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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000560GeoSetterUser Interfacepublic2010-06-06 02:27
Reporterflodur Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version3.3.48 Release 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000560: Problem with zooming on map
DescriptionYesterday I first tried GeoSetter and it worked like a charm! Fast and very easy to work with, especially the drag functionality of the (google) map to fine-tune the position of a photo.

Today I wanted to continue to geotag (fine-tune) my photos, but the map suddenly acted strange:

Everything works fine until I zoom in with my mousewheel or use double-click to zoom in or out. After that, all markers disappear completely and single-click, (to move the red-marker for instance) doesn't do anything anymore (but I can still scroll the map or zoom in and out). There is no way to bring the markers back (tried a lot of things).
As if the interaction layer of GeoSetter had disappeared.

The only way to restore the map is to close and reopen the program.

I almost thought that zooming didn't work anymore at all, but using the zoom-bar + buttons didn't cause the markers to disappear. Also using the + or - on the keyboard are completely fine. So the bug is probably related to the interaction of the mouse.

I'm 99% sure this problem wasn't there yesterday (I always use mouse wheel to zoom).
I tested this bug on my laptop and it has exact same problem (I never used geosetter on my laptop before). So the bug isn't limited to my pc only.

Was there an update to the map today that could cause this bug?
(I use the map)

Although the program can still be used by using the dedicated zoom-bar or keyboard + - buttons, I very much like to zoom in and out with my mouse, because its much quicker and more precise.
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2010-05-19 21:03

reporter   ~0001110

Today the bug is no longer present, I can zoom in and out again with the mouse.


2010-06-06 02:27

administrator   ~0001117

I think this was a temporary problem with Google...

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-05-18 22:01 flodur New Issue
2010-05-19 21:03 flodur Note Added: 0001110
2010-06-05 19:19 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2010-06-05 19:19 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann
2010-06-06 02:27 Friedemann Note Added: 0001117
2010-06-06 02:27 Friedemann Status assigned => resolved
2010-06-06 02:27 Friedemann Resolution open => no change required