image generally seems to work o.k.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Change Take Date-1.jpg (290,708 bytes) 2023-01-23 15:26
Change Take Date-2.jpg (296,545 bytes) 2023-01-23 15:26
Change Take Date-3.jpg (376,170 bytes) 2023-01-23 15:26
Change Take Date-4.jpg (293,724 bytes) 2023-01-23 15:26
Change Take Date-5.jpg (193,342 bytes) 2023-01-23 15:26

Change Take Date-6.jpg (156,011 bytes) 2023-01-23 15:26
2023-01-22 23:10   
This looks like the problem reported in "0002445".
Me, I did and it works but I didn't check the ""Timezone only" box.
To test!!!!
2023-01-23 14:51   
I have just re-tested on V 4.0.31 and the problem persists.
2023-01-23 15:26   
From my side, with version 4.0.31 it works. See the steps I did.

@BryherPatch: Is there a step that you do and I don't?
2023-01-23 21:15   
See your image 3. Having tested even more, the very specific issue is that if 'Timezone Only' is checked along with 'Date Taken', this seems to only set the date for one of the images (Surely it should, or should not set the date for all images??). If 'Timezone Only' is unchecked, it does update the date on all of the images.

Also, if you un-check 'Timezone Only', it does not default to unchecked for the next time. I am not sure if this is a bug or a feature.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2455 [GeoSetter] User Interface major sometimes 2023-01-23 13:09 2023-01-29 20:03
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.31 - Error showTrackSegment missing
Description: It sometimes happens to have an error when selecting tracks
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Error showTrackSegment.jpg (227,280 bytes) 2023-01-23 13:09
2023-01-25 22:26   
@heiko: You can close this issu, I forgot to modify the path of the map in the settings

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2464 [GeoSetter] User Interface trivial always 2023-01-27 13:55 2023-01-29 20:00
Reporter: WilfriedB Platform: ThinkPad  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: Windows 10  
Priority: low OS Version: 22H2 Build 19045  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 4.0.37 beta  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Export to GPX-Track file ... not compatible to other application
Description: When using the menu option File->Export to GPX-Track file ... the resulting GPX 1.0 file cannot be read by at least one other application (RouteConverter), because the xmlns attribute is missing in the second line of GeoSetter's version.
The first two lines of the GPX file produced by GeoSetter are:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.0" creator="GeoSetter -">
It can be read by RouteConverter (and probably other applications) by changing to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx xmlns="" version="1.0" creator="GeoSetter -">
Having said the above, I am wondering wether this functions should be better called "Export way points to GPX-file", since this is what it does: The coordinates of selected images (and only those) are exported as points to a track file. As far as I could see, GPX track files in the same folder are ignored for this function.
Also it might more sense to create a way point list rather than tracks. However, I'm not sure how much this function in GeoSetter is used. So far, I never needed it-
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: GeoSetter Save changed Track.jpg (39,067 bytes) 2023-01-28 09:36
2023-01-27 16:05   
For my part, as my camera detects GPS coordinates, I found it interesting to create a track where I went using the functionality of GeoSetter.
On the other hand, it would be good to modify the header of the file generated by GeoSetter as suggested by WilfriedB
2023-01-27 21:33   
Comments I submitted in 2461:

If in the file generated by GeoSetter, I modify the header,
the file is readable by "RouteConverterWindows".

On the other hand, if in GeoSetter, I transform certain points into "WayPoint",
only these points are read in "RouteConverterWindows"
2023-01-28 09:23   
Please see my comments under
2023-01-28 09:36   
The same applies if a track which was initially correct, is changed (e.g. adding a way point) inside GeoSetter, saved and overwritten. The GPX file can be fixed as described and after that, I did not notice any difference besied the new way point.
2023-01-28 11:48   
@WilfriedB You are absolutely right with your statement. Only waypoints are written to the GPX file. I have tried it. However, only the program RouteConverter seems to have a problem here. I have tested several other GPX programs (GPXSee, GPX Editor, GPS Track Editor), all open the file and show the waypoints. And also in Google Earth this file can be opened and displayed.
However, RouteConverter seems to be basically very sensitive to file variations. I have also had problems with various CSV files with the RouteConverter.
2023-01-29 20:00   
(Last edited: 2023-01-29 20:00)
I changed the GPX header as suggested by @WilfriedB, thank you!!! :-)

