GeoSetter is a freeware tool for Windows (requires Internet Explorer 10 or higher) for showing and changing geo data and other metadata (IPTC/XMP/Exif) of image files (e.g. images taken by digital cameras). The embedded map of GeoSetter doesn’t work on Windows XP, please see my short explanation here.
The current version is 3.5.3, released on 29 October 2019 (some more Info here).
- Reads and writes the formats JPEG and TIFF as well as camera RAW formats DNG (Adobe), CRW, CR2 and THM (Canon), NEF and NRW (Nikon), MRW (Konica Minolta), PEF (Pentax), ORF (Olympus), ARW, SR2, SRF (Sony) and RAF (Fujifilm), RW2 and RAW (Panasonic), RWL (Leica)
- Uses ExifTool by Phil Harvey for writing data
- Shows existing geo coordinates, image directions and tracks on embedded Google Maps map (requires internet connection)
- Setting geo data by using embedded Google Maps map (requires internet connection) or by entering known values for coordinates and altitude directly
- Automatic filling of location IPTC fields and altitude values (requires internet connection)
- Editable IPTC data (IPTC-NAA/XMP)
- Possibility to change taken date of images
- Synchronization with track files (NMEA, GPX, PLT, Sony LOG, IGC and others)
- Synchronization with already geo tagged images with buddy images (e.g. between RAW images and their corresponding JPEG images)
- Google Earth export
- Localizable user interface – English, German, French, Italian, Swedish, Czech, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Chinese and Norwegian language is available at the moment
Please see also here:
Screenshots, Changes, Download, Help/Support, Links
Last Comments
A.Rrajani on GeoSetter and Internet Explorer: Thanks for sharing… fashion photographers in india May 1, 23:20
on GeoSetter and Internet Explorer: Es fantástico. Gracias a él pude recordar de forma muy amena y fácil los lugares donde estuve de viaje. Gracias… Apr 26, 21:41
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: 很感谢你所做的努力,加油,希望早日看到正式版本的Geosetter 4.0,他让我们的生活又多了很多乐趣。让我们在回忆过去的时光又增添开心。 Apr 25, 02:01
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: I have tried to sign up to use mantis but Never receive the confirmation email. I wanted to report a… Apr 11, 15:18
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Ich benutze die Beta 4.0.49 Version, und beim Schreiben der GPS-Koords bei 500! JPG Dateien passiert manchmal ein Absturz von… Apr 10, 23:16
on GeoSetter and Internet Explorer: Hmmm, still works on Windows 11 with no IE… 😕 Anyway thumbs up Mar 26, 22:17
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: I am soooo glad that Geosetter is back – thank you very much! Mar 21, 06:46
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Bin voll begeistert von der Beta Version! …kleine Spende getätigt, da ich seit Jahren Geosetter für all meine Bilder Bearbeitung… Mar 19, 17:56
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Could you please update the database of cities / time zones you use in GeoSetter? Some cities’ time zones have… Mar 11, 19:47
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Hi I cant find the way to report requests; the mantis system never sends me any link if I try… Mar 4, 08:59
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Hallo Friedmann Nachdem ich bei meinen Radtouren immer wieder total fehlerhafte GPS Daten in meinen Kamerabildern hatte habe ich zuerst… Mar 1, 22:07
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Congrtulations, Mr. Friedemann! I’m truly happy that Geosetter project is not dead. It’s one of the most useful softwares for… Feb 24, 19:02
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Just download the latest beta (4.0.43). Looking great! Feb 10, 00:04
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Ich würde sehr gerne Karten des Geoportals Bayern verwenden, die kostenlos als WMS-Layer zur Verfügung stehen (etwa die Schutzgebiete:… Feb 7, 18:36
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Hallo Herr Schmidt! Sie machen seit Jahren hier einen “Bomben-Job” und ich bin glücklicher Anwender ihrer Software. Es gibt hier… Feb 4, 13:22
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Hello Is the version 4.0.24(Build 2155) BETA could be dowload ? Jan 27, 18:42
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Hello Some days ago while starting GeoSetter I got a window saying a pre-version 4.xx is available. How to load… Jan 25, 18:29
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: GeoSetter konnte unter der 3.5.3 Version keine NMEA-Logdaten des Geräts „Columbus P10 Pro“ mehr lesen. Ich habe jetzt die neueste… Jan 25, 08:06
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Hello Friedmann, I am glad to see you back in action on your beautiful GeoSetter software. A big thank you… Jan 22, 15:02
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Gracias por el programa, voy a donar con mucho gusto al proyecto. Saludos para el creador. Jan 19, 05:26
