View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000438GeoSetterUser Interfacepublic2010-02-07 05:53
Reporternick_t Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.3.0 release 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000438: No Map Displayed
I'm a former user that has returned after using HoudahGeo on my Mac for a while; I thought I'd revisit you and see what's improved. In the past I had an issue with GeoSetter where the map would not load, and having just downloaded and installed 3.3.1, I'm having the same issue again. It tells me that it cannot find the map using the default URL and asks me to change the setting.

I'm running Vista Ultimate 64bit with the latest upgrades.

I know this was recently reported at "0000387 No Map Display" by jotess; unfortunately his solution will not work for me, however, as I cannot find the \geosetter_map folder.

Any ideas??
TagsNo tags attached.


2010-02-06 20:44


geosetter_map_test.html (39,547 bytes)

2010-02-07 03:34



2010-02-07 03:37

administrator   ~0000898

Please delete the map entry in settings dialog (see attached screenshot geosetter_empty_map_file.jpg). Which message do you get then in the main window? That the map can't be found?

Do you have a firewall installed? Are your working with a proxy?

Please download attached file geosetter_map_test.html and open it in IE. What do you see?


2010-02-07 05:53

reporter   ~0000899

Deleting the map entry did the trick immediately, thanks for the quick fix!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-02-06 20:15 nick_t New Issue
2010-02-06 20:44 Friedemann File Added: geosetter_map_test.html
2010-02-06 20:48 Friedemann File Added: geosetter_empty_map_file.png
2010-02-06 20:48 Friedemann File Deleted: geosetter_empty_map_file.png
2010-02-07 03:10 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2010-02-07 03:10 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann
2010-02-07 03:34 Friedemann File Added: geosetter_empty_map_file.jpg
2010-02-07 03:37 Friedemann Note Added: 0000898
2010-02-07 05:53 nick_t Note Added: 0000899