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2463 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor always 2023-01-26 19:24 2023-01-26 21:38
Reporter: zava Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Zoom to selected track zooms to a much too wide area
Description: Selecting a track and clicking "zoom to selected track" does center the selected track on map display but zooms to a huge zoom level where the selected track may barely be visible.
Several square kilometers are displayed, even if the selected track is just a few metres...
I remember in previous versions that it (more usefully) zoomed to a region of interest containing little more than the selected track, much closer to auseful idea of "zooming on the track".
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-01-26 21:38   
What version are you using? In version 4.0.33 the zoom is ok for me.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2460 [GeoSetter] Image Data minor always 2023-01-26 15:08 2023-01-26 16:18
Reporter: 0Peter0 Platform: Windows  
Assigned To: OS: 10  
Priority: normal OS Version: 22h2  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.33 - GPS data on Canon Raw - CR3
Description: Happy to see that Geosetter 4 reads The new Canon Raw format CR3, but unfortunately it is not able to access it's GPS Data. If the pictures are in JPG format (transformed or shot) it works!
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: I use a EOS250D firmware 1.0.3
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2445 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2023-01-15 00:16 2023-01-25 23:03
Reporter: GrahamYSA Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.5.1  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Set current values for all selected images
Description: This option in the edit window is not working for me, my workflow is:
Open a folder of images
Select a number of images
Open Edit window
Change Date Taken on first image
Tick Get from Taken Date under Created Date (image filenames all in bold in Edit window file list)
Click Set Current Values For All Selected Images
Tried Changed and All
Click OK
All filenames below first image name are unbolded, no changes are made

I am obviously doing something wrong!

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: 1-Selectfiles.jpg (258,830 bytes) 2023-01-15 00:16

2-FirstImageEdited.jpg (397,741 bytes) 2023-01-15 00:16
3-OptionsWindow.jpg (103,697 bytes) 2023-01-15 00:16

4-AfterOK.jpg (133,441 bytes) 2023-01-15 00:16
2023-01-15 04:47   
Have you tried unchecking the "Timezone only" box?
2023-01-25 22:48   
Thanks xyzzy, that did the trick but only after I changed the details on the first file and saved them.
2023-01-25 22:52   
@GrahamYSA: See 2454, similar issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2453 [GeoSetter] User Interface tweak always 2023-01-20 23:29 2023-01-24 20:27
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.28 - Message in red
Description: In version 3.5.3, when there is a modification of the metadata, the header of the exiftool information indicates in red that the image has been modified but not in versions 4.

This is very visible and should be put back
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Msg in red.jpg (392,544 bytes) 2023-01-20 23:29
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2458 [GeoSetter] Image Data minor always 2023-01-24 06:04 2023-01-24 06:04
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.31 - Rename WayPoint
Description: When renaming a WayPoint, the new name does not appear immediately on the map
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Renaming a WayPoint.jpg (370,624 bytes) 2023-01-24 06:04
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2384 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2022-12-10 20:19 2023-01-23 19:27
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Additional Layers not working
Description: Finally, I wanted to take advantage of the overlay layers on the map as well. But apparently it doesn't work. Has it ever worked? I tried to insert .kml and .kmz files, which I got directly from Google Earth. But nothing is showing me. Even after restarting the program. Does it work from local files as well or only via URL? Via URL this option is really useless.

There is nothing in the help about this.
Tags: kmz, layers, map
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: layers.jpg (100,505 bytes) 2022-12-10 20:19

image.png (81,373 bytes) 2022-12-13 20:29

help.jpg (343,451 bytes) 2022-12-15 17:47
encoding of characters.jpg (248,664 bytes) 2022-12-19 17:57

errorcode.jpg (30,756 bytes) 2022-12-19 22:09

german.jpg (21,163 bytes) 2022-12-19 22:09
2022-12-13 20:29   
(Last edited: 2022-12-13 20:30)
I assume, that this feature works (or has worked), because I've written something in the help file (this version of the help file was never released from Friedemann).

