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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000985GeoSetterImage Datapublic2012-10-24 16:18
Reportergerrit Assigned ToFriedemann  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version3.4.16 beta 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000985: two questions: 1. pictures placed on wrong place in map; 2. tracks are only partly shown on map
DescriptionIn the first place I would like to give my complements to the developer of this beautifull application.
I have two question, I think related to misusage. But perhaps you could help me:
Several pictures are placed on the map on a place which does not correspond with the track. While other pictures of the same sequence are placed on the right place. The exif data of the pictures (date) and the date of the tracks do correspond.
Not all tracks (several days of the journey)from the gps are shown on the map.

TagsNo tags attached.



2012-09-10 20:47

developer   ~0001840

hard to say anything without an image and the track

per default only the first 5 loaded tracks will be shown. You can configure this under "File | Settings" Tab "Map" option "Maximum Number of Track Files to Load Automatically"

2012-09-11 17:10


P1040606.jpg (724,773 bytes)

2012-09-11 17:11


geosetter.gpx (145,597 bytes)


2012-09-11 17:17

reporter   ~0001842

The attached pictures is placed on the map about 30 km south of Jokkmokk. It should be placed were the car was parked (in front of the museum of Jokkmokk where the picture was taken).
This is just an example, other pictures are placed hundreds of kms from the place that they should be placed.
I attached the relevant part of the tracks, because the whole track is 13000Kb.

Thanks a lot.


2012-09-11 20:51

developer   ~0001843

the first part of your track is from 6:42:51 to 7:59:50. The second part is from 11:35:34 to 13:04:05. These are UTC times. Your image was taken at 10:35:25 CEST; this is 8:35:25 UTC (+2:00 hours).

There is no time in the GPX track which corresponds with the time from your image. Have you attached the wrong part of your GPX track?


2012-09-11 21:04

reporter   ~0001844

That is correct, but in the "synchronize with gps data files" screen I compensated the difference.


2012-09-11 21:12

developer   ~0001845

can you make a screenshot of this dialog and attach it to this issue?

2012-09-11 21:32


printscr.jpg (165,538 bytes)
printscr.jpg (165,538 bytes)


2012-09-11 21:33

reporter   ~0001846



2012-09-11 22:11

developer   ~0001847

I've done a GPX sync with your settings (see screenshot). From the data this result is correct. Is it also the correct result in your opinion?

2012-09-11 22:12


map.png (1,496,678 bytes)


2012-09-11 22:28

reporter   ~0001848

Yes, your sync is correct!!!!
What should I do, too..........????


2012-09-11 22:38

developer   ~0001849

have you also tried the synchronisation with the data from this issue? You have written that you have shortend the data. Perhaps there is a difference


2012-09-11 23:07

reporter   ~0001850

Yes, I did it now like you did with the shortend data and it worked. But once again it did not work with the whole track with 49000 trackpoints. Is their perhaps a limitation of that kind?


2012-09-11 23:47

developer   ~0001851

as far as I know there is no limitation. Perhaps you can see something in the list after you've started the synchronisation


2012-09-12 11:55

reporter   ~0001853

I noticed a difference between the date that the picture was taken and the so called "trackpuntzeit". These pictures are misplaced. Is that difference the reason for the misplaced images? Is so, how to change is. I attached a printscreen to show some examples.

2012-09-12 11:56


printscr 2.jpg (236,713 bytes)
printscr 2.jpg (236,713 bytes)


2012-09-12 21:09

developer   ~0001854

Last edited: 2012-09-12 21:12

Are the taken dates of the images correct? In my opinion it makes no sense to synchronize images with a track where the time difference is serveral days. Also your setting in the synchronization dialog with 650000 seconds (~ 7,5 days) makes no sense in my opinion.

GeoSettter takes the taken date/time and is searching this time/date in the track file. If you allow a difference of ~ 7,5 days between these 2 values the result can not be good.


2012-09-14 15:17

reporter   ~0001855

The taken dates of the images are correct.
I tried to solve the problem by deinstalling the program and related files in "Roaming" and "program files" and installing the program again.
But is did not solve the problem.
And of course I changed the settings to normal.
I think that I will have to accept it.

Thanks for your answors and help.


2012-09-14 20:58

developer   ~0001856

If you want you can send the whole track to Maybe I will see something.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-09-10 14:53 gerrit New Issue
2012-09-10 20:47 heiko Note Added: 0001840
2012-09-11 17:10 gerrit File Added: P1040606.jpg
2012-09-11 17:11 gerrit File Added: geosetter.gpx
2012-09-11 17:17 gerrit Note Added: 0001842
2012-09-11 20:51 heiko Note Added: 0001843
2012-09-11 21:04 gerrit Note Added: 0001844
2012-09-11 21:12 heiko Note Added: 0001845
2012-09-11 21:32 gerrit File Added: printscr.jpg
2012-09-11 21:33 gerrit Note Added: 0001846
2012-09-11 22:11 heiko Note Added: 0001847
2012-09-11 22:12 heiko File Added: map.png
2012-09-11 22:28 gerrit Note Added: 0001848
2012-09-11 22:38 heiko Note Added: 0001849
2012-09-11 23:07 gerrit Note Added: 0001850
2012-09-11 23:47 heiko Note Added: 0001851
2012-09-12 11:55 gerrit Note Added: 0001853
2012-09-12 11:56 gerrit File Added: printscr 2.jpg
2012-09-12 21:09 heiko Note Added: 0001854
2012-09-12 21:10 heiko Note Edited: 0001854
2012-09-12 21:10 heiko Note Edited: 0001854
2012-09-12 21:12 heiko Note Edited: 0001854
2012-09-12 21:12 heiko Note Edited: 0001854
2012-09-12 21:12 heiko Note Edited: 0001854
2012-09-14 15:17 gerrit Note Added: 0001855
2012-09-14 20:58 heiko Note Added: 0001856
2012-10-24 16:18 Friedemann Status new => assigned
2012-10-24 16:18 Friedemann Assigned To => Friedemann