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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002401GeoSetterUser Interfacepublic2022-12-22 02:01
ReporterThunderBoy Assigned ToFriedemann  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002401: Leaflet plugins
DescriptionIn the future, only Leaflet is likely to be used to support map display. The same goes for adding various Leaflet plugins to enhance the GeoSetter map window environment. My suggestion is as follows. It would be useful to modify the program to display maps with plugins without having to modify anything in the source file, currently map.js.

The main problem is that if I customize the whole Geosetter for myself (in the map.js file), then in the next version the boss will edit the whole code again and I will lose all the changes I made there.

The user adds his own plugins e.g. in the directory map > inc >leaflet > plugins. In the program settings, just create a new entry where I insert my own plugin code. Paths for css, js and img files could be defined by the program from the ground up. The program will then apply it all by itself to the overall code.
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2022-12-22 02:01

administrator   ~0004260

You are absolutely right, this may be a problem fpr people changing the map code. At the moment you have to use a diff tool to synchronize any changes. Thanks for the title "boss" ?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-12-21 14:05 ThunderBoy New Issue
2022-12-22 02:01 Friedemann Note Added: 0004260
2022-12-22 02:01 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann
2022-12-22 02:01 Friedemann Status new => assigned