Here is a screenshot of the section with the layers:

2022-12-15 17:47   
@heiko I have checked the current installation of the program and the help does not include this part at all. The program contains old help: © 2008 - 2009 Heiko Leupolz
If it's only functional via the url, it's useless.
Can you attach the latest version of the help here? Thanks.
2022-12-18 01:47   
@ThunderBoy, can you perhaps send me such a kml and kmz file to I just reworked it and want to see if it works with it...
2022-12-18 15:21   
@Friedemann I sent it by email. Also check your spam folder. I will be very happy when the .kmz overlay layers can be used directly from pc in the program. I wouldn't have to use Google Earth to view this data.
2022-12-18 16:26   
I tested it in version 4.0.4 and it works quite well. But with larger and more complex files it has a problem. I will test it when I have time. Kml quite sufficient. At least we have moved on. Thanks.
2022-12-19 17:57   
I have tested in more detail the "custom layers" in version 4.0.4. I am quite happy with it. But I ran into a few problems. One problem is not related to Geosetter, but I mentioned it above.

Small warning.
The .kml file must be in base form. Otherwise it will throw a SyntaxError error when imported into GS. If you encounter this error, you must first edit the file in GE when importing it into GS. Create a new directory in Google Earth and copy the entire contents of your original file into it. Save this to a .kml and import it into GS. It should work fine ... at least it worked for me.

The second thing is, and I mentioned this in the email. The program doesn't remember the last setting of Custom objects. On a fresh start, the "Show Custom objects" option is automatically enabled. When the program exits, it was turned off.

And now to the main problem. Here I am attaching a picture. The program ignores the encoding set in the .kml files. I think this will be in everything you add there. You need to set the UTF8 encoding for the inserted items directly in the program. I have no idea where to set this. I noticed that it incorrectly saves it also in the custom_objects.xml file . In the image I gave a comparison of how it shows up in GS and GE.
2022-12-19 22:09   
Another problem I've had 2x already. This error occurs by itself over time.
After several restarts of the program, the Custom Object will stop displaying. The following message is displayed in the map log as soon as the program starts.

ERROR: SyntaxError: Syntaktická chyba; SyntaxError: Syntaktická chyba
   at GSM.addCustomObject (file:///Y:/PORTABLES/Graphics/GeoSetter/map/map.js:1587:13)
   at Global code (Unknown script code:1:1)
  GSM.addCustomObject(0, 'SK', '#3399FF', '');

When I open the Custom objects editing window, when I click on any item, it throws up the error box I attached.
When I put "Edit selected object", it throws up another window in German: Lesen nicht möglich
A new window opens with the object details. "Content of url (or file)" is empty and nothing can be written there.
All items need to be removed and added again and so on and so on.
2022-12-19 22:43   
Please ignore the previous message.: #0004214 Too bad it can't be removed here.
I found out that the problem is with me. In the meantime, I deleted those source .kml files, so that's why this error occurred. It didn't occur to me at all when deleting.
I'm going to take one more day off, because it's getting to be too much for me. :(
2022-12-22 01:54   
Yes, of course, the UTF-8 encoding... @ThunderBoy, I've send a mail already to you, I dind't get your example file by now...
2022-12-22 07:57   
@Friedemann I've already sent you at least 3 emails, also with error messages. Have you also looked at SPAM? If you don't have anything there, I'll send it again from another account than yandex (from google, which I don't like). I also sent you the Slovak translation of the program.
2022-12-22 23:37   
@ThunderBoy: the help file is too big for uploading here. Friedemann has this version of the help file, I hope he will add it to the next installation.
2022-12-23 08:18   
@heiko Is a new help menu with new features planned? In the new beta version there was a newer German version of the help but it also didn't contain what I needed. Check all versions with the boss, let the latest one really be added. These were added in the beta: DE © 2009 - 2011 Heiko Leupolz, EN © 2008 Heiko Leupolz

