View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000629GeoSetterUser Interfacepublic2011-02-27 20:31
Reporterjools Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status feedbackResolutionreopened 
Product Version3.3.60 Release 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000629: .GPX is not a valid GPS track file
DescriptionI get a message when importing my working .gpx gps track file (it works on my windows vista geosetter, now I use windows 7)

".gpx is not a valid GPS track file"

TagsNo tags attached.


2010-08-11 22:50


20100614.gpx (113,341 bytes)


2010-08-13 22:37

developer   ~0001216

are you realy using version 3.3.60? I've loaded your gpx file without any problems. My OS is Win7 64-bit


2010-08-17 08:35

reporter   ~0001218

Yes, that is the version I am using and it displays the same message on my Windows 7 64 bit PC and my Win732bit laptop though it worked earlier on vista.


2010-11-08 00:17

administrator   ~0001332

Can you perhaps try it with the new beta ( )? I still can not reproduce this problem on Windows 7 64...


2011-02-27 20:26

reporter   ~0001510

I have installed the beta and new exif tools. The problem still appears. Win 7 64bit... I don't get it why it works on different computers.


2011-02-27 20:31

reporter   ~0001511

Last edited: 2011-02-27 22:09

I found this on the internet :

"Problem solved. It was caused by national characters in workout names (I renamed some workouts to Czech). Letters like "ý" or "?" are not transferred correctly to the exported log. "

EDIT : The only way I have to bypass this problem is opening the tracks on a virtual machine...
UPDATE : One observation on the Virtual Machine (XP mode) - if I try to open the .gpx file on the VM from the Windows 7 catalog, then it DOESNT work (not a valid file warning), however if I copy and paste the same file onto the VM desktop and open it from there, it works.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-08-11 22:50 jools New Issue
2010-08-11 22:50 jools File Added: 20100614.gpx
2010-08-13 22:37 heiko Note Added: 0001216
2010-08-17 08:35 jools Note Added: 0001218
2010-10-03 22:59 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2010-10-03 22:59 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann
2010-11-08 00:17 Friedemann Note Added: 0001332
2010-11-08 00:17 Friedemann Status assigned => feedback
2011-01-05 18:12 Friedemann Status feedback => resolved
2011-01-05 18:12 Friedemann Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2011-02-27 20:26 jools Note Added: 0001510
2011-02-27 20:26 jools Status resolved => feedback
2011-02-27 20:26 jools Resolution unable to reproduce => reopened
2011-02-27 20:31 jools Note Added: 0001511
2011-02-27 20:31 jools Note Edited: 0001511
2011-02-27 21:38 jools Note Edited: 0001511
2011-02-27 22:09 jools Note Edited: 0001511