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Thank you for releasing a beta update, the Google maps are now working. I have noticed that the beta version… Jan 19, 00:16
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Clustering klingt interessant. Aber damit kann man nicht eine Menge anderer Ordner nach Bildern mit ähnlichen Geodaten durchsuche, oder? Ansonsten… Jan 17, 23:41
on Update 3.5.3: Sowohl unter Win 10 21H2 also auch nach dem Update auf 22H2 bekomme ich sofort nach dem Start des Programmes… Jan 15, 22:17
on Ein klitzekleines Update nach langer Zeit: Also nein, ich arbeite ja momentan dran, wenn es die Zeit erlaubt. Ich muss aber auch mal betonen, dass Windows… Jan 11, 22:53
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: So ein Quatsch! Mache gerne Werbung hier für Deine Software 🙂 Aber zu sagen, dass der Aufwand nicht lohne, ist… Jan 11, 22:40
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Neue Version vom “GPS Geotagger Simple” (exiftool/ExifReader). Letzter Name “Geosetter Simple”. Habe das Webtool umbenannt und einiges im Code geändert.… Jan 11, 21:51
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Thank you very much for the map update. Working very well. From Hungary. Jan 9, 19:08
on Ein klitzekleines Update nach langer Zeit: Ja, exakt das gleiche Problem habe ich auch (Win 7 + Firefox). Dass nun überhaupt keine Kartendarstellung mehr möglich ist,… Jan 3, 11:46
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Dear Developer, I just found your program and I really like it! I am using version 4.0.4b2202. It is great… Jan 2, 22:35
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: I read all kinds of things about google changing their policy, but why has openstreetmaps stopped working? Can you please… Dec 30, 14:41
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: See Motaff and ThunderBoy methods Unzip the html file and the folder you’ll have downloaded there, in GeoSetter… Dec 22, 12:06
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: I never comment… but… a huge THANK YOU. GeoSetter is really the best geotagging / metadata edit tool available. Even… Dec 21, 23:31
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Leaflet map is not displayed on my Windows7 PC … Then I used the html file and OSM folder provided… Dec 21, 19:25
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: I have just saved with notepad the source code of which has now the leaflet link, i changed the… Dec 21, 01:34
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: I would gratefully hear where and how to get the updates that make the map work again. I read things… Dec 20, 17:38
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Dear Friedemann, thank you for the best Geotagger there is on the web! I appreciate your work a lot for… Dec 20, 17:22
on Update 3.5.3: Thank you for this 4.04 beta. Now I have to get used to the new icons. and wait for the… Dec 19, 23:25
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Maybe you have to consider using this map in the future to tackle Google’s limitations. Dec 19, 11:37
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Some messages were not translated into French. I redid a “” that you can retrieve in the request “” Dec 16, 03:41
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Hello Mr. Schmidt, I hope you are well. There has been a lot of discussion and proposed solution in “”.… Dec 15, 00:18
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: I’m so happy that you have not abandoned this project! I’ve been using it for more than 10 years and… Dec 12, 12:54
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Thanks a Lot, I can Sleep 2 hours more thanks to you Dec 12, 05:44
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: Hello, there are people said there will be no new version of GeoSetter ( Is it true? Dec 11, 04:53
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: I’d just like to add my thanks for your continuing support of GeoSetter. I’m pleased to see it running again!… Dec 10, 14:31
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Thank you Friedemann! Donation made. I hope your health improves and that you can continue to do what you clearly… Dec 8, 22:54
on New Website, new GeoSetter Version?: Thank you for your continued work even as Google has flipped things upside down. Hopefully you’re able to implement a… Dec 6, 17:54
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: It’s described in Mantis For now I have 2 map files placed in geosetter directory and changing them in… Dec 5, 09:09
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: I know, I will do this, but unfortunately, I am ill at the moment, with a cold, so please be… Dec 5, 01:07
on Ein klitzekleines Update nach langer Zeit: Teste den neuen »Geosetter Simple«. Das Webtool kann auch local genutzt sowie modifiziert werden. Nach 3 Jahren (siehe meinen letzten… Dec 4, 22:32
on Neue Webseite, neue GeoSetter-Version?: @ThunderBoy: This map under Windows 7 could be a solution for some of us. Where can we find it? Thank… Dec 4, 11:13