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2376 [GeoSetter] Image Data major always 2022-11-28 23:26 2023-01-23 12:26
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: assigned Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Parameters removed by mistake
Description: In the IPTC section, as my keywords contain accented characters in French, I had to add 2 parameters that GeoSetter removes.
These two parameters are:

CodedCharacterSet = UTF8
EnvelopeRecordVersion = 4

This has the effect of no longer displaying the keywords correctly

see pictures provided
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: IPTC-Section 1 de 5.jpg (134,618 bytes) 2022-11-28 23:26

IPTC-Section 2 de 5.jpg (145,353 bytes) 2022-11-28 23:26

IPTC-Section 3 de 5.jpg (161,907 bytes) 2022-11-28 23:26

IPTC-Section 4 de 5.jpg (65,624 bytes) 2022-11-28 23:26

IPTC-Section 5 de 5.jpg (166,469 bytes) 2022-11-28 23:26

Before.jpg (178,271 bytes) 2023-01-20 23:57

After.jpg (162,767 bytes) 2023-01-20 23:57
2023-01-20 23:57   
In addition to losing 2 fields, the texts are in English
2023-01-21 00:00   
@heiko: Is it possible to remove the comment from "ljglmail": it has nothing to do with this request
2023-01-21 18:24   
@xyzzy: I've removed the comment
2023-01-22 22:46   
@heiko: Thanks. Is it possible to check the other requests where "ljglmail" made comments (at least 2256 and 2367). In my opinion his comments have nothing to do with GeoSetter.
2023-01-23 12:26   
This sounds pretty much like a problem, In noticed years ago, but until recently, I was never able to reproduce consistently:
- When I add IPTC fields containing German umlauts or French accents with GeoSetter (or other programs), the display fine in GeoSetter and elsewhere after saving.
- When I subsequently change any of the IPTC fields (which may or may not contain umlauts) GeoSetter saves them incorrectly, i.e. è appears as è, â as â ... etc.

And yes, @xyzzy is correct, controlling "Image Info", I saw now, "EnvelopeRecordVersion = 4" ist missing now after the change.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2380 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor sometimes 2022-12-01 15:18 2023-01-19 22:46
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: reopened  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: French Message in "Add Custom Type"
Description: In the "Settings" / "File Options" section in French, when you want to "Add Custom Type" of file, it is not possible to see the entire message.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Msg Add New Type.jpg (160,612 bytes) 2022-12-01 15:18

Msg Add New Type - 3.jpg (144,114 bytes) 2022-12-16 06:39

Add Custom Type - Scroll bar.jpg (142,852 bytes) 2023-01-19 14:23

Add new item-4.0.27.jpg (291,378 bytes) 2023-01-19 22:46
2022-12-16 06:39   
You can close this query.
 I changed the text in the query "0002380: French Message in "Add Custom Type" -->
2023-01-19 14:23   
In version 4.0.24, a scroll bar has been added but does not allow to see the complete text
2023-01-19 22:45   
Sorry but the problem still persists in version 4.0.27: We don't see all the text in French even if there is a scroll bar

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2375 [GeoSetter] User Interface feature have not tried 2022-11-28 20:40 2023-01-19 22:38
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: New feature
Description: Is it possible to add the ability to manage groups of data in the "Image Info (Exiftool)" section.
I use the tool "AcPicFaceXmpTagger" which add custom markers and I would like to see them instead of placing it under "Unknown"
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Image Info - 1 de 2.jpg (143,378 bytes) 2022-11-28 21:56

Image Info - 2 de 2.jpg (292,499 bytes) 2022-11-28 21:56
Grouping.jpg (31,080 bytes) 2022-12-15 13:33

Grouping-2.jpg (52,990 bytes) 2022-12-15 13:34
2022-12-15 13:33   
You can close this query: I saw that it was possible to do this via "View / Grouping / Group by Specific Location"
2023-01-19 15:15   
@heiko : You can close this issue.
 The function is already there (I hadn't seen it)

