View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000806GeoSetterImage Datapublic2011-04-30 21:02
Reportervalterg Assigned Toheiko  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version3.4.16 beta 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000806: Error writting a file

I'm using Geosetter 3.4.16 (build 2119) with ExifTool 8.56. This is the later release and not a beta version.
When I try to save a file that have new coordinates, I get this error message:
Warning: [minor] Possibly incorrect maker notes offsets (fix by -246?) - F:/EUA 2010-11/2011_01_01/photos/2011-01-01_21-34-32_HD2000A.JPG
Error: [minor] Bad MakerNotes offset for SanyoThumbnail - F:/EUA 2010-11/2011_01_01/photos/2011-01-01_21-34-32_HD2000A.JPG
The file can't be save with the new data.
Please let me know how to fix it.
Thank you very much.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0000850 resolvedFriedemann Fehlermeldung beim Speichern: Error: [minor] Suspicious ExifIFD offset for OwnerName 


2011-04-30 05:02


Geosetter Error message.jpg (122,290 bytes)
Geosetter Error message.jpg (122,290 bytes)


2011-04-30 21:02

developer   ~0001572

Take a look in the help file under "FAQ | What shall I do if I get warnings or error messages when saving?"

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-04-30 05:02 valterg New Issue
2011-04-30 05:02 valterg File Added: Geosetter Error message.jpg
2011-04-30 21:02 heiko Note Added: 0001572
2011-04-30 21:02 heiko Status new => resolved
2011-04-30 21:02 heiko Resolution open => no change required
2011-04-30 21:02 heiko Assigned To => heiko
2011-07-22 16:09 Friedemann Relationship added has duplicate 0000850