View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000998GeoSetterImage Datapublic2018-04-27 08:44
Reporterksuehring Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.4.34 beta 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000998: Time Zone data is no applied to all pictures wth time shift
DescriptionMultiple pictures are selected (Canon cr2 raw with XMP files)
The time and time zone is changed using Edit Data -> Date tab -> Time shift
"Set current value for all selected images" is chosen

The time zone does not get updated.
Additional InformationThis seems to happen only for the "Time shift" option. Using "Set to Fixed Date" allows updating the time zone.
TagsNo tags attached.



2017-05-18 10:19

reporter   ~0002553

This is not new for me.
Actually only the current picture is updated with time zone while the others are not.
This is only when saving that GS asks to apply a time zone to all pictures that this actually applies to all.
GeoSetter beta v3.4.53


2018-04-27 08:02

reporter   ~0003485

I have the same problem. Only one picture at the time can be updated.
I've tried several combinations of changing the timezone, but it didn't make any difference.
I even changed the time with one second to see if this made any difference, but it didn't.

I used the normal Geosetter version and the beta version 3.4.82 with Exif tools 10.94.

I noticed that Geosetter has some (speed) trouble with reading a CR2 map with 1400 pictures. For quit a time the reading process is standing still on 11%. After quite a while it continues normally.


2018-04-27 08:44

reporter   ~0003486

I did the following and the timezone changed.
I added to every picture GPS coordinates and let GeoSetter add the location items.

Than I switched to the Tab and let Geosetter determine the Time Zone through "Getting from Web".

After saving the picture settings (316 photo's) the Exif time zone data where changed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-10-28 13:10 ksuehring New Issue
2017-05-17 12:35 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2017-05-17 12:35 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann
2017-05-18 10:19 DenisPac Note Added: 0002553
2018-04-27 08:02 johnboz Note Added: 0003485
2018-04-27 08:44 johnboz Note Added: 0003486