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2394 [GeoSetter] User Interface tweak have not tried 2022-12-20 01:32 2023-01-19 22:21
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Traduction
Description: @heiko
I'm trying to translate as much text as possible from the new 4.0.4 version into French.
I succeeded in the majority of cases but sometimes I can't do it.
Would it be possible to participate in this translation and if so have the original text (I presume in English) which serves as the basis for the other translations. Like the following:

Merci beaucoup pour cette version sans mettre aucune pression sur qui que soit...
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Traduction.jpg (115,907 bytes) 2022-12-20 01:32

Setting IPTC.jpg (137,081 bytes) 2022-12-20 04:06

About.jpg (222,809 bytes) 2022-12-20 04:06
2022-12-20 04:06   
I finally managed to translate a large part of the text except the header where I would need your help...
I also translated the "About"
2022-12-20 04:07   
In the "About", I still have to translate the "Donate with ..."
2022-12-20 05:32   
To date I have found a hundred places where the texts have not been translated into French (I presume also into another language). I continue my search...
On the other hand, I don't know if some texts are taken into consideration during the translation: specifically when there is an error and the program asks questions before sending the error by email.
2022-12-20 05:43   
I also saw terms in English in a "map.js" file.

Would it be possible to be able to translate these terms
- Map Version
-Photo Markers
in this function:

    showInfo: function () {
        var trackpointsCount = 0;
        var waypointsCount = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.tracks.length; i++)
            trackpointsCount += this.tracks[i].gmLine.getLatLngs().length;
        alert('Map version: ' + $('#html_version').html() + '/' + this._version + ' (' + this._revision + '), using Leaflet ' + L.version +
            '\nPhoto Markers: ' + this.photoMarkers.length +
            '\nTracks: ' + this.tracks.length + ' (' + trackpointsCount + ' Points)' +
            '\nWaypoints: ' + this.waypoints.length +
            '\nFavorites: ' + this.favorites.length +
            '\nCustom Objects: ' + this.customObjects.length +
            '\nBrowser: ' + navigator.userAgent
2023-01-19 13:42   

You can close this issue.
I received the "defaut.po" file where I put the translations

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2423 [GeoSetter] User Interface block always 2023-01-07 15:50 2023-01-18 22:57
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: heiko OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.12 - Unable to edit filters
Description: An error occurs when editing filters and no possibility to do so
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Modification Filtre - 1.jpg (133,215 bytes) 2023-01-07 15:50

Modification Filtre - 2.jpg (40,983 bytes) 2023-01-07 15:50
2023-01-07 17:45   
Same error when searching (Search&Filter|Search...)
2023-01-12 23:28   
Also not working in version 4.0.15
2023-01-15 19:31   
Works with version 4.0.19
2023-01-18 14:34   
@heiko: you can close this issue

Works also in 4.0.22 and 4.0.24
2023-01-18 22:57   
works in the latest beta version

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2446 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-01-15 16:31 2023-01-18 22:49
Reporter: roscoe Platform: Desktop  
Assigned To: heiko OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 11-64  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: ielib32.dll not loaded
Description: Version 4.0.19 always reports that the ielib32.dll is not loaded. It is the same ielib32.dll as in version 4.0.15. The dll is also present in the program directory. This error did not exist in previous versions.
Also, I noticed that the error I reported under 0002428 regarding zoom on track is still present.
Tags: ielib32.dll
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: Geosetter 4019.jpg (41,099 bytes) 2023-01-15 16:31

Delta 15-19.jpg (66,670 bytes) 2023-01-15 16:39
2023-01-15 16:39   
@roscoe: Do you have this DLL (ielib32.dll) in the 4.0.15 directory? Not me!!!
2023-01-15 19:15   
@xyzzy Sorry, but that was a mistake on my part. I have reinstalled both versions completely fresh (clean). With the 4.0.15 the dll is NOT present. With the 4.0.19 this dll is in the directory. However, then with the 4.0.19 no RAW files (RW2) are indicated in the preview. But JPGs are displayed. Thumbnails of all files are displayed. I think this is related to the dll not being loaded.
2023-01-15 19:19   
@roscoe: I asked Friedemann about this DLL. I'm waiting for his answer.
2023-01-16 15:14   
This display ((ielib32.dll) is no longer in version 4.0.21
2023-01-16 20:05   
@roscoe: can I close this issue?
2023-01-18 11:32   
@heiko: yes, now it works
2023-01-18 22:49   
ImageEn was updated and the actual ielib.dll is included in the latest beta version

