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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000743GeoSetterUser Interfacepublic2011-02-05 17:27
Reporterjoergens Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.4.14 Release 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000743: length of the read line in the direction setting mode
DescriptionWhat is the determing factor for the length of the red line and the purple field? When setting the direction for the next picture, it is a very pleasant feature that the old direction is kept. But most of the times the red line and the purple filed defining the viewing angle are exceeding the displayed map and you have to move the hole map ore change the nagnification, to get the control point. It would be very pleasant to limit the size of the element to the screen.

And another small feature aligned to this, sometimes the control point seems to run away in the orientation direction

Thanks for helping
TagsNo tags attached.


2011-02-01 19:31


pic_three.jpg (177,222 bytes)
pic_three.jpg (177,222 bytes)


2011-02-05 15:31

administrator   ~0001492

If no coordinate is set for the control point, it will be shown always near the border of the map. If a coordinate is set (see option "File | Settings | Data Preferences | Save GPS Destination Coordinate"), it will set to this position and so it maybe will not be shown inside the map, depending on your zoom factor. But I think you can show it easily by using the zoom button on top of the map

Do you save the destination coordinates in your images? See attached screenshot...

2011-02-05 15:31


destination_coordinates.jpg (109,916 bytes)
destination_coordinates.jpg (109,916 bytes)


2011-02-05 17:27

reporter   ~0001494

my Way for setting coordinates
- finding coordinate on Map
- setting with red baloon
- using blue triangle with the + sign
next picture same procedure

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-02-01 19:31 joergens New Issue
2011-02-01 19:31 joergens File Added: pic_three.jpg
2011-02-01 23:06 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2011-02-01 23:06 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann
2011-02-05 15:31 Friedemann Note Added: 0001492
2011-02-05 15:31 Friedemann File Added: destination_coordinates.jpg
2011-02-05 17:27 joergens Note Added: 0001494