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2424 [GeoSetter] User Interface block always 2023-01-07 15:58 2023-01-18 16:18
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.4 - Error in filters (by date)
Description: Inverted comparisons between = and <>
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Filtre erroné.jpg (159,424 bytes) 2023-01-07 15:58

GPS Date compare to Taken Date.jpg (100,443 bytes) 2023-01-18 16:18
2023-01-18 16:18   
When comparing the GPS and Take Date, the only difference is that the Take Date has a time zone.
Is this why GeoSetter considers the dates to be different?
Is this normal?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2429 [GeoSetter] User Interface block always 2023-01-09 12:53 2023-01-17 21:26
Reporter: ThunderBoy Platform:  
Assigned To: heiko OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: 4.0.13 - Error when renaming a selected file (key F2)
Description: When I select an image and want to rename it, it throws an error. After pressing on continue it already opens the necessary window to rename.
Steps To Reproduce: File > Rename or via the F2 key.
Additional Information:
Attached Files: GeoSetter BETA 4.0.113 Rename dialog.jpg (32,755 bytes) 2023-01-09 14:58
2023-01-09 14:58   
Same here:
exception class : EAssertionFailed
exception message : Category doesn't exist (C:\source\Delphi_7\Projekte\GeoSetter\ImageDataFields.pas, Zeile 387)

However, I just tried rename under 3.5.3 and got an exception too ( exception class : EOutOfResources, exception message : Zur Verarbeitung dieses Befehls sind nicht genügend Speicherressourcen verfügbar.)

Anyway, if I remember correctly, the rename dialog is new too ....?
2023-01-14 19:23   
I confirm the reporte behavour and exception raised. F2 was workin perfect in previous beta versions.
A consquence of the error is that the rename settings used in the previous rename operation (such as using "filename" as part of the reulting file name) are not retained: the default is restored.
Btw, if send error report is selected, then niether F2 nor the rename menu item have any affect anymore...
2023-01-15 19:28   
Problem disappeared with BETA V4.0.19
F2/rename work fine and previous rename settings are retained
Great Friedemann!
2023-01-16 22:12   
@zava: can I close this issue?
2023-01-17 17:26   
@heiko Are you kidding? First it works and in the newer version it doesn't or vice versa. You have to give it some time. Right now it works, but time is a relative term at this time. In the latest version (4.0.19) it works (but for how long). As long as it works nonstop, it's not a problem.
2023-01-17 17:29   
In my case, it works with version 4.0.21 and 4.0.22!
2023-01-17 21:25   
@ThunderBoy: No, I'm not kidding! Even in version 4.0.24 everything works fine. The error is currently fixed and so I think that the issue can be closed. If the error occurs again, then you can open the issue again!

How is Friedemann supposed to keep track of things if solved issues are not closed?
2023-01-17 21:26   
works in version 4.0.24

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2450 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor have not tried 2023-01-16 18:00 2023-01-16 18:00
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: low OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Multilanguage in map.js
Description: Would it be possible to add multilanguage in the "map.js" file to translate the map information?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Multiliangue-map.js.jpg (133,283 bytes) 2023-01-16 18:00
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2413 [GeoSetter] Image Data feature have not tried 2023-01-01 16:07 2023-01-16 16:08
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.4 - Date GPS
Description: The application does not show the same GPS date as the ExifTool data
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Date GPS.jpg (277,428 bytes) 2023-01-01 16:07
GPS-Date.jpg (207,216 bytes) 2023-01-16 16:08
2023-01-01 16:37   
This is not a problem of version 4.0.4 because version 3.5.3 displays the same incorrect GPS dates
2023-01-16 16:08   
I believe I found:
There are two places where the GSP date and time are stored ("GPS" and "XMP-exif").

GeoSetter uses "XMP-exif".

I don't know which place is the right one!

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2433 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-01-12 14:16 2023-01-15 21:25
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.15 - Custom Objects
Description: Since version 4.0.12, "Custom Objects" are no longer displayed
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-01-12 14:33   
Works with version 4.0.15 but not with version 4.0.13 (I had forgotten to modify the url in the parameters)
@heiko: you can close this query
2023-01-12 15:13   
Also, I only noticed today, when I was putting 4.0.15, that Custom objects disappeared in my previous version. But again the problem is that it doesn't remember the last setting. I have it enabled and after a reboot it is disabled. In version 4.0.4 it worked fine.
2023-01-12 20:09   
@xyzzy: I'll leave this issue open for now, because the settings from ThunderBoy will not be saved.
2023-01-15 06:28   
@ThunderBoy: Can you tell me what you are doing (the steps) because on my side with version 4.0.4 @ 4.0.15, I don't have the same effects as you have.
2023-01-15 15:12   
In my environment, on startup:
- Version 4.0.4 displays custom objects
- Versions 4.0.15 and 4.0.19 do not display them
  If I reverse the display, no version remembers my last choice on restart i.e 4.0.4 displays them and 4.0.15/19 does not display them
2023-01-15 21:25   
I don't have version 4.0.4 here anymore. In 4.0.19 it is disabled after restarting the program. Thus, it still doesn't work (it doesn't remember the last setting). I have to manually activate it again for it to show up.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2443 [GeoSetter] User Interface major always 2023-01-14 19:52 2023-01-15 19:24
Reporter: zava Platform:  
Assigned To: OS: Win 10  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Map zoom levels have been reduced (and "max zoom level" seems ineffective)
Description: In previous versions, some maps (i.e. OSM) had a limited max zoom but at least Google Maps could be displayed at higher zoom level
Now they all seem limited to the previous smaller limit and also Google Map cannot be displayed as zoomed as before.
A new "max zoom level" setting has appeared in the tracks tab but it seems to have no effect (on the map zoom level at least).
Current max zoom level is severely limited for detailed tracks.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-01-15 19:24   
No longer happening as of BETA 4.0.19
Now great zoom levels, with OSM even better than Google Maps!
Thank you Friedemann!

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2436 [GeoSetter] User Interface tweak always 2023-01-13 21:24 2023-01-15 15:26
Reporter: xyzzy Platform:  
Assigned To: heiko OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Version 4.0.15 - Quality of thumbnails
Description: Quality of thumbnails is not very good.
Is there any possibility of improving them?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Quality image.jpg (151,596 bytes) 2023-01-13 21:24
2023-01-14 05:40   
It seems to depend on embedded thumbnail within the JPEG file. When it includes low-resolution thumbnail (ex. 160*120px), Geosetter just displays the low-resolution thumbnail, as you reported. But when the JEPG file includes no thumbnail image, Geosetter makes thumbnail image with "not bad" quality (using the Windows' function?).

So, a workaround is to remove low-res thumbnail from the file using some other tool (ex. exiftool), or use editing software that makes good quality thumbnail.

Anyway, it is not a Geosetter matter, I think.
2023-01-14 12:44   
@mak_kawa: Thanks for the information.
2023-01-14 13:04   
@heiko: you can close this issue.
2023-01-15 00:23   
My previous comment "it is not a Geosetter matter" is maybe wrong/inadequate.
The issue might be solved if Geosetter *always* use/read Windows' thumbnail, instead of embedded Exif thumbnail in JPEG file.
2023-01-15 05:01   
If GeoSetter "generates" a pseudo thumbnail if there is none, could it check the resolution and if it is too low, pretend there is no thumbnail and generate one of better quality (maybe with a parameter that says to do it)?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
2386 [GeoSetter] User Interface minor have not tried 2022-12-14 09:55 2023-01-15 15:21
Reporter: Motalf Platform: PC  
Assigned To: Friedemann OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 7  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.5  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Add orientation to selected images
Description: the marker to open or close the opening angle is missing.
I can't change it anymore.
it seems to me that we could do it before!

and when you remove the gps coordinates and altitude the polygons remain displayed
when it should disappear

view images
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Open angle.jpg (28,476 bytes) 2022-12-14 09:55

Sans titre 1.jpg (157,640 bytes) 2022-12-14 09:55

GeoSetter BETA 4.0.15 Show image direction of focused image Button.jpg (12,269 bytes) 2023-01-12 09:25

Before .JPG (82,310 bytes) 2023-01-12 11:15

before 2.JPG (90,283 bytes) 2023-01-12 11:15

Now.JPG (33,712 bytes) 2023-01-12 11:15
2022-12-14 10:17   
@Motalf: Using the geosettermaps.html maps file provided by ThunderBoy the direction angle still works fine for me. I did add a direction to an image yesterday and just tested to hide/unhide and the polygon disappears after clicking "Remove all location data". So far, I did not try any of the other map files yet.
2022-12-14 10:21   
Seems, I misunderstood your point, @Motalf:
The marker, you showed in your "Normal" screen shot, I never saw before and always used the buttons on to of the map and never changed the angle.
2022-12-19 23:11   
sorry for the late answer, yes indeed there is no marker for the opening of the angle
I didn't have the expected result.
Fixed in beta version 4.04
2022-12-29 21:02   
in fact no, still the same problem with the very closed angle
the bug was also reported in v4.04 Beta.

when you remove GPS coordinates and elevation, polygons remain displayed
when it should disappear on the other hand this problem is well solved!
2023-01-12 09:25   
Seems to be solved in Version 4.0.15 (Build 2139 - BETA).
- The icon to change the direction is very close to the originating point of the image, but can be easily grabbed
- After adding a new or changing the direction, you need to click the "Show image direction of focused image" twice, to visualize the triangle on the map
2023-01-12 10:39   
ok thanks i will look into that!
2023-01-12 11:15   
ok there is a small difference depending on the distance
but it remains very closed!
2023-01-12 11:55   
@Motalf, not sure I understand your point "but it remains very closed!".
Indeed focal point and the image position are quite close together after using the "Add image direction ..." button and it happened to me twice to grab the wrong icon. Fortunately you cancel out from the "Changed Position" dialog.
Confusing to me, that the triangle disappears after applying any change to the direction untill you select another image or press the "Show image direction of focused image"-Button twice.
2023-01-12 16:41   
on before.jpg and now.jpg the distance is almost the same
so the blue polygon on before.jpg and red on now.jpg should have the same shape, it's not!

on before.jpg the angle is 45°~ while on now.jpeg the angle is 10°~
of course on the 1st they are all at 45° while on the other they are at 10°

is this a bug or Friedmann reduced the fixed angle on the beta 4.x.x version?

I'll take a closer look this weekend or next week!
2023-01-12 16:50   
that I tag the pictures with Geosetter or Exiftool (with the command prompt (CMD))
I get the same problem when displaying on the map of Geosetter !
2023-01-12 17:05   
45°- *
* ) the - = ~
2023-01-12 17:07   
the - = approximately
2023-01-13 04:46   
ouppsss ! Best wishes to all

resolved well I think
in fact I started on a false track
I redid the test with the copy of the original photo of the blue polygon on before.jpeg
with exiftool in command prompt and I displayed it in geosetter
and I find the same angle.

I thought that the polygon represented the Fov or Aov in relation to the distance between the 2 GPS points
but I had forgotten the Horizontal Fov in relation to the aperture of the lens.

that's why I didn't understand this difference in angle opening!

Photo 1 Before.jpeg
Horizontal Fov 43.6° deg at 43mm (35mm)

Photo 2 Now.jpeg
Horizontal Fov 2.7° deg at 720mm (35mm)

what an idiot am I doing! :p)
2023-01-13 04:48   
not aperture but focal length
2023-01-13 19:54   
@Motalf: is it OK to close this issue?
2023-01-14 01:47   
yes you can close this file!

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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: